I’m hoping they can find a way to flip a low round pick for Dunlap. Dudes wants out of CIN and we need a pass rusher.

There it is

Won't even complain if he doesn't do much. This is a historically bad defense rn and you've gotta throw everything at the wall at this point
BJ finney and a 7th, I’ll take it.
PIT fans loved finney, so that one is a little tough for depth. I’ll take Dunlap and some pass rush help any day over depth tho at this point.
As long as he can create some discomfort for the qb, I’m for it. Can’t be any worse than how they’re currently performing.
I swear this D continues to allow teams to keep drives alive with terrible coverage and/or penalties. It’s frustrating af.
Mullen carved this defense up in his short 12 minutes of play.

Defense benefited from SF lackluster offense due to JG on one leg.

Offense started out flat. Then got it going.

RB situation concerning.
Yeah I give props to the defense they made plays but can't really give much hope knowing who they went against..but the takeover trend continues

As long as the offense doesn't give it away too often their differential has fared better than I could have imagined.

Really want to see Snacks, Adams and Dunlap out there. Not expecting a monumental shift but the unit has to find a path to the middle of the pack within the league.

DK has superstar potential. Russ back in his kitchen

The least stressful game we have watched in a while and it still had its moments :lol: :smh:
Team is a penalty away from being undefeated still LOL! Don’t think we’ve seen the best of this team (defense especially) so I hope they continue to try and get things together by December. DK/Lockett is becoming a pick-your-poison type of deal, God forbid they go off in more games together moving forward.
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Not sure how I didn’t see this but after these next 3 games the Hawks have Philly, Giants, Jets and Washington all in a row :rofl::pimp:

I know that stretch looks extremely favorable but in true Hawks fashion it wouldn't shock me if the scores of those games is one possession.
Defense records 7 sacks. QB still goes on to throw for 400+ yds. I mean, every single one of their pass plays seemed to have went for 15 or more yards.

Offense just got off to a slow start. 4 more turnovers for Russ. MVP stance is starting to unravel a bit.
One of the worst efforts by the 2ndary I've seen

Tackling efforts were garbage

Ken Norton isn't a good DC but he's running what Pete wants so how much do I blame him. Talent and depth is shot on defense

Russ struggled. Bills defense is legit but he had some unforced errors there.

Russ gonna have to hit a streak again for MVP because his turnovers are stacking up quickly

Carson makes a difference. Shaq as above average as he is makes a difference. Team is built to get by with thin margins

Only positive is the NFC is as flawed as this team is
Bad game all around.

Defense by its own terrible standards wasn't all so bad. By their standards..

I love Russ but he has been awful lately. OLINE had its issues but its not responsible for that terrible pick in the endzone, being scared to target DK. Offense is in a rut. MVP is gone but maybe a vote or two happens this time around

I know Jamal can't cover but he brings it when he can when on the LOS

Man we finally got a stable kicker again and everything else has went to **** :lol: props to Myers on that record and keeping a streak alive while doing it.

I dont even know what adjustments can be made besides getting some bodies back. I will give Pete his credit for adjusting to a change on the offensive side this year. Some things need to happen on defense though, even with the lack of talent and depth

Ken Norton isn't the only issue there. But he didn't have the best track record in Oakland. Man can they bring in Quinn as a consultant or something

I think none of us are surprised by these outcomes given the makeup of the team (minus how bad Russ has been) but I sit here thinking I'm gonna get surprised and I play myself everytime
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