Sean Taylor dead at the age of 24.

damn, i was honestly shocked when i saw espn frontpage. really had no idea that was gonna happen. RIP to Sean Taylor, and my prayers go out to his wife andbaby daughter.
Damn........I got up to catch my morning espn and saw it on the bottom of the screen saying he died from his injuries.................Damn, i though dude wasgonna be ok, media downplayed it like it wasnt that big of deal yesterday.

R.I.P............I couldnt believe it, came here to confrim.
rip, he was on my fantasy team.
F yo fantasy team......some of yall really say some truly dumb shhhh sometimes

RIP man
Only 2 years older than me

This is just unreal. When someone around your age dies, it just doesn't seem real.

RIP #21
RIP to one of best safeties in the league/ one of hardest hitting the league has EVER seen.
Condolences to his family and friends.
24? i thought he was about 27-28
i just heard about it a few minutes ago on the local news and im not even from the DC area
I wake up to see this. RIP Mr.Taylor and condolences to your family,Washington ******** and U of Miami. Hopefully, they catch his killer and his family getsjustice.
R.I.P. I honestly hvae never been this sad about a person passing that I didnt personally know. But I'm glad that I actually got a chance to witness thelast time my man stepped on the field....and the last time he stepped off. We love you ST....RIP
r.i.p to the hardest hitting saftey of this era. i'm totally floored right now. god bless

* watches youtube highlights in awe *
man thats sad....RIP

just got to work and at the breakfast place i go to, i saw the chalkboard with "we will miss you Sean". i was like whaaaaaaat get the eff outta here,i watched sportscenter this morning and didnt hear about it, granted i was in and out of the room getting ready for work. RIP man.
Its a sad day here in the Md/DC/Va area. We all thought he was doin better last night and then this happens. Its a shock. We gonna miss him. What happens forthe rest of the skins season doesnt really matter for me but lets try to win some games for Sean Taylor. RIP.
R.I.P. Its just terrible , when i heard early this morning i just felt real bad , helluva football player and seem to be turning his lfe around from theearlier stuff ,just sad
RIP Mr. Taylor. My prayers go out to his family. This whole situation doesn't make sense....Someone had broken in his house a week earlier and left aknife on his bed???!?? They break in an occupied house and go straight to the bedroom??Doesn't make sense.....This world is going to !@#$
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