I can appreciate that, not telling us how we should feel or react. Funny thing is, when we get things done, you often come along for the ride. The fight for Black rights has always opened the door for minorities in this country, then around the world. The greater our voice, the greater yours is as well. We, Black people, are not this violent crazy people that we are projected to be. If we were, what is happening right now, should have happened at the end of the civil war, at the end of legal slavery. This is how long we, Black people, have been biting our tongue.
So hey, you and I both know about those who tend to deny their Blackness, through convenience.
Don't be that guy. Know the anger, know the disrespect. Own it. never let anyone tell you that there is something wrong with being Black, thinking Black, living Black. You should be able to look anyone in the eye, and then understand what it means to be Black, and then to be proud of that. Fight for it, because when your child does live on this earth? That child needs to know who he or she is, and then why.