School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Russia gone genocidal.

Once you get sold on propaganda it’s hard to accept reality and admit you are wrong. The war crimes and just plain disregard for human life by the Russians is beyond disgusting. The Russians don’t even care for the lives of their fellow soldiers. They don’t care for the lives of those they are “liberating;” males from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions are being forced to the front line by Russia to be slaughtered. Russia is purely conquesting for territorial gains. Anyone that can’t accept that at this point is not worth talking to.
8tothe24 8tothe24 Do you hold the same type of disdain for the US and their atrocities and war crimes?

Loaded question. You obviously hate the country (USA) I live in. But we are the most historically diverse country to ever exist. And to do that there has been difficult times; which in the short history of the USA, we’ve figured it out pretty fast the best we can. And there will be future obstacles which we will overcome. And no nation will ever be a perfect utopia. I’m not trying to convince you you are wrong, which IMO you are. Politics and religion are ingrained in people. So I’m not gonna try. Which is why you see the brain washed Russian public and elsewhere. I’m doing nothing more than relaying a glimpse into the reality of what is going on in this war. Already said before the truth is at your finger tips. It’s every news organization in the world reporting this. I don’t need to resort to YouTube propaganda.

8tothe24 8tothe24

Well… I served in special forces for the country you lived in, my pops is a retired SGT Major, and my great grandfather is the first Black CMSAF. W/o letting my nuts hang too much I wouldn’t say it‘s obvious that I hate a country that me and many of my family members signed a line saying we were willing to and have spilled blood for.

Everything that you just said about the truth being at your fingertips can be equally said about the other side of this issue. Anything you have accused Russia of, the US has done tenfold. Guantanomo Bay had nothing to do with the US’s diversity or short history. Neither did dropping atom bombs on Japan in war that was by and large over. Nor Did Obama’s infamous civilian drone strikes. The list goes on.

I am grateful to have been born in the US and everything it has afforded me. That doesn’t prevent me from acknowledging what the reality of the situation is. Like I said in my previous post, I’m not here to pick sides. I invest and I consider how things affect the market.

So like you I don’t have resort to YouTube propaganda either. Based off my military experience I know what it looks like when the military I served in covertly destabilizes a country and controls the narrative by way of the MSM. That doesn’t take away from the fact that Russia has done some foul stuff over the years and like you said “no nation will ever be a perfect utopia”
8tothe24 8tothe24 Do you hold the same type of disdain for the US, their atrocities and war crimes?
There are levels to war crimes my dude. I don't think it is the policy of the US military to adopt scorched earth tactics.

Not to excuse or justify American war crimes, but there's a difference between a couple of units going rogue and an entire war policy of indiscriminate destruction.

I know what it looks like when the military I served in covertly destabilizes a country and controls the narrative by way of the MSM
Are you saying that the US military has the ability to make hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men go back to their country to defend it against an invading force?

No government in crisis gets this kind of support from its diaspora unless it enjoys a high level of legitimacy, so I don't think your observation applies here.
8tothe24 8tothe24

Well… I served in special forces for the country you lived in, my pops is a retired SGT Major, and my great grandfather is the first Black CMSAF. W/o letting my nuts hang too much I wouldn’t say it‘s obvious that I hate a country that me and many of my family members signed a line saying we were willing to and have spilled blood for.

Everything that you just said about the truth being at your fingertips can be equally said about the other side of this issue. Anything you have accused Russia of, the US has done tenfold. Guantanomo Bay had nothing to do with the US’s diversity or short history. Neither did dropping atom bombs on Japan in war that was by and large over. Nor Did Obama’s infamous civilian drone strikes. The list goes on.

I am grateful to have been born in the US and everything it has afforded me. That doesn’t prevent me from acknowledging what the reality of the situation is. Like I said in my previous post, I’m not here to pick sides. I invest and I consider how things affect the market.

So like you I don’t have resort to YouTube propaganda either. Based off my military experience I know what it looks like when the military I served in covertly destabilizes a country and controls the narrative by way of the MSM. That doesn’t take away from the fact that Russia has done some foul stuff over the years and like you said “no nation will ever be a perfect utopia”

Preach my fellow vet.
There are levels to war crimes my dude. I don't think it is the policy of the US military to adopt scorched earth tactics.

Not to excuse or justify American war crimes, but there's a difference between a couple of units going rogue and an entire war policy of indiscriminate destruction.

Are you saying that the US military has the ability to make hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men go back to their country to defend it against an invading force?

No government in crisis gets this kind of support from its diaspora unless it enjoys a high level of legitimacy, so I don't think your observation applies here.
I would consider dropping two atom bombs the literal definition of a scorched earth policy.

In regards to Ukraine what I am saying is that the US doesn’t have to make hundreds of thousands of men defend their country. They just have to give superior weapons and training to the people who could convince them. Factor in Zelensky’s feel good story with the financial backing of Kolomoyskiy and here we are. I’d be willing to bet their are hundreds of thousands in America who are willing to spill blood over MAGA. Does that make it right Because the volume of people who would be willing to support it And it’s all over the news?

To your point about legitimate crisis, the melanated rich people that dwell on the US have had a pretty rough go for the past 400 years. What does Israel and Ukraine have going that makes their people need it more then the citizens who this country’s back was built on? The US is in Ukraine because it benefits them and the rest of NATO. The US will only be in places that it benefits them. If humanitarian aid and moral obligation Was a priority Los Angeles and Oakland wouldn’t look the way they do.
the US doesn’t have to make hundreds of thousands of men defend their country. They just have to give superior weapons and training to the people who could convince them.
No amount of weapons and training alone would make men living abroad, safe from instability and conflict, go back to their homeland to defend it. I say this as an immigrant from a country with a government that has not been seen as legitimate by the majority of the diaspora since the early 90s.

Let's also remember that a lot of the experience Ukrainians have acquired against the Russian military comes from reorganizing and fighting in their eastern regions since 2014.

To your point about legitimate crisis
I was really addressing the legitimacy of the Ukrainian government (the Russian argument has largely been that Ukrainians do not see their government as legitimate) b.

the melanated rich people that dwell on the US have had a pretty rough go for the past 400 years. What does Israel and Ukraine have going that makes their people need it more then the citizens who this country’s back was built on?
I do not think that the money going to Ukraine is coming out of the parts of the budget allocated for domestic issues.

As an aside, I entertained the thought of working for a black-owned engineering firm, so I started looking into them.

It turns out that some of the largest are in the defense industry. Black people are not isolated from the profits made from weapons exports.

The US will only be in places that it benefits them
True. That's the nature of international relations.

The question I've asked multiple times is, why is the US being blamed for having interests in line with those of Ukraine?
There’s a distinction to be made here between expressing fair criticism of, say, racist disparities in the treatment of refugees or US foreign policy, and denying/justifying the mass murder of Ukrainian civilians.

The latter will not be tolerated.

I’d also like to remind everyone that videos or images of graphic violence are not appropriate for our community.
Please use links to reputably sourced articles instead of directly exposing viewers to graphic violence in your posts.
C.Magneto C.Magneto

I appreciate you calling me out by name. /sarcasm

I’m that bleeding heart fool that anonymously pays the bill for dressed service members when I see them in public (whether they are good people or not).

I appreciate yours and your families service as I do the service of my father, my grandfathers, and their fathers in wars such as Vietnam, Korean War, WWII, and WWI. And I don’t apologize for myself pursuing an education rather than joining the military as well.

But don’t confuse appreciation with respect.

I’m sorry that you’ve experienced things that make you hate your country and feel the need to come justify genocide under the guise of USA did it too.

I’m sorry that the Russian genocide of Ukraine has inconvenienced your ability to invest.

Some of us have ancestors who were gassed and throw into fire pits in Poland.

So I can’t respect anyone that has any form of justification for the genocide being perpetrated this day.

And im not gonna stop calling propagandists for who they are.
I don’t know why you guys try so hard to save these dudes. They’re dug in.

Keko put it brilliantly…

Lost causes. Just keep it moving.

I agree. I’m not trying to save anyone. Said my peace to each of them. Won’t respond to the latter as i won’t the former. I get the game they’re playing. I will respect Methods request. I know he is right but sometimes you have to force people to see the fallacy in what they say. I’ll continue to voice my opinion and share news communications but I’m done with it. The fact is, the instant news age has shown us the face of these travesties. Had the age of instant media of iPhones, twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Reddit, instagram, etc existed before maybe people would have risen us and saved Georgia or Syria or others from Russian barbarism.
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Once you get sold on propaganda it’s hard to accept reality and admit you are wrong. The war crimes and just plain disregard for human life by the Russians is beyond disgusting. The Russians don’t even care for the lives of their fellow soldiers. They don’t care for the lives of those they are “liberating;” males from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions are being forced to the front line by Russia to be slaughtered. Russia is purely conquesting for territorial gains. Anyone that can’t accept that at this point is not worth talking to.
they are not different from the Nazis. ironic isn't it. they are sold of anti-Nazi sentiment while doing Nazi practices.
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