RIP George Floyd

If you truly believe this, why are you still arguing with the same dudes who grew up on NT with you that you actually said that hurtful nonsense to like @dcallamerican or nawghtyhare nawghtyhare ? Where's their apology ? they remember. Instead you just conveniently write them off as a fan club because you can erase that past unlike KHUFU KHUFU who is fairly new.

I knew this question was gonna be asked, because unlike KHUFU my problems with those two other cats extend far beyond race, specially with DC who has a looooooong history of baiting with ANY topic and well, your man Naughty Can kick rocks for as long as I’m a member of this forum, dude has BEEEEEN crossed the line of disrespect, so while I’ll also apologize to him for any race related interactions we might have had where I was out of line, im simply not an emotional position to look passed the type of blatant disrespectful crap he has said not really about me, but my wife to be exact....infertility is something that has destroyed my wife emotionally and while I can rock with the jokes about me, he doesn’t joke and literally weaponizes my wife’s pain, so he can go ***** himself.

still i Can admit I’ve been out of line in the past regarding race, mostly because I thought for some reason I could have an opinion on race related topics ignoring my own privilege and that was insenstive, so I’ll apoliGize to any black NTer i might have offended, DC and naughty included....but what I said above stands, put race aside and I have no desire to EVER have a decent man to man conversation with either of them.
Would you say the average black man is more athletic or talented artisticly then most races?

You’re trying to bait people into an argument that nobody is trying to have with you.

Either leave the thread or stop. Your last 5-6 posts are so bogus I don’t even know where to begin.

You’re carefully tip toeing the “all lives matter” argument and nobody here except for Maybe Khufu Is saying that black lives are the only lives that matter.

Do you need BLM explained to you for a final time or are you good?

Nobody is trying to hear your foolishness right now. Seriously...
You’re trying to bait people into an argument that nobody is trying to have with you.

Either leave the thread or stop. You’re last 5-6 posts are so bogus I don’t even know where to begin.

You’re carefully tip toeing the “all lives matter” argument and nobody here except for Maybe Khufu Is saying that black lives are the only lives that matter.

Do you need BLM explained to you for a final time or are you good?

Nobody is trying to hear your foolishness right now. Seriously...

Adding seriously, makes it so not serious...

Don't be mad because Spitta's own reasoning is backfiring on them.

Who am I baiting, I'm talking to Spitta.

Ain't no one against BLM, get out of here with that.

We all know "All Lives Matter" is passive aggressive for "Black Lives Don't Matter" so never accuse me of that before I put you on that Summer Jam screen.
You gotta be careful. There are a ton of fake **** out there and it's being shared thousands of times.
I've even been guilty of sharing some info that turned out to be fake. Gotta pay closer attention to keep things 100
You’re trying to bait people into an argument that nobody is trying to have with you.

Either leave the thread or stop. Your last 5-6 posts are so bogus I don’t even know where to begin.

You’re carefully tip toeing the “all lives matter” argument and nobody here except for Maybe Khufu Is saying that black lives are the only lives that matter.

Do you need BLM explained to you for a final time or are you good?

Nobody is trying to hear your foolishness right now. Seriously...
Nah', all I am saying is that nobody else's lives should be able to matter, until ours do as well, especially since we were used to build the entire western economy, then building this nation. If we don't get the treatment that we should? EVERYBODY should suffer.

That's my position.
Some of the minority owned small businesses in my old neighborhood has been demolished. I see/hear what’s going on and my heart aches for the business owners. They went through hell to get their business and to hear them telling me they may never recover from this breaks my heart for them. Unfortunately, the looting is related to what’s going on with the topic of this thread. Is it the intended product? Absolutely not, but we’d be remiss not to acknowledge it.

I’m all for fighting social injustice. I’ve had to experience it most of my young and adult life. But this isn’t the answer.
Is complaining about property damage the answer?

I’m with the movement and peaceful protesting. Voices need to be heard.

I’ll never be for looting. No way y’all gonna change my mind on that one. If that makes me the “enemy”, then idk what to tell y’all. Can’t reside on either end of the spectrum.

There’s so much hate in this thread. I understand people’s frustration, but this isn’t the way. It’s diving us more than keeping us together to fight the systemic issues that’s been in place for generations. It’s sad, the oppressors designed this very paradigm we’re in. We’re too busy fighting each other to fight the people we should be fighting.

I hope y’all find some peace in all this.
Here's the problem: you came into this thread to discuss your distaste for property damage. To anyone reading, it's going to look like that's what matters to you most.

Out of curiosity, though, will we see this same energy on July 4th, when we're expected to honor "our" heroes, the violent insurrectionists who sought independence through armed conflict resulting in the deaths of over 43,000 British soldiers?


"Listen, I'm against unjust taxation as much as anyone, but I don't think destroying all that tea was the answer. Violence sets the movement back."

In this case, most protesters - by FAR - are peaceful.

Asking people to stop focusing on property damage isn't endorsing property damage - it's about recognizing that there is ONE injustice at the root of ALL of this. Let's concentrate on that.

Stop acting like lost inventory deserves equal billing with lost lives, that stolen merchandise deserves equal billing with stolen futures.

Black lives matter. Furniture does not.

Well said dude. I might have to steal that for future use. :lol:

Thanks for removing the, "I am not racist" dude. He was clueless as hell.
To be clear: the passage you quoted there, which I included in a quote block within my own post, was from the Ta-Nehisi Coates piece I linked.
If you want to have a conversation then be man enough to have it

I am sure a it wouldn't be much of a conversation with the amount of cliche sayings and quotes you would make.

You dont even know what you want to converse with me about,
So do immigrants get to talk about or be upset how it's a struggle to get into the entertainment/sports business in America compared to black and white counterparts? Or is that a NO NO too.

Several other people have replied to the above post saying "WHAT?" As in what the HELL are you talking about?

Why are you trying so hard to make a comparison that isn't there? Pro sports are based on talent. Either you have it or you don't.
How? If our struggles aren't equal? How come we cant complain about being famous? We want to be famous too and have people steal from our culture too.

You can- do you see the title of this thread? Go do that in another thread and if it doesn't exist, create it.
So what DO YOU SAY to the people in THIS POST who are making the immigrant struggle sound easy? That's all we're asking, to not make our struggle seem like nothing. We know about the black struggle, it's hard an unfair. But don't paint other immigrants like we dont go through nothing,

Again, you're dying to make a comparison that isn't there.

Whatever immigrant group you identify with, struggles in america. There I said it. Are you satisfied?

This thread is about the murder of George Floyd, not a comparison of immigrant struggles.
Would you say the average black man is more athletic or talented artisticly then most races?

Where are you going with that question? What does that have to do with the topic of this thread. You are doing your best in all of these posts to derail and piss people off with this nonsense you are talking.

If you have an issue with someone because you feel like they aren't respecting the group you are a part of create another thread. Nobody is trying to debate tit for tat with you about who struggles the most.
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