Remember me? Im the guy with the brain tumor Vol. Story Time

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When they get that trash out of you and you're on your way to recovery, be sure to come back here and post, in lurid detail, your encounter with that escort and how you even managed to find a clean one.
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Forget the bills/expenses. If you have to pull a John Q to live and survive then do so. Not having the financial means to pay for a life saving surgery is not the way you are going out, fight through it and get the operation you need to live. Miracles happen and I hope to see you pull through.
exactly. good luck op, hope you make it thru.
go to your county hospital ER... tell them you have the worst headache of your life, they will do a catscan of your head thatll show the tumor. get admitted and taken care of. nobody is going to turn you away. i work at a county hospital, trust me on this.
your term "bodega" leads me to believe you're in NY?
If you were local, id surely come and visit you in the hospital OP, if you really have no on else in life. Good luck and may God Bless you in this rough time
Its good to hear that you decided to get the surgery. Good luck and I wish you the best. With your strength and determination. I know you will be o.k. You are not alone. You have the support from everyone in this thread and we're all there with you in spirit.

Keep us update and until then my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Wow, i don't know what to say dude.

Damn, i wish you find joy and happiness in the moment you have to live now. Goodluck bro.
Wow, been reading all the replies.... never thought I could touch this many people... after research, and your guys' help, ive decided that I will go to the ER and have surgery. Im not concerend what may happen, whether I make it out or not, i cant control that.
I really want to thank you guys, never thought id be sitting in the hospital writing to you all from my cell.... The receptionist said the when the doc is ready ill be taken in, prepped, and be worked on.
Ill do my best to continue on updating this thread

I hope i'm able to witness another miracle. Goodluck my friend!
I'm late to the thread, but did all the posters before me just convince this man to turn away from death and fight another day?

The powers of the internet, I swear... :wow: :pimp: .

Best of luck OP, post when you're out of surgery!
Wow, been reading all the replies.... never thought I could touch this many people... after research, and your guys' help, ive decided that I will go to the ER and have surgery. Im not concerend what may happen, whether I make it out or not, i cant control that.
I really want to thank you guys, never thought id be sitting in the hospital writing to you all from my cell.... The receptionist said the when the doc is ready ill be taken in, prepped, and be worked on.
Ill do my best to continue on updating this thread
Your creator will take care of you man.
When they get that trash out of you and you're on your way to recovery, be sure to come back here and post, in lurid detail, your encounter with that escort and how you even managed to find a clean one.
Sucks if it is trolling, mostly because I want to no more of the escort ordeal.

I mean, we could have demanded some sort of proof, but on the chance it's legitimate, how terrible does it look for us to be hounding a cancer patient with only a month to live.

Until further notice, good luck, OP.
OP good luck if srs. Also I suggest you take videos of yourself living the yolo lifestyle and post them so we can be inspired on how to live in the moment and stuff. Could be legendary.
good luck on surgery bro.Keep us posted.NT is a family and we are all concerned about you
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