School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Understood. But without someone within the Russian inner circle willing to coup this psychopath, what will they do? Putin is unstable and I don’t see anyone rising against him. Russia arrested and disappeared some 1500-1700 protesters today. I think his mental aptitude will have no problem replacing anyone at this point. Even family members.
Down the line when the Russian economy starts to take a turn for the worse, hopefully Russians will seriously start wide-spread protesting against Putin's actions. He would have to be ousted with public pressure because I don't see anyone going against him politically either.
Sergei seemed so fearful


The audio version has my heart heavy. Those brave few knew exactly what fate awaited them yet they never once flinched or relented. Even cranked the audio up for good measure to ensure the bastards heard them loud and clear. The world needs more such people, not less.

"This is it. Should I tell him to go **** himself? Just in case?… Russian warship, go **** yourself."

Much respect to the Ukrainian President choosing to stay put in the country knowing full well he's being targeted.

What is happening is so surreal and heartbreaking like something out of a crazy movie script but really taking place. Such a scary thought civilians in the country getting asked to bear arms to defend their country regardless of age.

Thankful to be in safe surroundings but yet feeling so helpless at what is happening.
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Ukraine will be washed. This mini war will over sooner than later. They’ll surrender as they should.

NATO should be ok with losing this one, it’s ok to lose the battle. Sadly, might need time prepare for what might be an eventual larger war when if this snowballs outta control with the whole China/Taiwan situation.

Putin and Russia been flexing for years without much action. He’s got tunnel vision now, this is just the first domino. I do think though that him taking back Latvia Lithuania etc is a bit of a reach. Ukraine was just too close to home. He didnt want NATO bases by the sea. Russia has crazy sea surveillance in that area, aint no way were they about to let Ukraine join NATO.
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Ukraine will be washed. This mini war will over sooner than later. They’ll surrender as they should.

NATO should be ok with losing this one, it’s ok to lose the battle. Sadly, might need time prepare for what might be an eventual larger war when if this snowballs outta control with the whole China/Taiwan situation.

Putin and Russia been flexing for years without much action. He’s got tunnel vision now, this is just the first domino. I do think though that him taking back Latvia Lithuania etc is a bit of a reach. Ukraine was just too close to home. He didnt want NATO bases by the sea. Russia has crazy sea surveillance in that area, aint no way were they about to let Ukraine join NATO.
Idk man.... How do you just turn a blind eye and allow this to happen.? Whether Ukraine is part of NATO or not, for the world to sit idly by (aside from the sanctions) as this lunatic exerts his will to conquer a nation, it just feels wrong.

Surely there has been plenty of international laws broken and war crimes committed during this invasion that can possibly justify some intervention, but simply from a humanitarian level, countless of innocent lives will be lost over this man's bizzare rhetoric, and the position of the US/G7 is "here are your fines/sanctions for your illegal invasion, just don't even think about doing the same to neighboring NATO nations.!"

Im really not knowledgeable enough on the matter to form a better argument... It's just a sad situation... And it doesn't feel like a mini war that will be over soon...

In my personal opinion, allowing Putin to take control of Ukraine (by not providing military support/presence) sets a dangerous precedent. The man is a physco, he probably just wants to see the world burn. Why allow him to start the fire.?
Well Putin was part of the KGB and definitely had a hand in who knows how many assassinations, murders, and executions.

It’s wild how some of these presidents/prime ministers in other countries are REALLY about that life. Like the story of how he got to power, he’s truly ready for anything when the shot hits the fan. I’m not glorifying or justifying Putin, just saying his type is a stark contrast to American politicians. How can democracy survive if we don’t believe that you have to poison your perceived peers to gain power in office and rule the world? How can democracy survive when communism and dictatorship seems so much more threatening and powerful? Our politicians are the diarrhea dogs and most other countries have the buff survival wolf killer dogs as leaders.

(Not a knock on Biden or red vs blue, it’s just we have draft dodging private school trust fund nepotism politicians while countries like Russia have people who got there by force/only the strongest survived.)
The more important story here is how Putin has been unable to create a plausible reason for the invasion (the whole spiel about liberating the separatist regions because they are full of Russian speakers) and still went through with it.

He couldn't accomplish the goal of keeping Ukraine pro-Russia through covert means, and he decided he was going to use force to make that happen (basically, kill/exile Zelenskyy and replace him with a puppet like in Belarus). The thing is, his willingness to use force has guaranteed that he will be surrounded by NATO forces unless he manages to escalate territory disputes with all other border states that are not yet part of NATO.

That was a desperate and stupid move IMO. Putin had twenty years to make the economic case for an Eastern European alliance that could rival the EU, but if all you promise to your neighbors is a stick bigger the one you're currently beating them with, they're going to go where the carrot is.
It’s wild how some of these presidents/prime ministers in other countries are REALLY about that life. Like the story of how he got to power, he’s truly ready for anything when the shot hits the fan. I’m not glorifying or justifying Putin, just saying his type is a stark contrast to American politicians. How can democracy survive if we don’t believe that you have to poison your perceived peers to gain power in office and rule the world? How can democracy survive when communism and dictatorship seems so much more threatening and powerful? Our politicians are the diarrhea dogs and most other countries have the buff survival wolf killer dogs as leaders.

(Not a knock on Biden or red vs blue, it’s just we have draft dodging private school trust fund nepotism politicians while countries like Russia have people who got there by force/only the strongest survived.)
I knew Putin was a real gangster and about that life when I saw him walk for the first time. Homie walks like a gangster/thug lol.
we probably at the beginning steps of the end of the world being run by an attempt for democracy.

a lot of signs of authoritarian governments gaining foothold.

covid made big steps into government control of citizens. primer.
people are all online where governments run bot schemes. easy brainwashing. people's influences can be more centralized now compared to 100 years ago since everyone is attached to the same internet. disinformation spread is easy.
production has exceeded need for labor. government reliance is increasing to give people necessities rather than doing it yourself.
public vs private power struggle causing governments to exert more control over private industries. a lot of chinas biggest companies have been getting reprimanded by the government, to the extent they've plummeted to a fraction of their peak a year ago. big tech like google and apple causing issues for governments globally.
democratic governments falling in their global position. western europe looking weak.
russia and china, biggest authoritarian governments, both have a lot of plays planned that is a given to be ran at this point. if we don't stop them now, we basically set the precedent they can run their entire playbook.
The more important story here is how Putin has been unable to create a plausible reason for the invasion (the whole spiel about liberating the separatist regions because they are full of Russian speakers) and still went through with it.

Important not only in Ukraine but in Russia too

If the majority of Russians see this war as unjustified and start to feel the squeeze of sanctions, that is going to look very different than a pro-war Russian population
Important not only in Ukraine but in Russia too

If the majority of Russians see this war as unjustified and start to feel the squeeze of sanctions, that is going to look very different than a pro-war Russian population
Excuse my ignorance on the subject, but Do we think Putin even cares what Russians really think of the war? Also, with the media there being so controlled by the state, it seems unlikely a majority would be against the war.
At best the sanctions were weak. They didn’t cut off the export of oil from Russia to Europe namely because Europe was to quick to walk away from their energy sources such as nuclear. Now they are dependent on Russia for energy. And related to the ability to pay for said oil, Russia was not completely cut off from banking. The delivery of oil to Europe makes them at the whim of Putin.

I think you mean natural gas. Oil is somewhat easier to supplement

Russia is equally dependent on EU gas purchases because they can't sell it to anyone else

I saw a recent study estimating it would take about a 10% drop in EU demand to not run out if Russian gas was stopped completely

That is a significant amount but not impossible to overcome at some point. It would take Russia far longer and more $$$ to sell their gas elsewhere
Ukraine will be washed. This mini war will over sooner than later. They’ll surrender as they should.

NATO should be ok with losing this one, it’s ok to lose the battle.
Some terrible takes and language for the situation in here. Russia couldn’t even defeat the mujahideen. Talking about they got crushed. Different terrain as Afghanistan is better suited for guerrilla warfare than Ukrainian which is just flat lands but no it won’t be easy or quick for them.
How much did the shortage of water played into what Putin is doing?

Ukraine cut the water supply to Crimera by as much as 90% and successfully ruining a lot of harvest.

Also, playing devils advocate ... what if California broke ties with the US and then years later they are thinking about joning forces with the ops .... would you just let that slide?

Obviously I don't know the entire history ... just trying to get educated.

This is a big deal now, but this has happened in the middle east and africa forever .... i guess it's do to the skin color and the hatreat of Russia? Just asking ....
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