RIP George Floyd


"It was in the Holy World that my attitude was changed, by what I experienced there, and by what I witnessed there, in terms of brotherhood - not just brotherhood toward me, but brotherhood between all men, of all nationalities and complexions, who were there. And now that I am back in America, my attitude here concerning white people has to be governed by what my black brothers and I experienced here, and what we witness here - in terms of brotherhood. The problem here in America is that we meet such a small minority of individual so-called 'good,' or 'brotherly' white people. Here in the United States, notwithstanding those few 'good' white people, it is the collective 150 million white people whom the collective 22 million black people have to deal with! Why, here in America, the seeds of racism are so deeply rooted in the white people collectively, their belief that they are 'superior' in some way is so deeply rooted, that these things are in the national white subconsciousness. Many whites are even actually unaware of their own racism, until they face some test, and then their racism emerges in one form or another."

Why the lie?
Yes he’s a big liar. He didn’t come here with “nothing”.
im not gonna call u that
just in all the years ive seen u post
we've always had great interactions with each other
and im more disappointed than anything
and hurt that u would think this way
i just THOUGHT u was better than that
im legit kinda hurt
Y'all weren't paying attention then. Isn't this the dude that sits back and let his wife's family just say racist **** to him?
Kaep proved a peaceful protest will never work or be heard, violence is the other end of that scope and I can’t blame the anger, this country was founded on the idea of LOOTING to begin for the small businesses but America has invaded and bombed innocent lives plenty of time, it’s part of the process to have innocent bystanders Take the L in a time like this....CAnt really expect anything other than violence at this point, peace and love hasn’t gotten the job done....MLKs peaceful approach didnt bring “change” till he paid with his life.

no one in here wants YOU to stand with us
What makes you such an expert on the immigrant experience? How could you make such blatant generalizations?

My parents came here with nothing to their name, had to work several jobs just to make ends meet. On top of that, we never received a single dime from the government as aid, because we didn’t qualify for it.

So you can miss me with your assumptions and generalizations man. I’m going to agree to disagree with some of y’all. No way I’ll see violence as the answer. I’ll say it again, I hope y’all find some sort of peace in all this. Lord knows we need it.
So y’all were refugees?
Kaep proved a peaceful protest will never work or be heard, violence is the other end of that scope and I can’t blame the anger, this country was founded on the idea of LOOTING to begin for the small businesses but America has invaded and bombed innocent lives plenty of time, it’s part of the process to have innocent bystanders Take the L in a time like this....CAnt really expect anything other than violence at this point, peace and love hasn’t gotten the job done....MLKs peaceful approach didnt bring “change” till he paid with his life.
Do you still feel that I am race baiting? How do you feel about the positions that I have held here on NIkeTalk now?
Research shows though that many immigrants come here with more than blacks. Their expletives are also difffernt, they’re more likely to be supported and accepted by whites than Blacks. They’re also able to get those jobs that you mentioned because they often come here with clean criminal records. Some blacks would kill for those jobs but can’t get them because they’ve been targeted by the CJ system and are more likely to have criminal records that prevent them from finding enployment.

What research is this? Cite it.

Unless it's research that compares every immigrant vs every AA with the variables you're taliking about, it's just useless propaganda from you.
Saw a wild poll were 96% of respondents hadn't heard of the Tulsa massacre in school and neither had I the whole time I was in school in Florida

America bombing Americans in an American town on American soil by air didn't make the curriculum for whatever reason...>D
Because TX buys the most books out of any state, which means that publishers tailor the books to what TX wants.

There is a book about how the South won the Civil War on the ideological front.

Amazon product ASIN 0190900903
You observe the political ebb and flow of the US throughout the 20th century and you realize that since 1968 and after the Civil Rights Act, America only elected their first Democratic president after Carter after he decided to adjust his position towards the right: Bill Clinton. If not for him, this country would have had a 7-2 conservative supreme court a long time ago.

In a lot of ways, the ideals of the South have been adopted by much of the American populace in very subtle ways.
Why do people keep coming in here and talking about “violence is not the answer” when literally one of the biggest stories of the past few years was a method of peaceful protesting that white people hated and ignored?
Certain folks always want to legislate how other groups should express their rage and want that expression to be on their own terms and at a time of their choosing for convenience or else...

Even though they'll always demonize and attack even the most tepid expressions of that anger irregardless of the method :lol:

In reality they've never really been interested in hearing out those gripes or coming to any form of understanding, they just want those marginalized to shut up and continue to take their lumps unchallenged. No real long lasting change has ever come through sheer politeness or due to the goodwill of the oppressor.

Even the most pacifist civil rights leaders warned of the 'moderates' always ready to halt progress and change in the name of upholding a status quo that's been to their benefit under the guise of lending a hand
Does it cost money to move from one country to another? I wish I could move to Canada with “nothing”
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I doubt it

I'm from a similar background as him. Of course there's discrimination against us; after 9/11, I've been called terrorist many times after people figured out what ethnicity I am, even though my people did nothing except share those terrorists' skin color. But in terms of career, at least here in the Bay Area, people already give us the benefit of the doubt when it comes to setting up businesses, doing well in school, becoming engineers/doctors, etc. On top of that, other than to inbred white people who think that every brown person is going to bomb them, we aren't even considered to be threatening. My friends and I have been harassed by police, and the worst we got were Harold and Kumar insults from the cops trying to detain us. At the end of the day we weren't beaten or even taken to jail (although I'll be honest, we should've :lol: )

Can you say these same things about how black people are treated? It should be obvious by now that many of them aren't even able to get the opportunities to "make it from nothing". Privilege isn't just an overt concept, and I wish more immigrants would consider that before they get on their high horse after they've "made it from nothing".
People just constantly want black people to beg from a position of submission.

You got individuals using lethal force against black men and women and the minute the oppressed strikes back violence is never the answer.

I wonder if y'all live in the real world. You got people peacefully protesting at this minute who are instantly getting teargassed, pepper sprayed and shot with rubber bullets, just completely disfiguring their faces....and y'all in here talking about "this is so wrong, think of another way!"

Society taught y'all black people need to be subdued so y'all roll with it.
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