School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

You don’t see ppl replying to yo all thread? It’s only so much you can keep saying without somebody either not getting it or they purposely trying to rile some **** up …After a while you might as well delete it if they keeo pushing the same points and not learning from it

Ok, I can dig that.

I won't act like entirely pay attention to who post what.

I do take notice at the back and forth.

Buuuuut ain that what the block feature is for?
It’s not an echo chamber if dumb/false/or irrelevant **** is deleted….That’s just keeping things on track and having some type of integrity to the discussion

You don’t see why a discussion bout Nazis or Shaq eatings wings would get deleted in this topic ? Or you just kinda salty one of your posts got clipped? :lol:

I’m not salty. I’m kind of knew it was coming. Just had enough of a certain person trying hard to claim some troll e-fame. Like a poor man’s Dusty-Rusty. Got fed up and said my peace. Ok with it being deleted. And I’m not going to battle with the person that reached out to me - be like me sitting in some dusty Russian fuel truck with bad tires and that person just watching me from the hill with a stack of javelins. My punishment was fair. Haha.
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Sounds like a road to a stale-mate which is really embarrassing for Russia.

Unfortunately I think Russia still wins in a stale mate. They make a massive land grab and block Ukraine off from the Black Sea. Ultimately controlling Ukraine at that point and making it easier for future puppet regimes. And ultimately some authoritarian from Russia is going to invade again some decades later with a slightly better advantage. Ukraine is in a very bad situation. The best solution for them as a nation would be to completely push the Russians out but the life cost of that would be catastrophic.
Unfortunately I think Russia still wins in a stale mate. They make a massive land grab and block Ukraine off from the Black Sea. Ultimately controlling Ukraine at that point and making it easier for future puppet regimes. And ultimately some authoritarian from Russia is going to invade again some decades later with a slightly better advantage. Ukraine is in a very bad situation. The best solution for them as a nation would be to completely push the Russians out but the life cost of that would be catastrophic.
That's true. I think they want to take Ukraine as a whole, but if they maintain or take Odessa, Sevastopol, Kherson, and Mauripol, than they'd be in a great position strategically and economically. Ultimately, I don't see Ukraine surrendering at all.
All jokes aside.

I dont think NT should be deleting post based on sides.

If it's not graphic or littered with profanity why are they being deleted?

I literally posted a spicey gif and it got deleted.

I had a post about people complaining about the thread title get deleted.

Must be a new mod power trippin.

This is Meth's NT and Biden's America. Vote for me as new Moderator.
Oh mods did a good sweep I see :lol:.

*for informational purpose only*

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I posted a gif of Shaq eating a spicey wing and it got deleted.
C'mon, it wasn't just the gif. The 'Says the guy who served in Desert Storm' post was deleted, so then your post quoting that and responding with the Shaq gif was subsequently deleted.

A bunch of the posts going at each other, trying to one-up each other, those got deleted. Wasn't a new mod. Wasn't posts being deleted based on narratives being censored. Wasn't a matter of certain opinions being hidden. It was much simpler: just trying to get the conversation back on topic and away from each other, that's all. I know people aren't going to like that, but there's the explanation.

Say what you want... on the topic. Just try to stick with the topic. Political discussions get personal real quick, with people eventually resorting to 'Wait aren't you the idiot who said blah, blah, blah?' A bunch of posts leaning the conversation towards that sort of dynamic and away from the Ukraine/Russia convo were deleted.

“I have no dog in this fight.”

This is sad ....

I just don't get how people continue to spew rhetoric about Nazis and seemingly blame Ukraine for what's happening ... it's awful.

If he / Putin truely care about the people he would punish his troops that are wrecking havoc on innocent civilians ... however, we know that order has come from the top.

But lets continue to find videos and extremist that somehow has convoluted the facts with personal beliefs and propaganda.
you are dense.
he is being sarcastic saying that you do have a dog in this fight because of all the russian propaganda you have been spewing
it's painfully obvious to everyone else but you
I'm pretty sure he knew that buddy was trying to show that he does have a dog in the fight. His response of "doesn't mean I can't talk about it" was his rebuttal. He was implying "Sure that's a lot of posts but I still don't have a dog in the fight. I'm just talking about it a lot."

He does have a dog in the fight. It's clear he does. If he needs to say that he doesn't, then at that point...

doesn't mean I can't talk about it

just use the block feature.

back to the main topic here.

Haven't seen anything like this from you though:

The accusations of atrocities are documented in a report for the U.N. Security Council that was obtained by The New York Times and that details abuses tied to the contentious Russian involvement in the Central African Republic, an impoverished yet mineral-rich country that has been locked in civil war for nearly a decade.

Russian mercenaries, deployed in the guise of unarmed military advisers, led government forces into battle during an offensive to oust rebels from several towns in January and February, the report found. And as well as committing abuses, the Russian operatives established themselves in the major mining centers of a country with large reserves of diamonds.
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