RIP George Floyd

Got heem!

If you’ve got time Damien Barling, a former colleague of Grant Napear, goes in depth about how much of a **** he is and how he is oblivious to his own racism.

I wouldn't even be surprised if all of the additional officers aren't charged.

Edit: or they will be charged, but for lesser crime.
So were just gonna forget the whole “stay home cause its not about you, its about those who are vulnerable you can spread it to”?

Im all for the protests, just a weird time with covid.
You've been looking very funny in the light with some of your comments in this thread. Are you here just to be a contrarian or support black people? While COVID is serious, there is a much deadly virus that's been plaguing and killing us at an alarming rate. SYSTEMATIC RACISM. Staying inside solely worrying about COVID, unfortunately, won't help us. It goes to show you how terrible conditions are for Black people in America that we have to go out in a serious pandemic to risk our lives to demonstrate against white people unlawfully killing us while fearing that they will kill us as we protest. Hopefully, you see the weirdness in that.
I wouldn't even be surprised if all of the additional officers aren't charged.

If that's the case the DA's office might as well pour the gasoline and strike the matches themselves on TV. Things across this country will escalate quickly.

They'd be much better served upping the charges on Chauvin and charging the other officers as accessories like they would any gang off the street. But that is wishful thinking and honestly probably unprecedented as far as police go.
If that's the case the DA's office might as well pour the gasoline and strike the matches themselves on TV. Things across this country will escalate quickly.

They'd be much better served upping the charges on Chauvin and charging the other officers as accessories like they would any gang off the street. But that is wishful thinking and honestly probably unprecedented as far as police go.

For some reason I see the one cop who was interacting with the crowd getting off light
White looters = people fighting against the system that has "oppressed" them
Black looters = thugs who are out there stealing inciting violence

I don't condone violence nor destruction, but change that standard and looting will cease to exist.
They just announced that the Minnesota State AG, Keith Ellison, is gonna be holding a press conference later today regarding the decision on bringing on additional charges in the Floyd case....:nerd: :nerd:
You've been looking very funny in the light with some of your comments in this thread. Are you here just to be a contrarian or support black people? While COVID is serious, there is a much deadly virus that's been plaguing and killing us at an alarming rate. SYSTEMATIC RACISM. Staying inside solely worrying about COVID, unfortunately, won't help us. It goes to show you how terrible conditions are for Black people in America that we have to go out in a serious pandemic to risk our lives to demonstrate against white people unlawfully killing us while fearing that they will kill us as we protest. Hopefully, you see the weirdness in that.

Yall love to twist things. Ive been very well supporting of all this, you can look back at all my posts if you like. Covid is obviously not the main thing at hand, but again its something you have to think about AS WELL. Its not one or the other, its not THE FOCUS.

We can talk about the MANY aspects of this entire movement WITHOUT missing the main point. Its like if the talk is about anything BUT the main point, then its funny what your intentions are. Please.
love it. If anyone is unaware of what this devil did, please read up on it ASAP

At the Berlin Conference of 1884–1885, the colonial nations of Europe authorised his claim by committing the Congo Free State to improving the lives of the native inhabitants.[9]:122–124

From the beginning, Leopold ignored these conditions and millions of Congolese inhabitants, including children, were mutilated and killed.[9]:115,118,127 He ran the Congo using the mercenary Force Publique for his personal enrichment.[10] Failure to meet rubber collection quotas was punishable by death. Meanwhile, the Force Publique were required to provide the hand of their victims as proof when they had shot and killed someone, as it was believed that they would otherwise use the munitions (imported from Europe at considerable cost) for hunting. As a consequence, the rubber quotas were in part paid off in chopped-off hands.

He used great sums of the money from this exploitation for public and private construction projects in Belgium during this period. He donated the private buildings to the state before his death.

Leopold extracted a fortune from the Congo, initially by the collection of ivory, and after a rise in the price of rubber in the 1890s, by forced labour from the natives to harvest and process rubber. Under his regime millions of Congolese people died. Modern estimates range from one million to fifteen million, with a consensus growing around 10 million.[11]:25[12]Several historians argue against this figure due to the absence of reliable censuses, the enormous mortality of diseases such as smallpox or sleeping sickness and the fact that there were only 175 administrative agents in charge of rubber exploitation.[1][2]

Reports of deaths and abuse led to a major international scandal in the early 20th century, and Leopold was forced by the Belgian government to relinquish control of the colony to the civil administration in 1908.
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