RIP George Floyd

Seems like you’re just trying to get ppl to be on a violent side. And if they’re not, you’re placing them as an enemy.
What makes what your doing any different than the oppressors? Isn’t this how all this **** started?
it started when yall went and took us from our homeland
and brought us here as slaves
Says the guy who rooted for Haitians being deported and brutalized in DR. F out of here.

you ain’t really trying to have that conversation like adults and you just want a rally behind you, when you want to act like a man, feel free to answer my DM
Who's too busy fighting each other? There isn't a both sides stance to take here. You're either for justice or not, looting be damned. Being peaceful hasn't worked (the govt assassinated MLK). There are PLENTY of examples of massive disruption paying dividends in this country. So nah we ain't being passive anymore.

And that's silly as hell equating anything said in here to the oppressors, if any of us had a ¹/10th of the power they had this **** would have already been changed. We're going to exhaust every option (like Malcolm said by any means necessary) to get the changes we deserve. And if that makes you too uncomfortable, well that's just too damn bad.

You do know Malcolm X eventually stopped believing the whole “By Any means necessary” sentiment right? He actually embraced peaceful protesting without violence.
This doesn’t happen without protests. This doesn’t happen without riots. Pressure.

Everything happening right now is necessary and warranted. Property can ultimately be replaced, innocent black lives being murdered and assaulted by police brutality and racist animals, you can’t replace those lived

I remember the LA riots going down when I was a kid. It wasn’t just the Rodney King verdict which caused them. It was all the incidents prior like the Latasha Harlins, and numerous other police brutality incidents where nothing happened. The frustration and tension was there. The verdict was just the spark which lit everything up. I see similarities in the sense that people have been on edge, the anger and frustration has been there, and everything last week was the tip of the iceberg.

I was saying the other day, I hope 10 years from now we’ve progressed as a society, and there’s an overhaul in how policing in America is done. But na F that. I hope in 2020 we make that progress and of what’s going on right now eventually accomplishes it, so be it.

My oldest son is a senior in high school. I can’t even imagine how crappy it is for a black parent to have to be worried every day their kid goes to school that some police calling happy Karen or Blake could potentially put their child in a dangerous problematic situation with one call just because. That hurts on so many levels.
Ain’t nobody in here should get banned for talking.

We all proud members of this community so we just talking.

and I’m just saying that cause I know what happens especially with Naughty.
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