RIP George Floyd

There’s a lot of divide here fellas. I think most of us are somewhat on the same side. I haven’t seen anyone supporting white supremacy.

Why don’t we channel our energy into something positive and band together? Like I said, there’s way more of us than them.

I mean...the discussion here is already doing something positive and it seems like the majority of the people posting are already banded together

There doesn't need to be a time out or reset just because a few statements made you uncomfortable
Yeah, you called me a clown, trash, all sorts of things. But here is the deal, I called you Black. In that I was telling you something. I even mentioned your wife as being a Black woman, and that you should be proud of that. I had never made any negative posts toward you, however, it seemed that you were being influenced by some thing, or someone. If I am wrong about that? Cool. But I would like to seriously see what it was that made you make such statements toward me in the first place. BTW, I accept your apology.

Tbh bro, I really don’t know, I’ve had way too many interactions with NTers on this site to even remember some of the **** I say, my fault for sure and yes as a younger man, I’m sure I posted some ignorant emotional ****, like I said I defended the use of the N word heavily years ago because of who I grew up around and where I grew up, I felt I had a claim to it (ignorant young ****) and got into it with Rusty, one of my more regretful interactions on here, pride didn’t allow me to back down, but I learned over the years i was wrong and trust me, that interaction, made me a better man IRL in the end....similar situation a few weeks back with the other term i had no idea was when it comes to race, from my perspective I’ll never again tell a black man how they should feel or react.
There’s a lot of divide here fellas. I think most of us are somewhat on the same side. I haven’t seen anyone supporting white supremacy.

Why don’t we channel our energy into something positive and band together? Like I said, there’s way more of us than them.

Where's the division in here? I think everybody in here in on the side of justice and equality. There's a few people apparently really concerned about corporations property and looting. We've been channeling our energy in positive ways, some of us have actually gone out in the streets to march and protest for those changes. Maybe YOU should read through the thread to see. Or if you're concerned so much about this superficial stuff go protect those areas. And ultimately stop trying to lecture people on what should work or in your case probably just stop talking altogether since you have no alternative solution.
A lot of people are good at saying a bunch of cool sounding ideas, long-drawn out words, but can't back it up.

What's happening is necessary and a long-time coming and if every material item gets burnt to the ground who cares as long as it ends police violence and social injustice against black people. All this destruction now, if it changes things will be more than worth it for the future.
I've been catching up on this thread, flying by..

Why do riots/looting happen? because there is injustice where people feel they cannot be heard through peaceful protesting. People aren't just rioting to riot (well, maybe a few, but not the masses)

As MLK said: “I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard.”

Boston tea party- Colonists raided, looted, and destroyed entire shipment of tea to protest high taxes (10%) Britain imposing on them. This lead to the American Revolution, which lead to the US becoming it's own nation.

The 1960s had nationwide riots and the death of MLK intensified them. Civil rights act passed in 1968, NOT from a peaceful protest.

Maybe Floyd and his family and many others don't want rioting/looting. But, you know what they also don't want and are tired of? Getting killed by police. That is what this is about. A movement to change and for JUSTICE.

If you want the looting/rioting to stop, you should be PUSHING FOR SWIFT JUSTICE for George Floyd and all others, reform, legislation. Can be done NOW. Why is the man who murdered him walking around free on bail? The Coroner who claimed his cause of death was "Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, and "potential intoxicants"" still working? Why aren't police officers held accountable the same way everyone else is? Administrative leave? So they're getting paid their full wage and not working is their "punishment"? I strangle someone on video and I lose my job, insta-put-in-jail, no bail, life sentence, DONE.

JUSTICE will stop the rioting/looting, CHANGE.
So do immigrants get to talk about or be upset how it's a struggle to get into the entertainment/sports business in America compared to black and white counterparts? Or is that a NO NO too.

So have police departments and police unions learnt from this? Are they being proactive? I imagine the responsible decision would be to use this opportunity to terminate their bad apple cops while they’re ahead. You know the ones with multiple complaints and lawsuits? **** the kneeling, **** marching with us. They want to make a difference? Fire those A-hole trouble making cops in their department while their ahead. Show us that not all cops are not bad cops. Stop letting cops deficient at their jobs continue to be cops!!!!
I don’t think we should ever compare our struggle to that of the black struggle.....

but THats not to say being an immigrant is easy BY ANY MEANS.

So what DO YOU SAY to the people in THIS POST who are making the immigrant struggle sound easy? That's all we're asking, to not make our struggle seem like nothing. We know about the black struggle, it's hard an unfair. But don't paint other immigrants like we dont go through nothing,
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