Richard Sherman vs Skip Bayless

It'll all be forgotton or pushed to the back after awhile I'm sure. Sherman better have the season of his life next year season though. :lol:
I don't see how anyone can say Richard Sherman "won". He looked like a fool sinking that low to belittle Skip. Bayless gets under people's skin, that's his job. Along with Jalen Rose, Sherman takes an L for stooping to that level. Bayless never insulted him remember that.
What the hell does lebron have to do with this anyways? 2 completely different upbringings and personality.

I'm still lost on the fact you guys want every athlete to be a robot and let people punk them
Not every athlete has to be a robot bro.  I like Sherman, I think hes funny most of the time but he went about this the wrong way and made himself look dumb here.  It looks like hes been sitting up at night scanning through the thesaurus for big mean words to call Skip...

As far as LeBron, you see this as something that Sherm NEEDED to do because he was being "attacked" by Skip... I compared the situation to someone else (LeBron) who's been attacked by Skip for a LOT longer than Sherm has.  Not sure what their upbringing's have to do with anything though.

You know when Sherm got punked by Skip? It was yesterday, when he went on the show and made a fool of himself.

Skip cant punk anyone until they fall into his trap, which Sherm did.
You do know he went to Stanford, right?
Yes, I am aware he attended Stanford University.

Not sure what part of my post you feel that needs to apply to however.
Naw man...they didn't just win...they SMACKED the F out ya'll. I bet you Vernon Davis still wake up with his chest on fire. Besides, you know what drafting 3rd and 31st overall has in common?

Talking about things that dont matter for the sake of arguing? Sherman.... Is that you?
What the hell does lebron have to do with this anyways? 2 completely different upbringings and personality.

I'm still lost on the fact you guys want every athlete to be a robot and let people punk them
Not every athlete has to be a robot bro.  I like Sherman, I think hes funny most of the time but he went about this the wrong way and made himself look dumb here.  It looks like hes been sitting up at night scanning through the thesaurus for big mean words to call Skip...

As far as LeBron, you see this as something that Sherm NEEDED to do because he was being "attacked" by Skip... I compared the situation to someone else (LeBron) who's been attacked by Skip for a LOT longer than Sherm has.  Not sure what their upbringing's have to do with anything though.

You know when Sherm got punked by Skip? It was yesterday, when he went on the show and made a fool of himself.

Skip cant punk anyone until they fall into his trap, which Sherm did.

You do know he went to Stanford, right?
Yes, I am aware he attended Stanford University.

Not sure what part of my post you feel that needs to apply to however.

"He looks like hes been sitting up at night scanning through the thesaurus..."
What the hell does lebron have to do with this anyways? 2 completely different upbringings and personality.

I'm still lost on the fact you guys want every athlete to be a robot and let people punk them
Not every athlete has to be a robot bro.  I like Sherman, I think hes funny most of the time but he went about this the wrong way and made himself look dumb here.  It looks like hes been sitting up at night scanning through the thesaurus for big mean words to call Skip...

As far as LeBron, you see this as something that Sherm NEEDED to do because he was being "attacked" by Skip... I compared the situation to someone else (LeBron) who's been attacked by Skip for a LOT longer than Sherm has.  Not sure what their upbringing's have to do with anything though.

You know when Sherm got punked by Skip? It was yesterday, when he went on the show and made a fool of himself.

Skip cant punk anyone until they fall into his trap, which Sherm did.

Eh fair enough. This argument about how someone should respond is all subjective. Basically arguing what food tastes better. I respect your argument though.

Sherman is perfect in Seattle though. Fits our personality perfectly :rofl: cocky, loud, wears emotions on his sleeve. But is the nice as hell and gives back to others
"He looks like hes been sitting up at night scanning through the thesaurus..."
Really you're trying to have a sidebar argument over that statement?
I'm sorry, yes I know that Richard is crazy super Stanford smart and does not need a thesaurus to help him come up with words.

I also know that he made himself look dumb to the glee of Skip Bayless.

Skip makes a fool of himself every single day... I don't know why yall think it was necessary to go on TV to help him.  There's nothing to gain.
[QUOTE url="/t/528447/richard-sherman-vs-skip-bayless/120_20#post_17396264"]
How is a guy on TV bragging about what he did on the field and his stats when he was investigated for using PED's.  Sherm's stats as of now are null and void. 

You still ain't forgot about that massacre in Seattle huh? I don't blame you...

Wow, the Seahawks won a regular season game against my team, good for you and them.  How that's Carson Palmer trade and contract working out for you guys??

Carson Palmer? Am I missing something?

Well please explain? Since he has never worn a Seahawks uniform

AG is a Raider fan.[/quote]

SMDH at myself
There has been MULTIPLE reports by various people in the industry that say Skip tells a lot of people that meet him that he has to say what he has to say to make money.

I mean he's admitted it to a lot of people behind closed doors.

He has no shame in it, he has a job to do and if you ask me he does it really well. (Get people to watch).

Don't see why anyone would be so upset over what he says. Like many people in here have said, if Skip wasnt Skip...ESPN would be making a lot less money. That is the truth.
Yes, I am aware he attended Stanford University.

Not sure what part of my post you feel that needs to apply to however.

"He looks like hes been sitting up at night scanning through the thesaurus..."
Really you're trying to have a sidebar argument over that statement? :lol: I'm sorry, yes I know that Richard is crazy super Stanford smart and does not need a thesaurus to help him come up with words.

I also know that he made himself look dumb to the glee of Skip Bayless.

Skip makes a fool of himself every single day... I don't know why yall think it was necessary to go on TV to help him.  There's nothing to gain.

I'm saying he's smart enough to take a page out of Skip's playbook. More people dislike Skip than like him, but at the end of the day people know who he is.

In my opinion, Sherman is doing the same thing, troll to get your name out.

I dont see why thats hard to understand. If Skip can do it, if countless other athletes can do it, why cant he?
I think the way Jalen handled it was perfect actually. Good balance of quick wit and humor. Didn't make Skip seem sympathetic and didn't seem rehearsed on Jalen's part from what I recall

Will Sherman be 'fine' from this? Of course though he is building unnecessary pressure for the upcoming year on himself
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And I'm saying its not smart to take a page out of Skips playbook.

I'm done with this argument though


I like Sherm's trash talk for the most part

I like Sherm's game

Hes not better than Revis

Skip makes himself look plenty stupid every day - no one needs to assist him in doing so

Sherm came off as emotional and Skip gets the W

And I'm saying its not smart to take a page out of Skips playbook. :lol:

I'm done with this argument though


I like Sherm's trash talk for the most part
I like Sherm's game
Hes not better than Revis
Skip makes himself look plenty stupid every day - no one needs to assist him in doing so
Sherm came off as emotional and Skip gets the W


Agree with all if this

(Exits thread as well)
So in an interview that now has people recognizing his name & also take notice to his game, Called Skip exactly what he is a low tier reporter, Didn't curse or even have an argument (he was talking very clearly & calm) he lost?
Why isn't it smart? He has the game. He has the numbers. All he wants now is the recognition.

It may not make him look like the angel Tim Tebow, but it sure is getting him just as known.
So in an interview that now has people recognizing his name & also take notice to his game, Called Skip exactly what he is a low tier reporter, Didn't curse or even have an argument (he was talking very clearly & calm) he lost?

When you stoop to that level, yes, you lose.

With the average NFL career lasting something like 2 1/2 - 3 years, Richard Sherman better hope that his play doesn't fall off to the point where he becomes irrelevant....ESPECIALLY with the cloud of uncertainty surrounding him after the PED fiasco. Look, I love the bravado at times...but dude isn't making anything easier for himself going forward. Sometimes it's just best to shut up and go about your business.
Peep this vid, it's skip, Stephen a, and Jalen rose debating the situation that took place with skip and Jalen. It's a pretty good watch and they address a lot of the topics that are brought up in this thread such as players responding to the media.

I guess you had no choice but to cheerlead for them since you have and more importantly have had NOTHING to cheerlead for regarding your team.

False. I figured I'd remind you why you was so mad...talking about his stats null and void because he was "investigated" LOL...not Guilty, Investigated? Yeah, let that hate out.

Oh and you never answered my question...
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Skip on TV =/= Skip in person, I've met him in person when he was still writing for the San Jose Mercury News, really nice guy and seemed down to earth, not like what we see on ESPN. Can't knock his hustle. Sherman looked like a fool during this exhange with all the studdering and rambling, public speaking not his thing I guess. Skip wasn't even going at him. Sherman reminds me of Shaq, thinks its all good with laughs when he's dishing it out but gets butt hurt when folks go at him. I'm still a fan though :lol:
People get mad at Skip Bayless?...Why? He gets paid to do what we all do for free and that is talk sports and bash athletes who we don't feel live up to the hype or expecations..

Richard Sherman is a good player, but dude sounded extra salty coming on First Take to act like an unprofessional idiot. It's not like this guy has been in the league for years, and he's still got a lot to accomplish if he wants to be taken seriously....again, I don't knock his football talent, but he took a nose dive off a cliff in public media relations for a guy who just came off a "all pro season"...:smh:
:lol: I finally watched the entire thing.

Skip had Zero facts on the comeback :lol: Sherm asked him for some and he couldnt give a single one.

My God

"Skip Won" :lol: :lol:
I guess you had no choice but to cheerlead for them since you have and more importantly have had NOTHING to cheerlead for regarding your team.
False. I figured I'd remind you why you was so mad...talking about his stats null and void because he was "investigated" LOL...not Guilty, Investigated? Yeah, let that hate out.

Oh and you never answered my question...
What makes you think I'm mad??  As far as the investigation goes, he got off on a technicality, just like Ryan Braun in baseball.  Which is why I said what I did about his numbers.  The cloud of "doubt" and "suspicion" still looms over his head whether he or you sees that or not. 

Also, I answered your question.  Now can you please answer mine.  In case you didn't see it or chose to ignore it given the piss poor performance of your team, front office and everything in between, I got it for you again right here below in bold lettering champ...........

How that's Carson Palmer trade and contract working out for you guys??
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