Serious thread: Why are homosexuals so "Gay"?

Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by proper english

Prince acts "gay".. why does he get a pass? 
No, Prince dresses gay, and has a face softer than wonder bread ...

But listen, It's not all gay guys, but some do have the tendency to be over-do it.  Some, because, I think, they desire to be more feminine than women.

I know when I was in S.F., living out there for a few months, my ex-girl's fam (who was mostly gay), would call us "Breeders", and call her even worst names. 

Some despise women I believe, as bad as they want to be them. 


Sort of like butch lesbians. They hate men yet try their hardest to look like one
I honestly dont see the problem with this question because i have also thought about it. It's the year 2011 why is it a MUST to let everyone know how gay you are..... News flash nobody really gives a ***#

I feel this way about anybody who does things way too extra. Its annoying just like the dude who always want to act tough, just like the female who acts like shes gonna die if she doesnt have on ALL her mac makeup. If your gay fine...... but why do you have to talk extremely loud in a high pitched voice, why do you feel the need to try and act feminine
I honestly dont see the problem with this question because i have also thought about it. It's the year 2011 why is it a MUST to let everyone know how gay you are..... News flash nobody really gives a ***#

I feel this way about anybody who does things way too extra. Its annoying just like the dude who always want to act tough, just like the female who acts like shes gonna die if she doesnt have on ALL her mac makeup. If your gay fine...... but why do you have to talk extremely loud in a high pitched voice, why do you feel the need to try and act feminine
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by IamMD

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Let people live. Not every gay dude is a diva type dude but even if they are doesn't bother me. Ill never knock someone for doing what makes them happy as long as its morally ok.

You feel me?  Life is hard enough to get through.  Who am I to make it harder for the next man?  Instead of hating and discriminating let's embrace our differences.
Who's hating or discriminating?
We're just tryin' to understand...

   understand what? for every flamboyant gay man there are plenty who are just as manly as society expects them to be...why not the same question for girls who are more masculine than girly?  thats just how they are...same way we are the way we are...
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by IamMD

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Let people live. Not every gay dude is a diva type dude but even if they are doesn't bother me. Ill never knock someone for doing what makes them happy as long as its morally ok.

You feel me?  Life is hard enough to get through.  Who am I to make it harder for the next man?  Instead of hating and discriminating let's embrace our differences.
Who's hating or discriminating?
We're just tryin' to understand...

   understand what? for every flamboyant gay man there are plenty who are just as manly as society expects them to be...why not the same question for girls who are more masculine than girly?  thats just how they are...same way we are the way we are...
Originally Posted by tyisny

I honestly dont see the problem with this question because i have also thought about it. It's the year 2011 why is it a MUST to let everyone know how gay you are..... News flash nobody really gives a ***#

I feel this way about anybody who does things way too extra. Its annoying just like the dude who always want to act tough, just like the female who acts like shes gonna die if she doesnt have on ALL her mac makeup. If your gay fine...... but why do you have to talk extremely loud in a high pitched voice, why do you feel the need to try and act feminine
Pretty much..

I guess people missed the part where I CLEARLY said I feel that way about any/everybody that tries hard to display themselves rather than just BE themselves. So now, to the people that can't read properly, I sound like some sort of -phobe when I couldn't give 2 !@+*$ about who someone else was on top of.
Originally Posted by tyisny

I honestly dont see the problem with this question because i have also thought about it. It's the year 2011 why is it a MUST to let everyone know how gay you are..... News flash nobody really gives a ***#

I feel this way about anybody who does things way too extra. Its annoying just like the dude who always want to act tough, just like the female who acts like shes gonna die if she doesnt have on ALL her mac makeup. If your gay fine...... but why do you have to talk extremely loud in a high pitched voice, why do you feel the need to try and act feminine
Pretty much..

I guess people missed the part where I CLEARLY said I feel that way about any/everybody that tries hard to display themselves rather than just BE themselves. So now, to the people that can't read properly, I sound like some sort of -phobe when I couldn't give 2 !@+*$ about who someone else was on top of.
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

I feel like most of what was said on page one IS the problem with NT today... like... a swag meter? I know that was a joke, but it's not funny. There's way too many wannabe comedians that aren't good at it. I don't "get" NT anymore. I wish it was less attempts at "lulz" and more intellectual debate. Want more female NTers? Act like men instead of boys. If NT had an age limit, it might be better, but there's no way to pull that off without changing the whole identity of what NT is. We need a more mature collective conscience and less reposts from random places on the internet.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

I feel like most of what was said on page one IS the problem with NT today... like... a swag meter? I know that was a joke, but it's not funny. There's way too many wannabe comedians that aren't good at it. I don't "get" NT anymore. I wish it was less attempts at "lulz" and more intellectual debate. Want more female NTers? Act like men instead of boys. If NT had an age limit, it might be better, but there's no way to pull that off without changing the whole identity of what NT is. We need a more mature collective conscience and less reposts from random places on the internet.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?
You need to visit San Francisco and see that a majority of gay people don't even act that way.

It's like singling out an entire race based on what a handful of their people do.
You need to visit San Francisco and see that a majority of gay people don't even act that way.

It's like singling out an entire race based on what a handful of their people do.
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

I'm not raining on anybody's parade either.. I just raised a valid question/discussion. What, we can't discuss things now? It's none of my concern? By that logic, why talk about anything at all on NT? 

Why DO straight/gay/black/blue/fat/ugly people act ________... Why don't people just act like people and let their sexuality take the back seat? That's all I've asked, in so many words..
Your OP drips ignorance.

Skin color has absolutely nothing to do with how a person acts. There is however, a direct link between hormonal differences between people of different sexualities and how they act.

What do people act like? What does a generic person, unaffected by sexuality or environment or any other your standards....act like?? It's not even definable, and if it was, they'd be the most boring human beings ever to exist.

Hold up.

Of course my OP is ignorant. I'm asking for an EXPLANATION of something. The whole world is ignorant about gay people, so don't shoot me down for asking some one to shed a little light. Sheesh! What you so mad for? 
Good job avoiding the majority of the post

You aren't ignorant for asking the question, you're ignorant for not knowing that it's inappropriate and rude to talk about people the way you're talking about them.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

I'm not raining on anybody's parade either.. I just raised a valid question/discussion. What, we can't discuss things now? It's none of my concern? By that logic, why talk about anything at all on NT? 

Why DO straight/gay/black/blue/fat/ugly people act ________... Why don't people just act like people and let their sexuality take the back seat? That's all I've asked, in so many words..
Your OP drips ignorance.

Skin color has absolutely nothing to do with how a person acts. There is however, a direct link between hormonal differences between people of different sexualities and how they act.

What do people act like? What does a generic person, unaffected by sexuality or environment or any other your standards....act like?? It's not even definable, and if it was, they'd be the most boring human beings ever to exist.

Hold up.

Of course my OP is ignorant. I'm asking for an EXPLANATION of something. The whole world is ignorant about gay people, so don't shoot me down for asking some one to shed a little light. Sheesh! What you so mad for? 
Good job avoiding the majority of the post

You aren't ignorant for asking the question, you're ignorant for not knowing that it's inappropriate and rude to talk about people the way you're talking about them.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.
HOOSIERdaddy282 wrote:
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

HOOSIERdaddy282 wrote:
I'm not raining on anybody's parade either.. I just raised a valid question/discussion. What, we can't discuss things now? It's none of my concern? By that logic, why talk about anything at all on NT? 

Why DO straight/gay/black/blue/fat/ugly people act ________... Why don't people just act like people and let their sexuality take the back seat? That's all I've asked, in so many words..
Your OP drips ignorance.

Skin color has absolutely nothing to do with how a person acts. There is however, a direct link between hormonal differences between people of different sexualities and how they act.

What do people act like? What does a generic person, unaffected by sexuality or environment or any other your standards....act like?? It's not even definable, and if it was, they'd be the most boring human beings ever to exist.

Hold up.

Of course my OP is ignorant. I'm asking for an EXPLANATION of something. The whole world is ignorant about gay people, so don't shoot me down for asking some one to shed a little light. Sheesh! What you so mad for? 

Originally Posted by jhobson5

HOOSIERdaddy282 wrote:
I don't, personally....never have and never will.  Why do OTHER people care? That's the real question. Why not ask such a question to a big @#% group of people from all walks of life? You got something better to talk about on NT? Go ahead. I'm not keeping you in this thread

Moving right along.. Really MD? An ugly joke? That's all you got? Let my **** go famalam

Op if you didnt care you would made an entire thread about it....And its about ignorance. You make a thread called "Why are homosexuals so 'Gay'?" That sounds pretty ignorant to me like you have no home training. And the whole reason why i came into this thread was hoping it wasnt something as ignorant as what you posted, but I was wrong. Stop worrying about the next man and do you.  

How does the title sound ignorant when I used the LITERAL DEFINITION of the term "Gay" and pointed out that sexual orientation an mannerisms are not necessarily linked? No home training? What?
... now you're just picking random insults to throw at me.. and for what? Anger before comprehension is a bad look man. What would be less ignorant then, in your opinion?

I am not trying to insult you OP. I dont do internet e-beef. I think asking the question in general is inappropriate and some what ignorant. If I was homosexual I would find offense to this topic. Homosexuals already face a lot of adversity because what they like the same sex? Who cares what another person prefers, if they arent hurting me or my family I could careless. With you starting this topic it really makes you look suspect in being homophobic. Yes you made it clear that you arent, but why are you concerned with someones sexual orientation and mannerisms. It goes to back to what I saw earlier, being black we are expected to act a certain way (ignorant and uneducated), but thats not the case for a lot of us. And I often am told I act "white" because I speak properly, dress a certain way, and have a college degree. In my opinion its the same kind of judgement you are making on "gay" people as person calling you "ghetto" or "hood", or calling me "white". What makes a person mannerisms "gay", "black", or "white" is there a handbook with a list of actions?

HOOSIERdaddy282 wrote:
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

HOOSIERdaddy282 wrote:
I'm not raining on anybody's parade either.. I just raised a valid question/discussion. What, we can't discuss things now? It's none of my concern? By that logic, why talk about anything at all on NT? 

Why DO straight/gay/black/blue/fat/ugly people act ________... Why don't people just act like people and let their sexuality take the back seat? That's all I've asked, in so many words..
Your OP drips ignorance.

Skin color has absolutely nothing to do with how a person acts. There is however, a direct link between hormonal differences between people of different sexualities and how they act.

What do people act like? What does a generic person, unaffected by sexuality or environment or any other your standards....act like?? It's not even definable, and if it was, they'd be the most boring human beings ever to exist.

Hold up.

Of course my OP is ignorant. I'm asking for an EXPLANATION of something. The whole world is ignorant about gay people, so don't shoot me down for asking some one to shed a little light. Sheesh! What you so mad for? 

Originally Posted by jhobson5

HOOSIERdaddy282 wrote:
I don't, personally....never have and never will.  Why do OTHER people care? That's the real question. Why not ask such a question to a big @#% group of people from all walks of life? You got something better to talk about on NT? Go ahead. I'm not keeping you in this thread

Moving right along.. Really MD? An ugly joke? That's all you got? Let my **** go famalam

Op if you didnt care you would made an entire thread about it....And its about ignorance. You make a thread called "Why are homosexuals so 'Gay'?" That sounds pretty ignorant to me like you have no home training. And the whole reason why i came into this thread was hoping it wasnt something as ignorant as what you posted, but I was wrong. Stop worrying about the next man and do you.  

How does the title sound ignorant when I used the LITERAL DEFINITION of the term "Gay" and pointed out that sexual orientation an mannerisms are not necessarily linked? No home training? What?
... now you're just picking random insults to throw at me.. and for what? Anger before comprehension is a bad look man. What would be less ignorant then, in your opinion?

I am not trying to insult you OP. I dont do internet e-beef. I think asking the question in general is inappropriate and some what ignorant. If I was homosexual I would find offense to this topic. Homosexuals already face a lot of adversity because what they like the same sex? Who cares what another person prefers, if they arent hurting me or my family I could careless. With you starting this topic it really makes you look suspect in being homophobic. Yes you made it clear that you arent, but why are you concerned with someones sexual orientation and mannerisms. It goes to back to what I saw earlier, being black we are expected to act a certain way (ignorant and uneducated), but thats not the case for a lot of us. And I often am told I act "white" because I speak properly, dress a certain way, and have a college degree. In my opinion its the same kind of judgement you are making on "gay" people as person calling you "ghetto" or "hood", or calling me "white". What makes a person mannerisms "gay", "black", or "white" is there a handbook with a list of actions?


I once helped my aunt move out her home right. Her son (my cousin) is one of the reasons I'm tolerant of others' differences. He was a lot like the little boy in that princess book according to my mom. He's a few years little older than me, but even I knew he was gonna be gay by the time I was 5. My mom saw it in him earlier than that. He's not really flamboyant these days though, but he's noticeably gay if that makes sense.. I say that to say that one of his friends helped us do the moving that day. This guy was as gay as gay could be, but he outworked EVERYBODY that day. I mean, if manliness had a 10-scale, this guy was moving couches at an intensity of 18. I felt proud for the gay community that day. Here was this guy, not being a stereotypical "pansy" or "fruit". He wasn't dressed "funny". He was just a really strong guy with a really soft voice. Other than that, he was indistinguishable from the next guy. I think that's cool as hell. Pure indifference. I think the next step in gay rights is to be so comfortable with who you are, that you don't have to declare it any more. You just are who you are..

I once helped my aunt move out her home right. Her son (my cousin) is one of the reasons I'm tolerant of others' differences. He was a lot like the little boy in that princess book according to my mom. He's a few years little older than me, but even I knew he was gonna be gay by the time I was 5. My mom saw it in him earlier than that. He's not really flamboyant these days though, but he's noticeably gay if that makes sense.. I say that to say that one of his friends helped us do the moving that day. This guy was as gay as gay could be, but he outworked EVERYBODY that day. I mean, if manliness had a 10-scale, this guy was moving couches at an intensity of 18. I felt proud for the gay community that day. Here was this guy, not being a stereotypical "pansy" or "fruit". He wasn't dressed "funny". He was just a really strong guy with a really soft voice. Other than that, he was indistinguishable from the next guy. I think that's cool as hell. Pure indifference. I think the next step in gay rights is to be so comfortable with who you are, that you don't have to declare it any more. You just are who you are..
What's the right manner then?

The truth is, it's still a very taboo issue... some people can't handle my frankness... I've done nothing wrong here. At all.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?

Do you see any gifs or memes in this thread? What about big breasts? It seems to me that this would be an intellectual discussion.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.

That's because I learned a long time ago to let people feel however they want to feel about ME. If you've let what I said lead you into posting something about me (not my post), and I choose to ignore it, so be it. If I annoy you.... stay away from my threads... Simple. 
What's the right manner then?

The truth is, it's still a very taboo issue... some people can't handle my frankness... I've done nothing wrong here. At all.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?

Do you see any gifs or memes in this thread? What about big breasts? It seems to me that this would be an intellectual discussion.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.

That's because I learned a long time ago to let people feel however they want to feel about ME. If you've let what I said lead you into posting something about me (not my post), and I choose to ignore it, so be it. If I annoy you.... stay away from my threads... Simple. 
What's NTs obsession with homosexuality recently?

Cliffnotes-many "groups" of people have mannerisms and stereotypes, homosexuals are no different. Many homosexuals I know could pass for being straight....whatever that means these days.
What's NTs obsession with homosexuality recently?

Cliffnotes-many "groups" of people have mannerisms and stereotypes, homosexuals are no different. Many homosexuals I know could pass for being straight....whatever that means these days.
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