RIP George Floyd

Some of the minority owned small businesses in my old neighborhood has been demolished. I see/hear what’s going on and my heart aches for the business owners. They went through hell to get their business and to hear them telling me they may never recover from this breaks my heart for them. Unfortunately, the looting is related to what’s going on with the topic of this thread. Is it the intended product? Absolutely not, but we’d be remiss not to acknowledge it.

I’m all for fighting social injustice. I’ve had to experience it most of my young and adult life. But this isn’t the answer.

Police brutality towards minorities has been an ongoing issues most of my lifetime. And it’ll continue to go on until privileged white individuals of power or influence accept/admit that. It’s a systemic issue at its very core. I don’t blame people for expressing a frustration from a voice that has gone unheard.

on a side note: some of y’all are VERY condescending and short sided on your assumptions. Your comments are ironically debilitating the movement towards progression. Using bullying and ridicule to emphasis a POV? Sorry, I’m not with that wave.

Good bye hank

Police brutality towards minorities has been an ongoing issues most of my lifetime. And it’ll continue to go on until privileged white individuals of power or influence accept/admit that. It’s a systemic issue at its very core. I don’t blame people for expressing a frustration from a voice that has gone unheard.

on a side note: some of y’all are VERY condescending and short sided on your assumptions. Your comments are ironically debilitating the movement towards progression. Using bullying and ridicule to emphasis a POV? Sorry, I’m not with that wave.


See, I get the explanation people try to use to explain to these alllivesmatter folk why that slogan is nonsense. That post is a good example of a way to explain it to those people. Other things I've seen are things like a funeral. Having a funeral doesn't mean other deaths don't matter, or a house that's burning and getting special attention from the fire department. That doesn't mean the other houses are less important.

The issue is I don't think it's a lack of understanding from a lot of these people in regards to the phrase black lives matter. It's more so they don't agree with the idea behind black lives matter. They don't agree black people are under attack. They don't agree that black people have it worse in America. They don't believe black people are targeted disproportionately by the police. They truly believe everyone can be successful in America if you just work hard. In their minds, the reason black people are not prospering is solely on them. They truly believe the reason black people get into deadly situations with police is because they don't listen or comply. I feel like that's where the all lives matter stuff stems from. There are people that truly believe overall America is equal and it's typically your own fault if you aren't successful or run into issues with the law.

This goes to the human psyche a bit. For a lot of people it's hard to have empathy or actually acknowledge something is real, until you actually go through it.

And to add, the way this blacklivesmatter stuff got twisted and perverted reminds me of the Kaepernick stuff. It went from not standing for the national anthem because of the injustices black people face, to disrespecting the flag, disrespecting the country, disrespecting the troops. It got so twisted. I always thought of it this way. People never had an issue with kneeling. The issue was with WHY he was kneeling. People don't believe the reason he's kneeling is true. They think it's black people's own doing. The message was the issue to them, not the act.

Imagine if Kaepernick kneeled and the reporter asked him why and he replied with, "I did it because America treats their soldiers like trash. They come back from deployment and get no assistance. So many end up with a load of mental illnesses. They end up homeless, etc. He would be applauded for kneeling. The same people who were furious would kneel with him. The NFL would donate millions in Kaep's name and he'd be looked as a hero.
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Saw a wild poll were 96% of respondents hadn't heard of the Tulsa massacre in school and neither had I the whole time I was in school in Florida

America bombing Americans in an American town on American soil by air didn't make the curriculum for whatever reason...>D

I was fortunate enough to learn about that in school. But what's even more surprising to me, is that the MOVE bombing in Philadelphia goes widely unheard of.

Philly cops dropped a bomb on a residential neighborhood in the 80s ....and the schools don't talk about it. People from here don't even know about it.


People seeing COINTELPRO tactics before their eyes :lol:.

One thing I know about this country....Black Americans have always been proving right...and are far more patriotic than anybody ever in this country.

We're far more patriotic because this is OUR country. It's just that our CULTURE has been demonized
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Your black friend is not OK

Your Black friend in the past 30 days has watched a Black man get shot dead while jogging (Ahmaud Arbery), a Black woman get shot dead while sleeping (Breonna Taylor), and the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. Your Black friend has also listened to the President of the United States use segregationist words as a veiled threat.

Your Black friend is not ok.

Please don't ask us about the looting.
Please don't chastise us about the rioting.
Please don't tell us that all lives matter.
Please don't minimalize our fear.
Please don't bring up Black on Black crime.
Please don't ask "What about Chicago?"
Please don't say "if you'd just act like (A Wildly Successful Black Person... Usually Oprah, Obama, Colin Powell, Denzel or Will Smith)". Please don't judge us.

Your Black friend is not ok.

Listen to your Black friend.
Empathize with your Black friend.
Support your Black friend.
Pray for your Black friend.
Pray with your Black friend.

Just let your Black friend know you really care.

Your Black friend will remember who truly had their back during this difficult time. They will remember who was more concerned about a looted Target. They will remember you posting a thinly veiled and racially offensive meme. They will remember you calling looters "Savages". They will remember your silence about their Black life and the Black Lives of others.

It's real easy.

Do whatever you can to help your Black friend out because your Black friend is trying to be ok, but we are not ok!

*Copied and pasted*
I’m still upset...that this isn’t framed as protestors......PEACEFULLY protesting GEORGE FLOYD, with their hands up....were attacked on the president and AG’s orders......just to give him way for a shameless photo opp.

Everything about that is grotesque.
The president ordered the military to assault Americans

No question no other way to put it
Warning was sent out that a large gathering is forming near my work at Embarcadero Plaza in SF. Some folks in this building are getting a little too excited about this news for the wrong reason. Smh.

we global

end white supremacy

When I be looking at them buildings....I think about all the wealth generated from free labor, murder and stealing resources...then systematically denied to block people globally for hundreds of years. I absolutely give Zero fks about this “property” being burnt down.

France still taxing Haiti. All then countries in the Berlin conference got a reckoning. End white supremacy Globally.
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