Sean Taylor dead at the age of 24.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, damn shame.
When I heard all the he is responsive stuff I had my reservations but i still thought you know in my heart he would at LEAST live. (Its a damn shame that thelawyer was the only one giving the right information out)

But with more details of how grave his condition was coming out after the fact you could clearly see this was a likely course and probably for his sake thebetter one.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

i told you guys i was right. (well i didnt know the first time but i sadly ended up being)

u didn't tell anyone nothing....u were going off of hearsay.....the man passed hours after you brought your gossip to the forum.

i guess i'm never going to get his autograph in person.

I don't mean to pile on you....but that's the wrong way of thinking and a selfish comment....give your respects and keep it moving...

damn son, what is your problem. i will give my respects and im wearin his #36 jersey today. he was my favorite player in the nfl. i'm very local herewith the ********... i see them all the time at the mall i work at. i've always wanted to see sean taylor and get his autography but i've never seenhim come in.
Even though I hate the Skins this goes WAYYYY beyond that, this goes beyoind football it really ruined my day to be informed that a 24 year old MAN was shot inhis own!$*%%#@ house.This man still had a lot of life to live, a bright future and a damn daughter. This is!!%$%*$$%
I woke up this morning and found out my favorite player died. I cried the whole way to work this morning. I still can't believe that he died.

R.I.P. # 21 Sean Taylor
Damn. RIP.

Sadly, this happens every damn day with the general public. But it shows you how $+%#+$ up things are, for sure. Here's a dude that by all accounts,should've escaped this kind of fate by being in the position he is. Yet somehow he gets killed in a home invasion--the kind of thing that rarely happens tofolks in his position. It definitely shows you what the world is coming to. Now rich, successful bruhs can't escape the steets? SMH.

Sad. Sad. Sad.
hate to wake up to this news, one of my favorite players this couldnt tell me nothin bout ST & K2 back at the U man, that was my squad boi. Iremember praying hoping we (the Lions) would wind up with either him or K2, straight heated when Washington took him a spot before us (then even more heatedwhen we passed on K2, but Roy Williams turned out to be a great so its good)...aint just sayin that cuz he dead either, real talk, the reason why I wanted towear a visor playing football and all that...
Rest in Peace to a king.

I saw on wikipedia yesterday, someone posted that he had died. I didn't take it serious at all.

I hate to hear this.
I was shocked and saddened by the news this morning, after hearing the promising news last night. Damn it's like losing a family member. My prayers go outto his family and close loved ones.

RIP Sean

words can't express how we feel right now..prayers to you and your family
Could have been one of the best safeties all time once it was over

My prayers go out to him and his family ... sad sad sad
rip sean, i loved watching u on saturdays, then on sundays. you hadn't even had a chance to exhibit your supreme talent yet. god bless your family.
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

Wow, you always think these players are untouchable...

R.I.P. Sean will be missed

i never thought this would happen to Sean. I've watched him play at every level including HS and never thought this could happen to him
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