Richard Sherman vs Skip Bayless

I got no problem with what Sherman did. People act like these athletes don't have feelings...or that they don't bleed when they get cut. Give me a break, these cats are people just like us. If anybody in our personal lives popped off about us constantly and it got back to us how many of us would "take the high road" with that person?

If Skip Bayless wants to criticize and personally attack people he needs to know eventually somebody is going to pull his card. Most cats who go on first take get all nice, nice when they are face to face with Skip and Steven A. Sherm didn't like what Skip said about him not being in the class with Revis so he addressed it man to man...he didn't tweet about it or talk to another reporter...he went on the show and went at dude man to man. Like it or not you gotta respect that.
Sherman came off OD sensitive, as if skip pulled his card and he had to address it. Notice how that stuff Sherman was saying bounced off a skip. Dude was like "the more you talk, the more you lose".
Richard Sherman made himself look worse than he already is.  He did himself no favors and looked sensitive while doing so. 

Pretty much.

Anytime Skip Bayless come out looking better than someone, you know that person is a clown. Really, though people just need to stop paying attention to First Take so it will just go away.
Richard Sherman looked like an idiot. Just like he looked like an idiot in the NFC playoffs.
Not only did Sherman look overly sensitive, scripted, corny, and arrogant...but now he's created a huge amount of unnecessary pressure for himself next season.

Imagine he has an AWFUL year and gets torched in multiple games.

Then skip is going to take in more $ and look smarter than every other dude on ESPN.

Can't even imagine the smile he's gonna have on his face when Sherman has a few bad games. It's impossible to live up to the bar that he just set for himself.

He said he's the best and the numbers speak for themselves.

He should of just shut up and kept letting his play do the talking.

Because now Richard, we'll all have our eyes on every "number" next season good And bad. Especially Skip and Stephen A. Hope your ready to get "crushed" if you don't perform.
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I'm a fan of Sherman, but this was dumb. By going on that show, you give them more viewers= skips troll level rises
YOOOO I just checked for his highlights on YouTube and i stumbled on a vid of him getting punched after a game by a ******** lineman.

I see he's annoying on the field too.
People take Skip way too serious. Sherman being all serious just makes Skip's opinions seem like they have more value than anyone else's. He's just some guy on a show talking. I like Skip.


People get serious because this clown is getting paid to condescendingly talk trash about athletes who work their *** off while he just sits there and yaps his mouth.
Yeah, the best thing athletes can do is to just ignore him. When Durant actually acknowledged something he said, that's all that guy could talk about for weeks on the show.
YOOOO I just checked for his highlights on YouTube and i stumbled on a vid of him getting punched after a game by a ******** lineman.

I see he's annoying on the field too.


Not surprised. This dude Sherman is taking too many public losses. He needs to just chill now.
people hate Sherman cuz he trash talks off the field. but they love michael irvin, barkley, deion sanders, mayweather, gary payton. ok

sherman backs up everything he says, skip comes at him and sherman basically tells him he hasn't done **** compared to him so to shut his mouth

and revis went at Sherman, in which sherman told revis to check the numbers.
I agree. hypocrites
Name these "public losses"

Well I can see you're from Seattle, so no need to argue cause its not going anywhere. But pretty much acting like a little girl yesterday on national television is enough of a hit for the "brand" hes trying to make himself.
People get serious because this clown is getting paid to condescendingly talk trash about athletes who work their *** off while he just sits there and yaps his mouth.
that hate. He's a clown cuz he says his opinion? Really?

You don't think he worked hard to get where he's at?

I don't think its really all his opinion, more so shtick that works for him a la Fox News. That's what bugs me.
Name these "public losses"

Well I can see you're from Seattle, so no need to argue cause its not going anywhere. But pretty much acting like a little girl yesterday on national television is enough of a hit for the "brand" hes trying to make himself.

That's your response? Skip been attacking Sherman for a minute now and when he Sherman calls him out he's a clown?
Sherman came off OD sensitive, as if skip pulled his card and he had to address it. Notice how that stuff Sherman was saying bounced off a skip. Dude was like "the more you talk, the more you lose".

So he's sensitive because someone was pretty much calling him trash with no facts, downplaying his game, and throwing unnecessary personal shots against him and suddenly he's suppose to sit their and play the child?. He didnt get in a rage, he wasn't throwing slurs at skip he sat their and gave his opinion of skip just how skip would give his opinion of him.

do you know how many people watch First Take, do you know how many dumbas easily influenced people take the opinion of these "Analyst" as fact. As a young dude with no big name, i'm not going to sit there and have a troll slander my name, and create an image of me based off his "OPINION"
I usually don't mind the trash talk with Sherman, but you go personal, even if it is Skip, then you show a real lack of control and understanding of what ESPN does. At 24 years old he also should of noted that he was too immature to handle something like that. Keep the trash talk directed toward the field.
Name these "public losses"
Well I can see you're from Seattle, so no need to argue cause its not going anywhere. But pretty much acting like a little girl yesterday on national television is enough of a hit for the "brand" hes trying to make himself.
That's your response? Skip been attacking Sherman for a minute now and when he Sherman calls him out he's a clown?
Hes been attacking LeBron forever and you don't see him on there getting emotional over something a TV mouth said.

Sherman should have just let it lie... It looked like he was about to cry at times. 
Also...This is what ESPN does and most of you just eat it up right along with your breakfast/lunch. Drama and shock value. None of what they do should be taken seriously anymore. Especially this show. There were many ways for Sherm to approach that and he took the wrong one. He lost and Skip and ESPN are lovin' it.
I usually don't mind the trash talk with Sherman, but you go personal, even if it is Skip, then you show a real lack of control and understanding of what ESPN does. At 24 years old he also should of noted that he was too immature to handle something like that. Keep the trash talk directed toward the field.

where was it personal he discredited His standing in his career. The same exact way skip thinks that he is overated, sherman feels he's a horrible reporter and doesn't think he's top tier. Is his opinion suppose to be hushed because of his status.

Skip is on TV everyday on a show that has million of views not focusing on Sherman's play but calling him a diva, Instigator, team problem ........ all based off solely his opinion and what he views him as. Is that not a personal attack on his character?
How many of you who think Sherm looks terrible here also think Floyd Mayweather looks bad in his aggressive interviews?
I usually don't mind the trash talk with Sherman, but you go personal, even if it is Skip, then you show a real lack of control and understanding of what ESPN does. At 24 years old he also should of noted that he was too immature to handle something like that. Keep the trash talk directed toward the field.
where was it personal
You could probably start where Sherm said that he's "better at life" than Skip.  Probably a good starting place.
How is a guy on TV bragging about what he did on the field and his stats when he was investigated for using PED's.  Sherm's stats as of now are null and void. 
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