School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Probably the most positive/encouraging thing of the day.

Hope they stay safe.
Thousands have been arrested, probably beaten and declared enemy of the state.

This is sad no matter how you slice it. Putin is a ******* psycho ... his people don't even like him, just fear him and now his soldiers, nation and world are going to suffer some shape or form from this ... smh.
Мы будем противостоять либералам, их домыслам и инсинуациям. Для матери России
либы поджарены! бас в моем голосе, моя очередь.
You'd think in times like these where every country should aim to be as united as possible, we'd finally put aside our differences for a single hour. Nope, GOP attacking Biden as if he's the one invading Ukraine.
There really is no hope.
You'd think in times like these where every country should aim to be as united as possible, we'd finally put aside our differences for a single hour. Nope, GOP attacking Biden as if he's the one invading Ukraine.
There really is no hope.
At least us and NATO worked together to impliment harsh saunctions which will definitely hurt the Russian economy and already brought the Russian Ruble down to its lowest value.

At least us and NATO worked together to impliment harsh saunctions which will definitely hurt the Russian economy and already brought the Russian Ruble down to its lowest value.

Putin doesn't care though.

The UK hasn't even sanctioned the two Russian billionaires that own soccer clubs there.

Somewhere on the Korean peninsula, Kim Jon Un is stroking those nuclear warheads. "This gamma radiation smells like freedom and peace"
Us and nato couldn't stop poking the bear using Ukraine as shield and Putins actually crazy enough to do something about it. When something many saw coming happens, naturally fingers will be pointed.
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