Remember me? Im the guy with the brain tumor Vol. Story Time

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OP - To start things off, I love your sn :lol: (I'm a big Full House fan).

Terribly sorry to hear your story and I'm definitely the one who've appreciated my parents since day 1.

Sorry if this sounds too straight forward, but what would you like to do before your time is up?
Best of luck to you man. I'm not sure if it would help but I can get you New York state health insurance within a week or two. Let me know

You would only be covered for emergency care, which could help in oyur case
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Wow...that's real right there OP. What can I say? We can all learn something from your attitude. I wish you and your family the best.
definitely will treat you at an ER, i know that for certain.
Get that done! And prayers and thoughts with you my dude
OP, Sorry to hear about your situation. I pray that you are comfortable as you can be. Like others have said, while it's great you're enjoying "your last days" There are options for you out there. When Science, and the medical arena can't offer help, then never be afraid to turn to God. Feel free to message me if you want prayer or scritpures for healing. Be blessed!
Forget the bills/expenses. If you have to pull a John Q to live and survive then do so. Not having the financial means to pay for a life saving surgery is not the way you are going out, fight through it and get the operation you need to live. Miracles happen and I hope to see you pull through.
This.  Seriously OP, don't give up even if it means you'll be in debt for a while.  People go to the ER for a normal check up because they don't have to pay for it, you really need the treatment, so use it while you have the option.  I hope you listen to our advice, good luck and God bless OP...
I feel like open has given up :smh: .... fight for your life bro
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To the people who keep tellin OP to go to other places to ask for help.. he's ignorin yall because he doesn't want to spend his last days searching and most likely failing.
He said he's made peace with what's happening and just wants to enjoy the time he has left and help people with messages like the ones he's told us. If that's his decision, just respect it.

He can get help, and it's worth a shot. If he goes the non-private route he will not get rejected, especially county/public hospitals. That is what they are there for, our tax dollars at work.

It's worth a shot.

Unless, OP wants to live out his life the way he is. Brain surgery is life altering, majority of the time, people are not the same person they were prior to surgery.
OP you have no expiration date on you. i have known people personally who were given a few months to live and went long past that. keep your head up and do what you want to do (with the exception of robberies). what the hell does this doctor know anyways?
op im sorry to hear this.

im honestly curious about this. it seems you have just accepted death.

do you care to explain anything about that...

-how it feels

-is it hard


if not i understand. again im sorry to hear this op and your story does give myself a reality check of sorts.
Wow, been reading all the replies.... never thought I could touch this many people... after research, and your guys' help, ive decided that I will go to the ER and have surgery. Im not concerend what may happen, whether I make it out or not, i cant control that.

I really want to thank you guys, never thought id be sitting in the hospital writing to you all from my cell.... The receptionist said the when the doc is ready ill be taken in, prepped, and be worked on.

Ill do my best to continue on updating this thread
Wow, been reading all the replies.... never thought I could touch this many people... after research, and your guys' help, ive decided that I will go to the ER and have surgery. Im not concerend what may happen, whether I make it out or not, i cant control that.
I really want to thank you guys, never thought id be sitting in the hospital writing to you all from my cell.... The receptionist said the when the doc is ready ill be taken in, prepped, and be worked on.
Ill do my best to continue on updating this thread
Best of luck!

Wish you the best OP. Good luck bro. And even if its expensive they'll work with you and make a payment plan. see you soon :pimp:
Wow....Makes me reevaluate the things I care about... God bless OP and thank you for sharing your story
Damn this dudes post got me choked up 
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Just read this thread, you're an inspiration sir. I truly hope you can beat this and any other demons you may have. God bless
Good luck.

Do you have anyone to take care of you after surgery? I saw you mention it was just you.

I wish I could be there to help. Hate for anyone to go through w/something like this alone. :frown:
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