RIP George Floyd


I have warned you guys to stop posting things from my personal social media. Come November, It's MY TURN.
edshoecator edshoecator , serious question here. Have you changed on using the N word around your friends? I know you are Mexican and said you have plenty of black friends from childhood, have a black wife and child but do you still say it? You mentioned your friends allow you to but is that something that you would still do?

I’m still in the “You’re aren’t black you shouldn’t ever use it” side.
What makes you such an expert on the immigrant experience? How could you make such blatant generalizations?

My parents came here with nothing to their name, had to work several jobs just to make ends meet. On top of that, we never received a single dime from the government as aid, because we didn’t qualify for it.

So you can miss me with your assumptions and generalizations man. I’m going to agree to disagree with some of y’all. No way I’ll see violence as the answer. I’ll say it again, I hope y’all find some sort of peace in all this. Lord knows we need it.

so what?
:sick: This is Mr "peaceful". Wrong p word.
he supports white supremacy, even let's them **** on him to his face for acceptance.

he's lost.
edshoecator edshoecator , serious question here. Have you changed on using the N word around your friends? I know you are Mexican and said you have plenty of black friends from childhood, have a black wife and child but do you still say it? You mentioned your friends allow you to but is that something that you would still do?

I’m still in the “You’re aren’t black you shouldn’t ever use it” side.

I haven't used the word since my early to mid 20s. Im not trying to defend myself, nor do I care how people feel that I used it, but I grew up with Blacks, Belizeans and a Mexican. I was the only Mexican in an ALL BLACK car club. I never used it as part of my daily vocabulary though.

I check my Mexican students about using it cause it makes my black kids uncomfortable.

And to keep it all the way 100 with you...I never, nor can I now, relate to what it's like to be Mexican. I was raised differently.
$100,000 KAWS statues sitting behind 3 inch glass in which low income individuals walk by every day knowing they're not ever gonna be able to get ahead far enough in life to ever make $100,000

$200,000 cars showcased in these big elegant 3 inch thick glass that low income individuals drive by everyday knowing they'll never be able to have enough money to own one.

All the gold, glitz and glamour that is fed to us as status symbols of somebody "made it" just sitting behind some glass without a care in the world. Yet again, in which low income individuals walk by everyday knowing they will never make it so they'll never get to enjoy the spoils.

These kids are not gonna get opportunities, they don't even get treated like humans.

Some of you really have the audacity to question why people are looting?? WAKE THE **** UP AND JOIN US IN REALITY FOR A SECOND.
"Amazon, for example, earned over $10 billion in income in 2018. But by taking advantage of tax credits, the company zeroed out its income taxes and earned a rebate of $129 million, according to tax filings published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."
Those dudes gonna learn them biscuits only come when they need you . Ask Stacy dash , Jason Whitlock , diamond and silk how that work out for them . Theyre ostracized from everybody . The boots they were licking doesn’t need them anymore and they can’t even go home to their people .
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