School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Loaded question. You obviously hate the country (USA) I live in. But we are the most historically diverse country to ever exist. And to do that there has been difficult times; which in the short history of the USA, we’ve figured it out pretty fast the best we can. And there will be future obstacles which we will overcome. And no nation will ever be a perfect utopia. I’m not trying to convince you you are wrong, which IMO you are. Politics and religion are ingrained in people. So I’m not gonna try. Which is why you see the brain washed Russian public and elsewhere. I’m doing nothing more than relaying a glimpse into the reality of what is going on in this war. Already said before the truth is at your finger tips. It’s every news organization in the world reporting this. I don’t need to resort to YouTube propaganda.

having said that, the U.S. is still in danger of that due to trumpism. it practically showed or exposed the underlying ugly part of the population (almost half the country) that are potentially led to extremism. while still not as bad as Russia but one major mistake could lead to a fully destabilized society caused by party affiliation rather than patriotism. I lost all respect I had for the RepubliCunts !
The US is in Ukraine because it benefits them and the rest of NATO. The US will only be in places that it benefits them. If humanitarian aid and moral obligation Was a priority Los Angeles and Oakland wouldn’t look the way they do.
it's partially true. but it is also, morally correct. it's not like Ukraine was forced by the U.S. it goes both ways. unlike Russia which just forced itself into invading Ukraine.
the only great thing about that movie is Erika Eleniak.

Only? Under siege is one of the best action films of alltime. Right up there with lethal weapon, die hard, speed, and anything Jean Claude van damme has ever done. Joint was a smash hit out the gate.

Fully agreed that Erika had the goods. The short hair look was on point
Only? Under siege is one of the best action films of alltime. Right up there with lethal weapon, die hard, speed, and anything Jean Claude van damme has ever done. Joint was a smash hit out the gate.

Fully agreed that Erika had the goods. The short hair look was on point
damn, this brings back memories. I remember my cousin had a poster of her Miss July issue in his room. hot damn. also, the only scene that I got on constant repeat. :rofl:
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At what point does the world see this genocide and do something? I know boots on the ground appear to be out of the question but economic sanctions while civilians are being tortured and murdered feels like a knife to a gun fight type situation.

I don't know what the answer is but this stuff is horrifying
US has frequently stood by and watched genocide transpire throughout the course of history. Only way I see them getting involved is if the squad is thick enough and certain other powers agree to not involve themselves. Not likely though.
At what point does the world see this genocide and do something? I know boots on the ground appear to be out of the question but economic sanctions while civilians are being tortured and murdered feels like a knife to a gun fight type situation.

I don't know what the answer is but this stuff is horrifying
I believe other countries don't want to risk it yet while the Ukranians are still capable of standing up to the russians. the cost of boots on the ground and spending is just way too much as of the moment. besides, the U.S. is still recovering for that over 2 Trillion dollar spending in the Afghan war. Russian spending is still not close to that financial figure considering their equipment are mostly repurposed and outdated. I believe Putin is playing a political game here because if he was that serious about WW3, he would have done it by now. Putin is testing the waters if other countries would react as he gains territories for Russia. he already accomplished that with Chechnya, part of Georgia, and Crimea. I guess he overplayed his hand this time and never thought the Ukrainians would put up a fight, and the international community issuing harsher sanctions.
US has frequently stood by and watched genocide transpire throughout the course of history. Only way I see them getting involved is if the squad is thick enough and certain other powers agree to not involve themselves. Not likely though.
not just the U.S. but other countries. it's a difficult predicament. I know the U.S. has always been viewed as the international police to keep the peace, but it cannot do it on its own especially now. all they could do is to help indirectly thru financial,medical and partial military aide that doesn't include sending boots on the ground politically. it's a chess game and indeed sickening. Russia started this stupid game and everyone is suffering.
Only? Under siege is one of the best action films of alltime. Right up there with lethal weapon, die hard, speed, and anything Jean Claude van damme has ever done. Joint was a smash hit out the gate.

Fully agreed that Erika had the goods. The short hair look was on point
I remember my dad bringing me to the theaters to watch Under Siege. The moment I saw this scene, my dad was immediately leaned over and said "don't tell your mom" :rofl:

Early in the war, people were saying it was all propaganda and fog of war and all that.
All the intel about corruption, lack of equipment, low morale, bad logistics etc all seem to be true and now they've confirmed heavy losses although this interview probably won't air in Russia.
I knew something was fishy when they didn't achieve air superiority in the first few days but who knows, maybe I'm not getting a balanced feed.

Let's see what happens now that the Russians are focusing on the Donbas region.

Meanwhile back in Russia

People want to know the truth. As sanctions begin to take effect, more and more people will want to know what's really happening.
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