School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Big... red... dog.




That was a good one!

Haven't seen anything like this from you though:

look man this is in Africa I would love a thread on war crimes in Africa. Im sure Russia aint the only one doing dirt in Africa. Back to the topic here.

all this whataboutery

Nice breakdown of the effects of the sanctions.

Wild how Putin just initiated widespread theft for all those leased airplanes.
Laywers and Insurance companies must be working overtime reading the fine print.
So stupid to continue parroting Putin's nazi excuses for destroying Ukraine and killing women, men and children. The furthest far right spectrum of European politics is ultra nationalism, fascism and neo-nazism. And where do Europe's neo-nazis congregate for paramilitary training to fulfill their race war fantasies? Terrorist training camps near St. Petersburg, Moscow and Nizhny. **** that whataboutnazi****, when Putin's thiefdom is looting, killing and raping the free people in Ukraine.

Russia so-called peacekeeping mission in Mariupol
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“Even without popular support, it is clear that the ultra-nationalist Svoboda Party — known as the Social-National Party of Ukraine until its rebranding in 2004 — has the power to capture the state in another coup d’état, and some influential figures in the Azov battalion have expressed their desire to do just that (Walker, 2014). It does not take a genius, then, to realise the special threat this movement poses to Ukrainian democracy and to the future of the state, and in the last few hours we have been given a terrifying demonstration of the brutality of this regiment’s ideology against the civilian population of Mariupol. Yet, efforts to downplay this danger by the western media after the Russian invasion (24 February 2022) have caused considerable confusion about the nature of the extreme far-right in Ukraine, with many casual observers seeing the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists as generally similar to neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups elsewhere — as a fringe element or as ‘a few bad apples.’ But nothing could be further from the truth.

The single most important distinction we must make concerning these far-right groups and organisations is that Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists are not neo-Nazis, they are real old-school ideological Nazis with an unbroken pedigree reaching back to the SS-Einstazgruppen death squads and the death camps of the Holocaust. In order to explain what exactly is meant by this, we must start with a few simple definitions. The racist far-right and white supremacism, whilst not necessarily being ‘Nazi,’ are chauvanistic racist attitudes about the superiority of the ‘white race.’ White supremacism is the racist idea of the far-right, and the far-right describes the politics or political action of white supremacists. Nazism is a white supremacism and a type of far-right politics.”

the info is out there. Probably even on Wikipedia so you can copy paste. I find it very hard to believe some would be so naive to latch on to Putins dis-credited propaganda so fast. Only explanation is that his propaganda is what your belief system is based upon.

last ones not linking right but NPR has a piece on this fallacy written 3/1/22.

“Putin's claim of fighting against Ukraine 'neo-Nazis' distorts history, scholars say”

I can keep going. The truth is all over the free world media. But you won’t find it if that isn’t your intent in the first place.

And for extra-credit, go get on a subreddit that is posting all the stories of locals, rapes, theft, murder, atrocities and all the other war crimes the Russian military are committing.
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the info is out there. Probably even on Wikipedia so you can copy paste. I find it very hard to believe some would be so naive to latch on to Putins dis-credited propaganda so fast. Only explanation is that his propaganda is what your belief system is based upon.

The rebuilding of Ukraine will take decades. Idk how anyone will move back even after a cease fire or treaty.

Looking at the satellite imagery you can clearly tell this is an agricultural based society based on land parcels. Provided they prevail - for their economy to restart they will need to re-establish the small communities of farmers and the industry that supports it, I.e. fertilizer packaging, commerce etc. the commercial centers which will be needed for financial support and imports/exports will require the need for large mainly port and river based large city hubs. This will most likely not return to its former state overnight and will grow over time. And rebuilding efforts of the civil infrastructure will slow this down. With the decimation of land and the pollutants introduced by weapons, destroyed vehicles and dead bodies. Plus the need to basically clear out major cities and rebuild from the dirt up… yes I agree Ukraine will be impacted by this for generations. Hopefully the end result will be all the Russian seized assets and finances given to an independently controlled fund to provide over site and hopefully prevent corruption to facilitate this effort. In the end the West will most likely end up financing the bulk of it.

Forgot to add that about 10% of their population will be refugees and who knows how many will want to go back. Plus there will be a lost generation based upon the final number of civilian casualties, which will likely never be known due to mass graves, executions in the forests, burying loved ones on properties and the kidnapping of civilians to Russia which at that point they never existed for all intensive purposes. The Ukrainian nationalism will draw some back if they do prevail against Russia. I even see those Russian sects within Ukrain more align themselves with Ukrainian democracy as Russia showed that they had no loyalty to these citizens in the first place (I.e. reports are Russia is conscripting “liberated” citizens in the east to fight on the front line)

This is all my opinion. My education is technical based and not economics.
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The single most important distinction we must make concerning these far-right groups and organisations is that Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists are not neo-Nazis, they are real old-school ideological Nazis with an unbroken pedigree reaching back to the SS-Einstazgruppen death squads and the death camps of the Holocaust. In order to explain what exactly is meant by this, we must start with a few simple definitions. The racist far-right and white supremacism, whilst not necessarily being ‘Nazi,’ are chauvanistic racist attitudes about the superiority of the ‘white race.’ White supremacism is the racist idea of the far-right, and the far-right describes the politics or political action of white supremacists. Nazism is a white supremacism and a type of far-right politics.”
This sounds just like Richard Spencer's "peaceful genocide." :lol:

Is there a type of far-right politics that is not [insert race] supremacist?

look man this is in Africa I would love a thread on war crimes in Africa. Im sure Russia aint the only one doing dirt in Africa. Back to the topic here.

all this whataboutery
I thought you wanted to focus on Nazi war criminals? It's a bunch of them in the army you don't mention.
Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists are not neo-Nazis, they are real old-school ideological Nazis with an unbroken pedigree reaching back to the SS-Einstazgruppen death squads and the death camps of the Holocaust.
Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists are not neo-Nazis, they are real old-school ideological Nazis
ultra-nationalists are not neo-Nazis, they are ideological Nazis
Aaaahhhh, much better.

Eff 'em.

Maybe post some of yours first

Or not
Indifferent. I keep an Eye on politics because I invest. Besides of the obvious reasons war is bad, I am ready for the market to turn around.

I think pushing a boogey man narrative for either side is short sighted and lazy scholarship.

If I were to call a spade a spade, it looks like the US did it’s standard infrastructure destabilization so that they could put in a West biased regime. I think this was something well thought in advance designed to bleed Russia slowly. Giving credit where credit is due, the US could theoretically destroy Russia by spreading it thin without ever having pulled a US trigger. NATO knew pushing east would cause this. Wether Ukraine and other countries should be able to join NATO is a different convo. The objective part is Putin responded how everyone thought he would respond. I don’t think the term nazi is as revelant as the fact that he felt like there was a group of people who happen to be nazi’s who have ties to anti-Russian entities, destabilized a government that was pro Russia in his own backyard. I think any sound mind would acknowledge that wether you agree if the threat is legitimate or not, if a leader of a country genuinely feels in danger they will respond accordingly. This is Putin’s response to what he perceives as a threat by NATO. It‘s unfortunate that the average person in Ukraine and Russia will bear the blunt of what’s happened, but the writing was on the wall.

Again, my stance is indifferent. After asking myself who, what, when, where, and why ? this is the conclusion I’ve come to.
do you support a no fly zone over Ukraine?

NT poll?

kingkoopa kingkoopa
In theory it would be great and probably put an end to the conflict, but in practice…I’m not trying to invoke WW3 by giving Putin any reason to further escalate against other countries right now.

It’s basically a lose-lose situation whether we keep letting the Ukrainian civilians get obliterated or intervene and risk global nuclear destruction.

They broadcasted where the ship was 3 days ago and it got smoked today with the damage spreading to 2 other ships from ammunition exploding. Port must be unusable too.
No idea how they got attacked. Anti-air should've picked off any missles and there's no visible strike in the videos. Big loss for Russia
there are a bunch of videos of that ship. From a military actions viewpoint the videos are amazing. Unless is was an inside job like what type of munitions were needed to cause that extent of damage to cause that initial reaction. And all those secondary explosions, people were saying ship was empty but it might have been full of ammo. And now that port is blocked with a ship sitting under it. This attack was huge for Ukraine.

If Ukraine can get anti-ship missles and some small assault boats. That fleet could be in serious trouble. That would free up the entire south for potential counter offensives. And relieve the missle strikes on Kyiv and the western side.
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I think pushing a boogey man narrative for either side is short sighted and lazy scholarship.


If I were to call a spade a spade, it looks like the US did it’s standard infrastructure destabilization so that they could put in a West biased regime. I think this was something well thought in advance designed to bleed Russia slowly. Giving credit where credit is due, the US could theoretically destroy Russia by spreading it thin without ever having pulled a US trigger. NATO knew pushing east would cause this.

Talk about "lazy scholarship"

Russia has been a full participant in the world economy with tons of economic benefits and political ties to the Western world, as seen by all the companies now having to pull out

Russians' quality of life had been steadily on the rise. There's no way to see this situation as Russia having no option but to invade Ukraine

The objective part is Putin responded how everyone thought he would respond. I don’t think the term nazi is as revelant as the fact that he felt like there was a group of people who happen to be nazi’s who have ties to anti-Russian entities, destabilized a government that was pro Russia in his own backyard.

Everyone expected a full scale invasion of Ukraine? I could've sworn the Russia apologists were convinced he wouldn't move past ethnically-Russian parts of Ukraine

I think any sound mind would acknowledge that wether you agree if the threat is legitimate or not, if a leader of a country genuinely feels in danger they will respond accordingly. This is Putin’s response to what he perceives as a threat by NATO. It‘s unfortunate that the average person in Ukraine and Russia will bear the blunt of what’s happened, but the writing was on the wall.

Again, my stance is indifferent. After asking myself who, what, when, where, and why ? this is the conclusion I’ve come to.

If Russia and its leaders are still stuck in the Cold War and see NATO as a military rival to fear, then that's the problem, not NATO allowing in historically repressed former Soviet republics

It's interesting to me that certain people who are quick to call out the US's illegal and immoral wars are only able to muster up "indifference" when it comes to Russia's. I wonder why that is
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