RIP George Floyd

It’s literally common sense. It’s embarrassing and sloppy to think people would accept the findings of that initial examiner’s report.

Just being prone with your hands behind your back can be enough pressure on your lungs to mess with your breathing. Then you have the added weight of grown men on your back and NECK.

Then people wanna say "well if he's talking he's breathing."

No. He's using his last gasps of air to hopefully get these cops TF off of him.
Remember that dude on NT that got a job there and it made him cry.

This is him reading about StockX getting hit...
U are a damn fool :lol:
Just being prone with your hands behind your back can be enough pressure on your lungs to mess with your breathing. Then you have the added weight of grown men on your back and NECK.

Then people wanna say "well if he's talking he's breathing."

No. He's using his last gasps of air to hopefully get these cops TF off of him.

I dont even like laying on my stomach that long for said reasons.
We can agree to disagree.

Nobody owes anybody anything unless they are providing a resource and you pay for it with whichever currency.
No they don't owe anyone anything. The point is they have no problem using the full extent of their platform when they want your money. But then want to whisper 'blm' at a time like this or move in the darkness as you put it and make it so no one knows if they support the cause or not. That doesn't help and it shows you what they're about.
What? ALL White people benefit from White privilege. ALL of them. Because of the system that supports them, ALL are racist. This is the reason why Black people cannot be racist, because there is no system to support Black privilege, nor a system to support Black hate, as there is for White people. That is the reason for this thread. White hate is allowed, supported through this system, then has been for 400 years.
To me thats very, very broad to claim. Worldwide? All white people in the world? The ignorance and advantages that are attached someones privilege isn't always equated to say the entire 1 group is discriminatory and prejudiced about their race being the best. Their benefits aren't welcomed everywhere. The problem with their privileges is that it can influence non whites who don't have it. Brainwashing. This is a heavy issue white people have to confront. Mentally, emotionally, physically, etc. That's the source. Non racist white people transforming racist white people. Both benefit from their privileges. But non racists aren't necessarily racist.
Appreciate the post but honestly I don't think I'll ever not be combative when being labeled bc of my skin tone. I wouldn't expect anyone to not be combative when being judged bc of their skin. It's not right, regardless of the races involved. I'll do my best to bite my tongue on the future and keep it moving but it'll always irk me. There's plenty of terms that one can use when referring to me but racist isn't one of them.

All good man, hopefully we can chop it up in the future. I am always willing to dialog. You have a good day today.
Appreciate the post but honestly I don't think I'll ever not be combative when being labeled bc of my skin tone. I wouldn't expect anyone to not be combative when being judged bc of their skin. It's not right, regardless of the races involved. I'll do my best to bite my tongue on the future and keep it moving but it'll always irk me. There's plenty of terms that one can use when referring to me but racist isn't one of them.
You think that you are slick, and that people can’t see what you are trying to do. Someone calling you a racist, does not make the person calling you a racist, the actual racist. Black people cannot be racists, no matter how hard you believe that we can.
Looked into it. I guess the streets were being cleared and someone started shooting at police and NG, they returned fire and hit and killed David McAtee.
R.I.P. David McAtee. The community lost a great man.
Just another heartbreaking story to add to this inferno of rage. I appreciate this thread but man I wish there was something more tangible that could be done immediately.
Tf is 11PM in NYC gonna do?

Cuomo & de Blasio so foolish. Cuomo started off strong with Covid & the past month he's gone downhill IMO.
LAPD suggests you move out your community when you become a member, why?

Police need to required to live in said community. That's one way you can hold them accountable.

I don't know how you feel about me if you up and moved to the valley with the rest of the racists in Simi Valley.

Simi Valley residents can keep their Simi Valley cops.

If you're born in South Central. You patrol South Central.
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