Riley Cooper is a FOOL!

Gotta be careful when saying racial slurs about your race around those outside the race, I guess. Had an Asian friend in college who had a white roommate and he would say the c word freely. But when his white roommate started to say it too, things got a little hairy and sticky.

Pretty Much. I have Asian friends who use fob and fobby alot. But I know good and well that its not ok for me to and I have no desire to. That's what I don't get. Why people feel the need to say the n word just because black people do
NT stays arguing for no reason, this is black and white with no gray area....... Riley is just flat out wrong
First off Riley cooper is an idiot and deserves whatever scrutiny he gets from this incident. We should all agree on that.

Regarding the n word that ends with a, Its become a part of everyday slang amongst a bunch of people of all races in places like NYC and Los Angeles. That said while more people, especially younger heads view it as an acceptable slang word, its alot of people who don't see it that way and they have every reason to be offended by that word.

I'm white and spanish, despite hearing that word regularly on a daily basis and being referred to by that word by some friends, I just feel out of place using the word and its just not word someone of my complexion should use in my opinion.

If other people want to use it, its not my job to correct them or tell them something but they shouldn't act shocked when some black people get upset by using them using the word. Just because some people see the word as no big deal doesn't mean everyone feels that way and the views of those who get upset when they hear that word should be respected as they have valid reasons.

That said if black people, some, on an individual level, or all want to use the word then go ahead, it doesn't bother me either way.

But its funny when some white dudes are like "how come he can say it but I can't" lmao.
reminds me of the hangover 2 & 3 when alan says the N word.
i was immature then but this situation has opened my eyes that it wasnt ok. i shouldnt have laughed at the situation

being a ucla student. I see these asian cats writing and saying the word all the time. ive come across whites saying it. i never thought about it but now i guess i gotta open up and confront them and let them know its not okay
reminds me of the hangover 2 & 3 when alan says the N word.
i was immature then but this situation has opened my eyes that it wasnt ok. i shouldnt have laughed at the situation

being a ucla student. I see these asian cats writing and saying the word all the time. ive come across whites saying it. i never thought about it but now i guess i gotta open up and confront them and let them know its not okay


I realize no one asked me but this anecdote seems relevant to the thread...

I check people for saying this around me all the time.   I know how (a lot of, not all) non-black people talk about us when we aren't around.  I can't control that.  But when you're around me check that stuff at the door and keep it to yourself.

During the Super Bowl this past year there was a guy my roommate invited to our house to watch the game and I suppose he forgot I was around because I heard him say n-er.  When I (respectfully and calmly) asked him to keep it to himself he got defensive and decided to try to debate me about it - after he realized he wasn't going to win he threw his hands up in the air and went outside...never apologized or anything for having offended me. 

A few weeks later he popped off at someone in the bar and got his face rearranged - he was in the hospital for a week, concussed and with a messed up jaw.  I don't know the details of the situation but I have a feeling he probably said something racial to them and the consequences were reaped.
No non African American person is using that word around me..I've got into plenty confrontations about it..I'm not as bad I used to I just say don't use that word around me
No non African American person is using that word around me..I've got into plenty confrontations about it..I'm not as bad I used to I just say don't use that word around me
but im Jamaican American...
reminds me of the hangover 2 & 3 when alan says the N word.
i was immature then but this situation has opened my eyes that it wasnt ok. i shouldnt have laughed at the situation

being a ucla student. I see these asian cats writing and saying the word all the time. ive come across whites saying it. i never thought about it but now i guess i gotta open up and confront them and let them know its not okay
Good for you champ. 
I'm shocked...wait, I'm not...

Raised in central in Gainseville, Florida...product of the Urban Meyer years...


For the blacks and other minorities in this thread who don't use the word, what's your reasoning?

For me there isn't an OUNCE of positivity in that word and I don't give a damn what these spaghetti head fools in this thread (or in our everyday lives) say. It is NOT a term of endearment but one of destruction (
For me there isn't an OUNCE of positivity in that word and I don't give a damn what these spaghetti head fools in this thread (or in our everyday lives) say. It is NOT a term of endearment but one of destruction (
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If it would have been a homophobic slur he would have been dropped by the team practically and taken some type of classes. This happens and it gets swept under the rug
Its not about the concept. It was the offensive word that was being used.

Dude I know.

I was talking about the context of a White person using the word. Whether its -A or -ER. Its unacceptable in any form or fashion. There is a deep history there.

A black person calling another black person that word isnt the same. It will always be different.

That was the context was i speaking about. Not just the actual situation of Riley Cooper.

And i also feel some sort of way when a non-black person (see White) tells black people what words they should or should not be using amongst each other.
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If it would have been a homophobic slur he would have been dropped by the team practically and taken some type of classes. This happens and it gets swept under the rug
He has been excused from the Team and according to sources, he will be taking therapy.
No... there is no difference.

I'll use myself as an example and others can bear witness to this. Let's take words that end with an "er" (teacher,preacher,brother, etc)... now... I usually don't stress the "er" at the end of these words so they come out sounding like "teacha","preacha","brotha" and so on. Just because I don't pronounce the "er" doesn't mean that those words don't mean what they mean.
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