RIP George Floyd

the people that voted for police to have military weapons and vehicles and capabilities now wanna backtrack when the world is paying attention to what they’re doing with it

life is funny as hell man
cops should NEVER have been granted access to MILITARY equipment. i completely forgot about this.
Another one. This is starting to become a buzz phrase.
He's east asian (chinese i believe), & doesn't care when hollywood white washes & cast white ppl to play iconic characters like Major from "Ghost in the Shell" that were should go ppl that look like him. He doesn't care. Edit: He stands be white supremacy.
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Gonna buy ice cream this weekend

Ben and Jerry have my monies good sirs.

Tbh bro, I really don’t know, I’ve had way too many interactions with NTers on this site to even remember some of the **** I say, my fault for sure and yes as a younger man, I’m sure I posted some ignorant emotional ****, like I said I defended the use of the N word heavily years ago and got into it with Rusty, one of my more regretful interactions on here, pride didn’t allow me to back down, but I learned over the years i was wrong and trust me, that interaction, made me a better man IRL in the end....similar situation a few weeks back with the other term i had no idea was when it comes to race, from my perspective I’ll never again tell a black man how they should feel or react.
I can appreciate that, not telling us how we should feel or react. Funny thing is, when we get things done, you often come along for the ride. The fight for Black rights has always opened the door for minorities in this country, then around the world. The greater our voice, the greater yours is as well. We, Black people, are not this violent crazy people that we are projected to be. If we were, what is happening right now, should have happened at the end of the civil war, at the end of legal slavery. This is how long we, Black people, have been biting our tongue.

So hey, you and I both know about those who tend to deny their Blackness, through convenience.

Don't be that guy. Know the anger, know the disrespect. Own it. Never let anyone tell you that there is something wrong with being Black, thinking Black, living Black. You should be able to look anyone in the eye, and then understand what it means to be Black, and then to be proud of that. Fight for it, because when your child does live on this earth? That child needs to know who he or she is, and then why.
If you think that struggle is the same, I'm just going to agree with you so you stop posting nonsense

I never said it's the same. I am just pointing out it is unfair to be-llittle the struggle of the non-white immigrant.

It's only nonsense to you because it doesnt add to whatever you're trying to push.
So what DO YOU SAY to the people in THIS POST who are making the immigrant struggle sound easy? That's all we're asking, to not make our struggle seem like nothing. We know about the black struggle, it's hard an unfair. But don't paint other immigrants like we dont go through nothing,

That we can have that talk at a later time, when we’ve addressed and accepted their struggle as the one that NEEDS immediate fixing, A lot of us immigrants, depending on the shade of our skin can benefit from white privilege, NOT a single black person will ever have that luxury.

trying to come pare them both, specially in a thread like this, will only be met with a lot of animosity.
Jacques Slade dropped facts on his live stream

The conversation can’t be “the looting and rioting needs to stop”

The conversation is “they need to stop killing black people” the looting sucks but STOP KILLING BLACK PEOPLE

People don't even say, damn, the cops need to stop ******* up people. Because that's been on full display for a week. Not looters getting their *** beat, peaceful people, just standing.

And if cops are doing this on camera with witnesses, what happens when there are none?

They're trying to make it about property. And they don't see what that says.
So do immigrants get to talk about or be upset how it's a struggle to get into the entertainment/sports business in America compared to black and white counterparts? Or is that a NO NO too.

That's a separate case and you cant compare the 2 unless your a black/african immigrant

Don't forget a amadou diiallo was murdered by cops in a hallway in the Bronx

Also We should never forget an immigrant owned business had george floyd murdered over $20.00
No one brings that up

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That's a lot separate case and you cant compare the 2 unless your a black/african immigrant

We should never forget an immigrant owned business had this man murdered over a $20.00
No one brings that up

The immigrant business didnt murder George, the police did.
What makes you such an expert on the immigrant experience? How could you make such blatant generalizations?

My parents came here with nothing to their name, had to work several jobs just to make ends meet. On top of that, we never received a single dime from the government as aid, because we didn’t qualify for it.

So you can miss me with your assumptions and generalizations man. I’m going to agree to disagree with some of y’all. No way I’ll see violence as the answer. I’ll say it again, I hope y’all find some sort of peace in all this. Lord knows we need it.
A lot of people are good at saying a bunch of cool sounding ideas, long-drawn out words, but can't back it up.

What's happening is necessary and a long-time coming and if every material item gets burnt to the ground who cares as long as it ends police violence and social injustice against black people. All this destruction now, if it changes things will be more than worth it for the future.

I'll just share this. Trevor Noah had a great way of explaining to others the outrage, hurt, and mixed emotions many of us as black men face around the concept of a social contract:

I'd emplore you to watch if you have not already
That we can have that talk at a later time, when we’ve addressed and accepted their struggle as the one that NEEDS immediate fixing, A lot of us immigrants, depending on the shade of our skin can benefit from white privilege, NOT a single black person will ever have that luxury.

trying to come pare them both, specially in a thread like this, will only be met with a lot of animosity.

I dont care about animosity. I see people using this situation to push their agendas. And most people in this thread have no speaking ability to question them.
$100,000 KAWS statues sitting behind 3 inch glass in which low income individuals walk by every day knowing they're not ever gonna be able to get ahead far enough in life to ever make $100,000

$200,000 cars showcased in these big elegant 3 inch thick glass that low income individuals drive by everyday knowing they'll never be able to have enough money to own one.

All the gold, glitz and glamour that is fed to us as status symbols of somebody "made it" just sitting behind some glass without a care in the world. Yet again, in which low income individuals walk by everyday knowing they will never make it so they'll never get to enjoy the spoils.

These kids are not gonna get opportunities, they don't even get treated like humans.

Some of you really have the audacity to question why people are looting?? WAKE THE **** UP AND JOIN US IN REALITY FOR A SECOND.
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