RIP George Floyd

Didn't even know schools were strictly tied to property tax. That's systemic as ****.

In the area my parents live in, a lot of poor families have to resort to residency fraud just so that their kids can go to the good schools :frown:

There are two high schools that are about 5-10 mins away from each other. One high school is in the middle of $1.5-2 million homes, while the other one is basically in the middle of gang territory. Take a wild guess on which school has the good teachers, counselors, after school programs, etc., and which school's after school program is just a daycare for teen students who have babies already. Just because of the neighborhood it's in :smh:
Please comment/Respond

Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio
@Mr Dink

Powerful stuff and I understand her perspective. But the very violence that started all this will not be the solution to the ultimate goal. You cannot fight fire with fire. Can’t fight hate with hate. Y’all have your opinions and I have mine. Peace and love is my solution. Some of y’all won’t ever agree with that either and that’s okay. Whatever brings peace to you as an individual is all that will ever matter. It all starts from within. I hope y’all find some peace in all this.
In the area my parents live in, a lot of poor families have to resort to residency fraud just so that their kids can go to the good schools :frown:

There are two high schools that are about 5-10 mins away from each other. One high school is in the middle of $1.5-2 million homes, while the other one is basically in the middle of gang territory. Take a wild guess on which school has the good teachers, counselors, after school programs, etc., and which school's after school program is just a daycare for teen students who have babies already. Just because of the neighborhood it's in :smh:

which schools are you talking about?
Yall love to twist things. Ive been very well supporting of all this, you can look back at all my posts if you like. Covid is obviously not the main thing at hand, but again its something you have to think about AS WELL. Its not one or the other, its not THE FOCUS.

We can talk about the MANY aspects of this entire movement WITHOUT missing the main point. Its like if the talk is about anything BUT the main point, then its funny what your intentions are. Please.

Youre welcome.

See ya later.
which schools are you talking about?

My parents live in San Jose, in the Evergreen neighborhood.

Evergreen High School (in the middle of the $1.5-$2 homes) vs Andrew Hill High School, literally 5-10 mins away:

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There’s additional layers to this. Such as corrupt government. For example there’s no way in the world pg county, md should have the schools we have with our taxes being so high.
Def makes no sense. 6 figure households like Montgomery but 1 has the best schools in the country while the other is like school in the hood.
Nobody said your "support" is FAKE.

Please quote me where I said anything of the sorts.

I am simply saying you have said slick stuff in this thread so if people are taking that into consideration when it comes to giving YOU benefit of the doubt, that is YOUR own doing.

Again, deal with it.

Stop being a victim.

Youre welcome.

See ya later.

Thanks, tag the posters who mentioned it first as well dont forget.
Breonna Taylors family started an official gofundme last night, donated earlier but just posting this here in case some didn't see it yet

Tryna amplify it because I know the community's been rallying around and supporting victims families heavy, been beautiful seeing all the generosity from around the world even in times of mass unemployment and a pandemic.

The gofundme's for Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd's families have raised millions up to now :pimp:, need more of that kind of positive energy and shared collective humanity in today's world
tough question here:
how far are some of us gonna take this?
cause dudes gonna go back to watching the NFL and openly spend their money on team merch
ppl gonna still eat at wendys, chick fil a, in n out etc...
ppl will still be entering raffles for off-white shoes

does that water down support for social justice ?
tough question here:
how far are some of us gonna take this?
cause dudes gonna go back to watching the NFL and openly spend their money on team merch
ppl gonna still eat at wendys, chick fil a, in n out etc...
ppl will still be entering raffles for off-white shoes

does that water down support for social justice ?
for me I stopped watching the NFL after Kaep got blackballed.

I try to be conscious of my consumerism but its an ongoing process.
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