School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Zelensky’s show is now on Netflix. Crazy to think where he started.

How can someone in 2022 even believe this propaganda from Russia of all countries? Do you even know how widespread Neo Nazis/similar beliefs are in Russia?

Sure, there are neo Nazi groups in Ukraine, but to claim that Russia is invading on some anti Nazi, savior of Europeans type of mission is laughable
How can someone in 2022 even believe this propaganda from Russia of all countries? Do you even know how widespread Neo Nazis/similar beliefs are in Russia?

Sure, there are neo Nazi groups in Ukraine, but to claim that Russia is invading on some anti Nazi, savior of Europeans type of mission is laughable

that's why some far right groups in America are calling this a brother war...

I'm not saying this is a sole premise on the invasion saying its apart of the bigger issue

but to sit up here and dismiss it when those people are not hiding it and embracing it and taking credit for what's going in in eastern Ukraine is fair game criticism no one told the Ukraine national guard to pick up that flag and expected people to just accept it because check notes there are nazis worldwide smh

Just say you were wrong. It happens, they spend good guap on making up lies.

how is it lies when they practice this ideology in public its not made up. how about you admit nazis aren't a problem in 2022 for you

what a time to be alive where people dimiss and apologize for a nazi flag as just some propaganda

I will leave it at that this is a polar view
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I’m not saying there isn’t nazis in Ukraine. Of course there is.

We got nazis here too.

I’m saying it’s a bs excuse for Putin to invade.

He doesn’t care about his own people, you really think he’s out here acting like the bear Jew trying to save Ukraine. Come on man.
how is it lies when they practice this ideology in public its not made up. how about you admit nazis aren't a problem in 2022 for you

what a time to be alive where people dimiss and apologize for a nazi flag as just some propaganda

Funny, I haven't seen you post ONE THING about the Russian Wagner Group, which was founded by.... You guessed it, a nazi!

I haven't seen you post ONE THING about the Kadyrov Chechen's that fight for Russia, who openly torture and kill gay people for fun.

You would think -- if your concern was genuine -- that you would also care about Nazi's and bigots on the Russian side. But that doesn't seem to be the case. 🤔

Nobody's buying your ********, my dude.
I’m not saying there isn’t nazis in Ukraine. Of course there is.

We got nazis here too.

I’m saying it’s a bs excuse for Putin to invade.

He doesn’t care about his own people, you really think he’s out here acting like the bear Jew trying to save Ukraine. Come on man.

I agree its not a good excuse to invade a country all I'm saying is why would anyone in 2022 still be waving that flag? Its insensitive to me.

Funny, I haven't seen you post ONE THING about the Russian Wagner Group, which was founded by.... You guessed it, a nazi!

I haven't seen you post ONE THING about the Kadyrov Chechen's that fight for Russia, who openly torture and kill gay people for fun.

You would think -- if your concern was genuine -- that you would also care about Nazi's and bigots on the Russian side. But that doesn't seem to be the case. 🤔

Nobody's buying your bull****, my dude.

if you think calling out the other nazis make this any better it just shows how big of an issue this is in that region to me. Far right groups are calling this a brother war. Hence why Russia rocking that Z. I saw a lot of y'all seen the resemblance when y'all liked that picture to a nazi rally a few pages ago :smh:

But y'all got it.
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How can someone in 2022 even believe this propaganda from Russia of all countries? Do you even know how widespread Neo Nazis/similar beliefs are in Russia?

Sure, there are neo Nazi groups in Ukraine, but to claim that Russia is invading on some anti Nazi, savior of Europeans type of mission is laughable

It's easy to think that you're fighting or supporting some (fake) war on nazis

I see it here
Edit: Haha. Just realized the guy I responded to had his post deleted too.
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Key Takeaways

  • Russian forces did not conduct any offensive operations northwest of Kyiv and further reinforced their defensive positions.
  • Russian forces did not conduct offensive operations in northeastern Ukraine and have been unable to solve logistics issues.
  • Russian forces continued to make slow but steady progress and shell civilian infrastructure in Mariupol.
  • Russian and proxy forces conducted several unsuccessful assaults in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts in the past 24 hours.
  • Russia continues to deploy low-quality reserves, including combat-support elements and low-readiness units from the Eastern Military District, to replace losses in frontline units.
  • The Ukranian General Staff warned that Russia seeks to conduct a provocation to bring Belarus into the war, but a Belarusian offensive into western Ukraine remains unlikely to occur or succeed if it did.
Hopefully we see more of this in the weeks to come. Especially as food runs out. Hunger is the darnedest thing.

There is also a thread out there with all the KIA/MIA/Captured officers. The are just picking off the leadership because of unsecured communications. Without that officer holding a gun to their back these guys might be more likely to surrender or run home.

Damn. These soldiers are war criminals for following orders to commit crimes against citizens. But this is some next level scum baggery by these officers. And The lack of secured lines is wild. And how easy intelligence is picking them up. Zelensky even broadcasted a message to the guys on normal radio bandwidth to surrender and they get treated better than the Russian military treats them. That was at least a week ago. You think they’d start deserting to a surrender point by now. Give up, or get killed, or lose limbs and at minimum a foot or fingers to frostbite.
Please PM me da details and I will let jrose5 jrose5 know. We are putting together a brief to get Meth removed.

All jokes aside.

I dont think NT should be deleting post based on sides.

If it's not graphic or littered with profanity why are they being deleted?

I literally posted a spicey gif and it got deleted.

I had a post about people complaining about the thread title get deleted.

Must be a new mod power trippin.
That's not healthy.

I posted a gif of Shaq eating a spicey wing and it got deleted.

NT censorship is becoming an echo chamber and that's not good for anyone.
It’s not an echo chamber if dumb/false/or irrelevant **** is deleted….That’s just keeping things on track and having some type of integrity to the discussion

You don’t see why a discussion bout Nazis or Shaq eatings wings would get deleted in this topic ? Or you just kinda salty one of your posts got clipped? :lol:
It’s not an echo chamber if dumb/false/or irrelevant **** is deleted….That’s just keeping things on track and having some type of integrity to the discussion

Sounds like an echo chamber to me.

Dumb/false/or misinformation needs to be addressed and corrected with facts.

Not just deleted.
Sounds like a road to a stale-mate which is really embarrassing for Russia.
Sounds like an echo chamber to me.

Dumb/false/or misinformation needs to be addressed and corrected with facts.

Not just deleted.
You don’t see ppl replying to yo all thread? It’s only so much you can keep saying without somebody either not getting it or they purposely trying to rile some **** up …After a while you might as well delete it if they keep pushing the same points and not learning from it

“Echo chamber” just another one of the buzzwords ppl like to use when they get push back on certain things tbh …Not everything has to be both sided or debated back and forth if it’s just flat out stupid or disingenuous
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