Remember me? Im the guy with the brain tumor Vol. Story Time

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i definitely don't condone some of the things you've done, but i guess no one really knows how they would act until they're actually dealing with what you're going through.
do you have any estimated cost of what you need done? i'm sure it's unbelievably expensive, but maybe we can get something started on here and get you what you need in time.
Im looking at close to 100k for the surgery
Damn son

Someone's gotta be able to help, people can't just sit there and watch you die
My heart goes out to you OP. We'll all going to meet again and laugh about our experience in this physical dimension.
I read this thread when you first posted, but didn't have the courage to reply.

Hopefully that doctor was wrong and you have more to live. Keep seeking treatment.

Sorry, I don't know what else to say.
Damn OP :frown:

Stay strong fam. Reading some of your stuff is making me really think about life in a whole different fashion.
Im looking at close to 100k for the surgery
go to your county hospital ER... tell them you have the worst headache of your life, they will do a catscan of your head thatll show the tumor. get admitted and taken care of. nobody is going to turn you away. i work at a county hospital, trust me on this.
Seriously man do this. Do something desperate. F insurance and f money you don't have right now.  Find a way to live. Don't worry about medical bills now worry about continuing your life. You can deal with all the other **** later. 
My eldest brother went through a 12 hour operation 18 months ago to have a kiwi-sized tumor removed from his brain. He hasn't been the same since.God bless you OP.
Screw the money thing man... two years ago, my mother had a brain aneurysm out of no where and the surgeries probably totaled in the six figures, but we've never even seen a bill thanks to MassHEALTH. (Massachusetts) Not that that would have mattered though, you can pay down hospital bills 20 bucks a month at a time for life if need be.

Best of luck to you in whatever you decide to do, but please consider something other than giving up. Theres no price on life.

And if you dont mind me asking, where do you live?
Seriously man do this. Do something desperate. F insurance and f money you don't have right now.  Find a way to live. Don't worry about medical bills now worry about continuing your life. You can deal with all the other **** later. 
yeah, i got in a car accident. no insurance and had a 900k medical bill. of course i couldn't pay it so the state picked up the tab. you can get help dude.
Anything can happen man, I've witnessed miracles happen! Just keep believing and live your life to the fullest!

I hope the best for you and hope that maybe you can prove that Doctor wrong!
Thanks for sharing the story OP, Very sad and strong story, Keep your head up and live life to he fullest. :nthat:

I'll definitely take a few things from it and try to do better in life. :pimp:

Like others said, Don't give up. Get the surgery, If you don't pay it, The state will. Seen it many times (MPLSdunk just said the same thing), Life > *.
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OP, thank you for sharing your story and for your beautiful words. I hope you know that your words have made a big impact on the lives of many (myself included). I truly wish you the best and you are in my prayers. God Bless.
Damn I really don't know what to feel, all I can say is try and do something other than give up.
OP ur life worth more than 100k easily. You are very young, a year older than myself I can't picture myself dying right now so u shouldn't either. Go to ER get ur a surgery I know is very risky but u have to do it. I can't imagine what you are going thru right now without the family support. Thank you for sharing ur story god bless you.
Live your life to the fullest. Family is the only people that truly loves you. My heart goes out to you.
OP doesnt wanna live on this planet anymore. Or is too young to realize hes being fullish... shoulda been found a way to have that surgery bruh... the longer u continue to wait the less likely a positive outcome.

My aunt had one removed and is slowly returning back to her old self.... at first her short term mem n smell were a wrap... all comin back tho. Shes not exactly how she was but close enough
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