San Antonio NT's Come in...

I agree. put in cash to make a secerts!

fred avy lame. to easy for you. you should shoot for a d. wilkins in a spurs # 21 jersey.
crap! double post so ill just make something up!

the cnn news just said circuit city is closing all stores nationwide...go shopping fellas....screw the recession, go buy a bluray dvd player. life changing.TAKE THAT SOCIETY!!!
Originally Posted by Team Ack Right

fred avy lame. to easy for you. you should shoot for a d. wilkins in a spurs # 21 jersey.

Your wish is my command. Freakin YUKU. give it some time.
good to know that everyone still has one common goal for SU3, to get the ball rollin. since that's established we need to have a productive meet up aboutthe show. i'm available this sunday evening after 7:00 to talk shop. let's have it at BW3 on se military or jim's on broadway and hildebrand.
The Fresh Sole wrote:

FOURM .......


If Im not mistaken the 23rd is memorial day weekend which IMO will not be good because a lot folks travel out of town plus as somebody previously mentioned many graduation parties. I would suggest early April before the Fiesta activities but whatever you all suggest.

was in a rush bad atwrkkkkkkkkkk.............
Sorry to chime in so late, i don't have my laptop from work yet. But indeed, Joe & I have been looking for an adequate venue for SU3. We have acouple of options right now, and we will let everyone know when we are all gathered. And if anyone has any solid ideas as far as venue, please follow up withthe place and get info to provide to us (price, space size, etc.) Please contact me via my cell. As Fred mentioned, the price of the venue is effected by theday of the week we decide to have the show (Sat or Sun). I really don't like making decisions here on NT, because we will just go around in circles.Futhermore, as G mentioned, he and I will start working on the flyer as the info is confirmed. We will make this happen.

Art - Buffalo Wild wings is prob not the best place for a meet up this Sunday, since Baltimore/Pittsburgh play that night. We can do the Jims on Broadway andHildebrand at 7pm.

Originally Posted by ucasta

Art - Buffalo Wild wings is prob not the best place for a meet up this Sunday, since Baltimore/Pittsburgh play that night. We can do the Jims on Broadway and Hildebrand at 7pm.


good catch aaron. jims on broadway and hildebrand at 7pm it is.
^ no romo...

I have a feeling the quiet homely people of Jim's are gonna ticked off at some loud SOBs on Sunday... I'm there!!!!!!
Originally Posted by tellyjesko1023

Originally Posted by Team Ack Right

I agree. put in cash to make a secerts!

i dont get this ?????????????what are u talking bout

it means keep us informed! prices and places so we can help joe answer your fing phone too, you are by far the hardest one to get ahold of...all of us want tohelp, but can't if we are not in the loop. your going to need cash for all this. I didn't even know you worked! haven't seen you in ages....that's what I'm saying.... and jims for the win I'm off sunday....all sunday then over to my house for "wii & crumpets"
keep in mind that we're there to talk shop. let's come together and hammer out some details, then go be loud SOBs somewhere else. maybe tiffany'sbillards up the road on san pedro.

((CORRECTION ON JIMS LOCATION)) san pedro and hildebrand
Originally Posted by crushgruve

keep in mind that we're there to talk shop. let's come together and hammer out some details, then go be loud SOBs somewhere else. maybe tiffany's billards up the road on san pedro.

((CORRECTION ON JIMS LOCATION)) san pedro and hildebrand
word. no need for yelling, it will be a gentlemens affair.
Originally Posted by ca5perrr

[size=3 pnts]This doggie lolz,

im going to school as we speak, and got more IT/INTEL/CNA/CNE/DNI/Open source/SIGINT/DNA training than pretty much anyone who went to school for it,

Whoa whoa ... don't forget we did the same job ... OK maybe you got me in CNA/CNE. This thread is funny though. I'm under 70 days until I move to SA.And I'm ready to go. Oh and whatever happened to the dude who asked me to check JD sports for some shoes?
AJ fanatic wrote:
Oh and whatever happened to the dude who asked me to check JD sports for some shoes?

Forgetaboutit! I hadn't seen anything spectacular on their site.
Originally Posted by Team Ack Right

Originally Posted by tellyjesko1023

Originally Posted by Team Ack Right

I agree. put in cash to make a secerts!

i dont get this ?????????????what are u talking bout

it means keep us informed! prices and places so we can help joe answer your fing phone too, you are by far the hardest one to get ahold of...all of us want to help, but can't if we are not in the loop. your going to need cash for all this. I didn't even know you worked! haven't seen you in ages.... that's what I'm saying.... and jims for the win I'm off sunday....all sunday then over to my house for "wii & crumpets"

Originally Posted by T21D

AJ fanatic wrote:
Oh and whatever happened to the dude who asked me to check JD sports for some shoes?

Forgetaboutit! I hadn't seen anything spectacular on their site.

Yeah you're right. I went in there a couple weekends ago and there wasn't a large selection of interesting items so I just copped a couple skullies andkept it moving.
Originally Posted by Team Ack Right

Originally Posted by tellyjesko1023

Originally Posted by Team Ack Right

I agree. put in cash to make a secerts!

i dont get this ?????????????what are u talking bout

it means keep us informed! prices and places so we can help joe answer your fing phone too, you are by far the hardest one to get ahold of...all of us want to help, but can't if we are not in the loop. your going to need cash for all this. I didn't even know you worked! haven't seen you in ages.... that's what I'm saying.... and jims for the win I'm off sunday....all sunday then over to my house for "wii & crumpets"

there is no secret ........everything that we know yall get told...........and as for the phone .....i talk to damn near every 1 every day ....if i dont ansi call back ......

so again saying .....the whole keep things from dont happen ....all this secret talk is just stupid ......
easy.....we all just got questions.....just back track david got so fustrated last night because he hadn't heard that is a perfect example ofsome people not knowing info. but look I'm not here to jab war, ill agree with whatever possible to get this off the ground already!




Trying to get a gang of people going so we can basically run an entire wing to play pool on a few tables...
hey guys wassup!!! if NE one interested i'm selling my 1 Wrestlemania 25 ticket held this year in H-town (Reliant) for 100 bucks, ticket section is lowerlevel. PM me, or email to [email protected], or call me if u have my cell #

If you had 2 of them I would be all over it. My dad likes to watch wrestling and I would take him to this event even though I haven't seen wrestling forquite some time.
Originally Posted by Team Ack Right

easy.....we all just got questions.....just back track david got so fustrated last night because he hadn't heard that is a perfect example of some people not knowing info. but look I'm not here to jab war, ill agree with whatever possible to get this off the ground already!

^^^oh i know details of whats been talked about , i was just sayin we need to get on it now, people were asking when was our show in h town and we had noanswer even nick had people asking and he had no answers. so we need to get a place and a date. hey albert are you going or all you have is just 1 ticket? ifits just that 1 ticket put that B***H on ebay, should sell for more than a bill.
^^^lol well u were an instructor, so I kno u kno more bout being a 1n4, but I did a lot when I was in (when I was at work lol) ,

As fas the show it has to be on a sunday, any location is gonna be open on a sat, nt eh prices will be a lot higher, and since they're prob gonna be openfor reg business the place would hurry us up, n jus be able since they gotta be back to normal that night, sunday is a more lax and family day,it jus works outbest,that's that ,
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