Riley Cooper is a FOOL!

Why do white people look for validation to say a word that was originally used to oppress and dehumanize an entire race of people?

Saying the N-word is the only privilege black people have that white people don't. Harsh reality. Get over it.
I don't see what's wrong with him saying the N word, black people say it all the time
Kevin Garnett says it 8 times a game.
I don't know what's worse: if you two are trolling or if you're sincere with this. 

This attitude is absolutely disgusting.  If you have a girlfriend and your relationship is such that she allows you to playfully call her out of name, does that then give every person on Earth the right to do the same?  Let's say you do call your girlfriend disrespectful names.  Her brother doesn't care.  Her sister and her parents hate it.  Do I not only have the right to call her WHATEVER names you do, but to tell her sister and her parents to stop whining about it?  Do I get to decide what everyone else considers offensive in that situation?

The logic you're dealing with here just strikes me as impossibly short-sighted and, frankly, dangerous.  It's almost like a pervert trying to tear a Victoria's Secret model's clothes off on the street because "she walks around like that on magazine covers all the time.  Therefore, I have the right to see her like that whenever I want" or, WORSE, that because SOME women pose for lingerie ads that you then have the right to tear ANY woman's clothes off because that's what, according to the media, "her kind" does?  "They (women) do it all the time.  They call it each other tramps.  They parade around in their underwear in music videos, movies, and tv ads.  It's part of their culture.  If that's the case, that's how I should be able to treat all women whenever I want."

It's sick, truly sick.   You see (or hear) someone do something that you don't even think is right, and that somehow gives you license to do it WHENEVER you want knowing full well that it is deeply hurtful to others?!

Really, is this your moral code?   You can call Nelson Mandela a racial slur because Kevin Garnett said it on the basketball court?  That is MASSIVELY ignorant. 

It's patently obvious that you're looking for an excuse (any excuse) to say it.  The question is:  WHY?  Why is it so important to you to say it?  Why do you NEED that right?  
Using the word gay as that's gay is becoming less acceptable because there's a movement. Homosexuals have taken a stand, they are telling the word that gays are acceptable and comparing something wack, not good to gay is not going to fly anymore. 
Wait, are you suggesting that racial slurs are okay because nobody's "taken a stand" against it?!?!  Are you serious right now? 

So the thousands upon thousands of people who've declared - publicly - in the last few years alone that it is UNACCEPTABLE and OFFENSIVE for you to utter that slur means what to you, nothing?  

We can cherry pick examples of people within the LGBT community using heterosexist slurs.  You can see it in certain movies, too.  At what point do you accept that it's okay for them but NOT for you because you do NOT have the right to make that determination?  

How many people have to appear on television (because clearly that's where your'e getting your information from) and remind you that this is, and always has been, an offensive term before it actually sinks in? 

This idea that you can say whatever offensive thing you want because you heard somebody say it on TV, in a movie, or in a rap song is a steaming load of privileged garbage.  

That's really what it boils down to for me.  You hear it said and you just can't STAND that you don't have the "right" to say it yourself, especially if it's considered "cool."  Well, many people DON'T think it's cool or glamorous.  Many people do consider it denigrating.

And that's the one constant in all of this that all of these flimsy rationalizations fail to nullify or even acknowledge.  You want to say something that you KNOW to be hurtful and offensive.... because, what, other people "get away with it" and you feel left out?  I can hardly imagine a more pathetic excuse for willfully, if not SPITEFULLY, wielding hateful and offensive language. 

We're talking about intentionally saying something that you have NO right to say and that you KNOW to be offensive to others, seemingly just because you can't stand being without ANY privilege, no matter how minor or trivial.  

As if that weren't enough, you also want to be immune from any and all consequences associated with the offense the slur was CREATED to inspire.  

I just find that utterly repulsive on every level. 
This went from a Riley copper thread to a is keko black or not. Typical Niketalk.

I was the OP for this thread and called Cooper a fool and racists for saying the N word and then typical NT trolls turn this into a race war and who can or can't say the N word.

Wait, are you suggesting that racial slurs are okay because nobody's "taken a stand" against it?!?!  Are you serious right now? 
Nope not what I said!

I said that in today's society like it or not the word n(a) has become the norm for greeting/calling attention/talking to a friend/etc. For you to say that all of these individual using the word N(a) are doing it because they feel like is cool to say is absurd. These kids are learning slang from a young age by what they see/hear/associate on a daily basis. I doubt whether they are black/white/Hispanic these kids are saying it maliciously or to degrade the person they're talking to especially when that person on many times is not even black.

You can tell me that I'm getting the information from TV all day long and I will tell you - hit the streets and see what's really going on. I can go to WSHH and on the first page I'm guarantee to click on a minimum of 5 videos and hear the word N(a) being used by almost everyone on the video. Tell me which of these kids are turning their TV to listen to someone preach? Come on ....

I'm by no means saying that is ok to use racial slurs as this has no place in my life and/or my kid. It is pathetic that I have to remind my daughter that her color is beautiful and she shouldn't wish that she was white or have nice straight hair. It is a shame that she comes home and she ask me why are there many kids are her school using the word N(a) and ******* etc. and I have to explain and tell her this is not acceptable in such a way she can understand especially when everyone at her school is doing it. 

Lastly, I have seen plenty of commercial with influential figures speaking of Anti-Bullying and the word Gay, but I have yet to see (1) commercial against the word N(a). I'm not hiding behind this fact, I'm just throwing it out there to show that it does matter. It matters to the intended audience which is the new generation. Kids aren't listening to the Al Sharpton's of the world. They are listening to the Wayne's the Jay's the Kobe's etc. If these individuals took a stand and remove the word from the vocabulary and go on a campaign to speak against the usage. I bet a dent can be made, until then forget about it. Although it might not seem like it, you Magic and I are on the same page. But I'm not a fool and I refuse to share light on the problem. I'm not a fool to say that the words is not use commonly by kids now a day. Once again, I spoke of places I lived/live or frequently visit. In other places I'm sure the word is prohibited all together - but you still have the exceptions. 

P.S. The word should not be use by anyone period - Just because someone is black does not mean he should get a pass either. The word is one of the worst words to be used in the English vocabulary.
1. I'm not we? But yet you don't call yourself racists? I'm a human being that looks beyond color and religion. Get it straight! In addition, for you to come now and try to use this crap is pretty much hipocritical when you was in another thread calling NinjaHood black because his skin color. SMH! So now if I want to say WE I have to be dark/black? I mean after all if you aren't white you are? Gotcha!

2. So Rachel Jeantel spoke for herself and herself only? No you want to say that? Come on son - You can't be playing both side of the field. We all know she is not speaking for herself and the youth are right along with her. 

3. The N word was once not socially acceptable for other races to say it and now it is. Black people have allowed it and are continuing to do so. If you think the Latinos (Hispanics because Latin America is totally different in my eyes) in NYC are the only that are getting a passed, you are way the F wrong. Ask people from Cali, Boston, Philly, Jersey, So Fl. etc - Everyone is saying it (figure of speech , but much more than latinos) ...
Rachel was indeed speaking for herself and her experiences. Rachel doesnt represent all youth. You can't be serious.
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You can tell me that I'm getting the information from TV all day long and I will tell you - hit the streets and see what's really going on. I can go to WSHH and on the first page I'm guarantee to click on a minimum of 5 videos and hear the word N(a) being used by almost everyone on the video. Tell me which of these kids are turning their TV to listen to someone preach? Come on ....\
You told me to hit the streets and the first thing you mention as supporting evidence is WSHH.  

So you don't get your information from TV... you get it from WSHH.  I appreciate the clarification.

If WSHH represents "what's REALLY going on in the streets" to you... 

That's like watching MTV's Jackass and thinking you've got your finger on the pulse of White America.  
Lastly, I have seen plenty of commercial with influential figures speaking of Anti-Bullying and the word Gay,
I just really don't see how it's in any way accurate or responsible to claim that it's acceptable to use racial slurs because people haven't yet made it abundantly clear that they're offensive.  I don't see a PSA campaign about anti-Semitic language, either.  Did/should Mel Gibson be given a free pass?  

Come to think of it, I haven't seen any PSAs that urge viewers not to use ANY racial slurs lately.  Have you?  

I'm not buying that as an excuse.

I just find the blame shifting to be in unbelievably poor taste.  Here you have a "celebrity" caught on tape saying something flagrantly racist - and it's WSHH's fault, or it's Jay Z's fault, or it's the fault of "young people today."  

We DO NOT accept that as an excuse in other cases.  We didn't accept it as an excuse for Mel Gibson.  We don't accept it as an excuse for sexist language.  We shouldn't accept it as an excuse here.  The incredible need to MAKE an excuse for this person speaks volumes. 
​It is pathetic that I have to remind my daughter that her color is beautiful and she shouldn't wish that she was white or have nice straight hair. 
And how would you feel if somebody saw a video of kids teasing your daughter and said - to her and to you - that it's actually your fault because you aren't out there filming PSA's, or that it's Jennifer Lopez's fault or Sanaa Lathan's fault for appearing in movies and cosmetic ads with straight hair?  Or that it's Youtube's fault, because straight hair is what's hot in the streets right now?  

At what point would you simply acknowledge that it's RACISM that's the root problem here?  Children aren't bullying your daughter because Jennifer Lopez straightens her hair.  Eurocentric standards of beauty influenced both events.  You don't CORRECT that by giving the bullies a pass and blaming the celebrity who, herself, has been teased about her looks and pressured to alter her appearance.  

This post is FULL of people making excuses for what is - and should be - completely inexcusable.  And if you AGREE that it's inexcusable, I don't see how playing into this game of blaming RAP VIDEOS for what a guy said at a KENNY CHESNEY concert makes any sense whatsoever. 

If you want to call Jay Z a sellout for peddling stereotypes to the suburbs, that's fine - but that is not an EXCUSE for the Riley Coopers of the world.  
You told me to hit the streets and the first thing you mention as supporting evidence is WSHH.  

So you don't get your information from TV... you get it from WSHH.  I appreciate the clarification.

If WSHH represents "what's REALLY going on in the streets" to you... 

That's like watching MTV's Jackass and thinking you've got your finger on the pulse of White America.  

I just really don't see how it's in any way accurate or responsible to claim that it's acceptable to use racial slurs because people haven't yet made it abundantly clear that they're offensive.  I don't see a PSA campaign about anti-Semitic language, either.  Did/should Mel Gibson be given a free pass?  

Come to think of it, I haven't seen any PSAs that urge viewers not to use ANY racial slurs lately.  Have you?  

I'm not buying that as an excuse.

I just find the blame shifting to be in unbelievably poor taste.  Here you have a "celebrity" caught on tape saying something flagrantly racist - and it's WSHH's fault, or it's Jay Z's fault, or it's the fault of "young people today."  

We DO NOT accept that as an excuse in other cases.  We didn't accept it as an excuse for Mel Gibson.  We don't accept it as an excuse for sexist language.  We shouldn't accept it as an excuse here.  The incredible need to MAKE an excuse for this person speaks volumes. 

And how would you feel if somebody saw a video of kids teasing your daughter and said - to her and to you - that it's actually your fault because you aren't out there filming PSA's, or that it's Jennifer Lopez's fault or Sanaa Lathan's fault for appearing in movies and cosmetic ads with straight hair?  Or that it's Youtube's fault, because straight hair is what's hot in the streets right now?  

At what point would you simply acknowledge that it's RACISM that's the root problem here?  Children aren't bullying your daughter because Jennifer Lopez straightens her hair.  Eurocentric standards of beauty influenced both events.  You don't CORRECT that by giving the bullies a pass and blaming the celebrity who, herself, has been teased about her looks and pressured to alter her appearance.  

This post is FULL of people making excuses for what is - and should be - completely inexcusable.  And if you AGREE that it's inexcusable, I don't see how playing into this game of blaming RAP VIDEOS for what a guy said at a KENNY CHESNEY concert makes any sense whatsoever. 

If you want to call Jay Z a sellout for peddling stereotypes to the suburbs, that's fine - but that is not an EXCUSE for the Riley Coopers of the world.  
You didnt know that WSHH represents the views and actions of ALL black people???? lol
This dude really used WSHH as an example though. :lol: :lol:

That right there speaks VOLUMES.
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just funny how ignorant white people search for any reason to use the word or why that fellow ignorant white person had the right too

and yall ignorant ones say yall have changed lmaoooooooo nah
I've heard it all now. He learns about black people from WSHH and Rachel Jeantel speaks for all black people :rofl:
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You told me to hit the streets and the first thing you mention as supporting evidence is WSHH.  


So you don't get your information from TV... you get it from WSHH.  I appreciate the clarification.

If WSHH represents "what's REALLY going on in the streets" to you... 

That's like watching MTV's Jackass and thinking you've got your finger on the pulse of White America.  

I just really don't see how it's in any way accurate or responsible to claim that it's acceptable to use racial slurs because people haven't yet made it abundantly clear that they're offensive.  I don't see a PSA campaign about anti-Semitic language, either.  Did/should Mel Gibson be given a free pass?  

Come to think of it, I haven't seen any PSAs that urge viewers not to use ANY racial slurs lately.  Have you?  

I'm not buying that as an excuse.

I just find the blame shifting to be in unbelievably poor taste.  Here you have a "celebrity" caught on tape saying something flagrantly racist - and it's WSHH's fault, or it's Jay Z's fault, or it's the fault of "young people today."  

We DO NOT accept that as an excuse in other cases.  We didn't accept it as an excuse for Mel Gibson.  We don't accept it as an excuse for sexist language.  We shouldn't accept it as an excuse here.  The incredible need to MAKE an excuse for this person speaks volumes. 

And how would you feel if somebody saw a video of kids teasing your daughter and said - to her and to you - that it's actually your fault because you aren't out there filming PSA's, or that it's Jennifer Lopez's fault or Sanaa Lathan's fault for appearing in movies and cosmetic ads with straight hair?  Or that it's Youtube's fault, because straight hair is what's hot in the streets right now?  

At what point would you simply acknowledge that it's RACISM that's the root problem here?  Children aren't bullying your daughter because Jennifer Lopez straightens her hair.  Eurocentric standards of beauty influenced both events.  You don't CORRECT that by giving the bullies a pass and blaming the celebrity who, herself, has been teased about her looks and pressured to alter her appearance.  

This post is FULL of people making excuses for what is - and should be - completely inexcusable.  And if you AGREE that it's inexcusable, I don't see how playing into this game of blaming RAP VIDEOS for what a guy said at a KENNY CHESNEY concert makes any sense whatsoever. 

If you want to call Jay Z a sellout for peddling stereotypes to the suburbs, that's fine - but that is not an EXCUSE for the Riley Coopers of the world.  

It's funny how Kenny Chesney quickly distanced himself and his fans from Cooper, but he tells us about us :smh:

Racism is also at the center of why people can even rationalize in their head that this argument makes sense. They don't know any better.

I'm still wondering what the end game is. Us not using the word is going to make racism go away? If we stop saying it, white people will? White people want to be able to call us that without repercussions?

I'm offended...well you shouldn't be. :lol:
Try that at home with your girlfriend or wife and see how she reacts.

Black people are constantly told how we think and feel, marginalizing our opinions. :smh: Black men are telling this dude our opinions and he's using WSHH to tell us we're wrong :lol:
You told me to hit the streets and the first thing you mention as supporting evidence is WSHH.  

So you don't get your information from TV... you get it from WSHH.  I appreciate the clarification.

If WSHH represents "what's REALLY going on in the streets" to you... 

That's like watching MTV's Jackass and thinking you've got your finger on the pulse of White America.  
This dude really used WSHH as an example though.

That right there speaks VOLUMES.
I'm using WSHH as evidence because it's a frequently visited website with millions of hits on any giving clip that shows people from ALL walks of life using the word N(a) as if it was socially acceptable. Now - it's not the same as Jackass a selected few doing entertainment "movies". In addition, if you can't see the correlation between WSHH and what's going on in the street, then it's ok.  I just don't see where you or anyone get that I said, I have a the Pulse of America by just those example. I simply said and will reiterate, than where I have lived/live the use of N(a) is being more widely used and accepted by everyone. You can turn a blind eye if you want - but these are facts. Now I mention the Northeast - FL- Cali - I don't see how this constitute the entire United States.

What speaks Volumes?  That I'm using site that is frequently visited by young adults on a daily basis and that goes directly in support of what I'm saying? OK!
I just really don't see how it's in any way accurate or responsible to claim that it's acceptable to use racial slurs because people haven't yet made it abundantly clear that they're offensive.  I don't see a PSA campaign about anti-Semitic language, either.  Did/should Mel Gibson be given a free pass?  

I just find the blame shifting to be in unbelievably poor taste.  Here you have a "celebrity" caught on tape saying something flagrantly racist - and it's WSHH's fault, or it's Jay Z's fault, or it's the fault of "young people today."  
Are you saying that I'm making an excuse for the used of the word? All, I have done is presented a theory in why the words continue to be used without any reservations. Whether you think is an excused or not, after the Bullying and Gay campaigns started coming out and it became a social issue that needed to be dealt with. 

I'm all in support of not using the N word or any other word that holds a negative "value". I KNOW the struggle that once was and is. I also understand that no free passes are giving - Look at Cooper and the reaction of his teammates and fans. Look at Paula Dean, she got killed ... I think the punishment is just .. All I'm doing is presenting other problems in our youth - I the perception is that I'm condoning it or justifying their actions. Which once again is not what I'm doing.
And how would you feel if somebody saw a video of kids teasing your daughter and said - to her and to you - that it's actually your  fault because you aren't out there filming PSA's, or that it's Jennifer Lopez's fault or Sanaa Lathan's fault for appearing in movies and cosmetic ads with straight hair?  Or that it's Youtube's fault, because straight hair is what's hot in the streets right now?  

At what point would you simply acknowledge that it's RACISM that's the root problem here?  Children aren't bullying your daughter because Jennifer Lopez straightens her hair.  Eurocentric standards of beauty influenced both events.  You don't CORRECT that by giving the bullies a pass and blaming the celebrity who, herself, has been teased about her looks and pressured to alter her appearance.  

This post is FULL of people making excuses for what is - and should be - completely inexcusable.  And if you AGREE that it's inexcusable, I don't see how playing into this game of blaming RAP VIDEOS for what a guy said at a KENNY CHESNEY concert makes any sense whatsoever. 

If you want to call Jay Z a sellout for peddling stereotypes to the suburbs, that's fine - but that is notan EXCUSE for the Riley Coopers of the world.  
Actually, I'm not the one to sit back and take that punishment against my daughter or any kids litely. Immediatly after she told me these things, I called the School, the Local School Board of Education and the State School of Education and demanded immediate action taken, in a informative form (lectures/classes/etc). I also demanded a Parent - Teacher conference and threaten legal action if nothing was done. Out of all demands, the school that my daughter is currently attended received a (3) consecutive periods of Anti Bullying classes which was made up of racial slurs/different genders/obesity/etc. In addition, they also held a Parent Teacher conference where several parents owned the problem and roger up to help and fix it. So NO I'm not just talking BS I'm trying to help better our youth. However it's a uphill battle that need more support.

In addition, I don't believe those 5/8 y/o kids are racists .. They were/are using the word N(a) as is a normal vocabulary word frequently used.

Lastly, when I did I make an excuses for anyone - Riler Cooper is a fool/idiot/racist and Jay Zs and others are about the dollar clearly.
I've heard it all now. He learns about black people from WSHH and Rachel Jeantel speaks for all black people
This right here again is stupid .. LMAO ... you are a person that targets anything and quickly turns it around to try to discredit peoples opinion. This is not an I vs You thing, but you have made it that way. 

Who said I learn from Black People from WSHH? I gave WSHH as a reference of what people from all walks of life using in the streets. You are truly tripping if you think I learn about a culture from watching tv and not living it. SMH! 

You have it in for me so bad that you come across pretty pathetic.

Rachel Jeantel may speak to herself on occasions, but I'm sure she is also communicating with other kids that use the same vocabulary. Even when she was describing the word Cracka - a few people from Miami came to her defense and said, yes its true we call cracka just about anybody with Authority. So ....???? 
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