Setting the record straight re: Steve's lies.

so, what now? lol

"There will be NO ezsupporter service on Yuku. Everyone will have premium functionality, free of charge."

i still have atleast 160 days left, can a brotha get a refund?
TEAM Black & Mild​
the founder:: Mr. Black, lungs that is..
   New York Jets_TEAMYANKEES_New Jersey NetsWhat's the difference between me and you? (What?)About five back accounts, three ounces and two vehicles
Meth, I got a personal question for you.

Are you a lawyer or something? You shut this dude down completely.

And to the guy who said this:

New York, New York
wow i really read everything both said...all i wanna know is the ktown message now..

LOL @ this fool:

all i know is that NT is full of people who based their opinions on kicks on the person who endorses it, and then jump on the bandwagon when they are hot...ahem full of hypebeasts. All people do their is hate and honestly I feel ISS is truly a community that provides feedback about the product and not the athelete. I do feel that this is a family that respects the sneaker culture and not full of people trying to find out wats coming out so they can be the first in line to get it a la NT. There are some real OG cats there but all the recent people have just killed it. STEVE THANK YOU FOR THIS AMAZING SNEAKER COMMUNITY, MUCH RESPECT! Thanks for giving me the oppurtunity to meet more people like me and develop friendships with them.
James,Pavlovic,Hughes,Gooden,IIgauskas,Varejao,Marshall ,Da.Jones,Pollard,Snow,Wesley,Newble,Gibson,Brown​
Buying us out in a figurative sense? That means you can say anything and then state that "no no - I meant in a figurative sense -" What does that mean? You said it - you meant it. Don't try to get the truth screwed up here.

You wanted to turn NT into a promotional tool and it wouldn't cost you a cent. Therefore, we'd essentially be working FOR YOUR BENEFIT.

That seems a lot like ownership, hence the statement - you tried to buy us out for $0. Deal with it.

I started the eBay which ended up turning into Mar-07-99.

It might be that the ezboards was created before the domain name was registered I didnt have a way of looking that up.

That's right, YOU made a mistake.

Who knew or cared about your ebay dealings in MARCH? You were a small time hustler. You want me to call THAT "instyleshoes?" Please.

I have an ebay account that goes back to 98, I don't call that "niketalk."

Just because you didn't even join NikeTalk until August 27th, 2000 (check your own profile) doesn't mean that we didn't exist until then - nor does it discount the possibility that you'd been lurking on the site prior to that point.

Wait a minute you are dodging what you said you said I was taking advantage of the kids in creating Damn you have to bounce off to something else you cant take the heat for what you said. Weak. And the forum is run by shoeheads for shoeheads that isnt going to change. ISS isnt a business it has never turned a dime I donate the money for the site and mods / admins donate their time to run it. Do you hear any of them complaining.

You were actively RECRUITING people of ALL ages to help you run bluesole. That post was public knowledge, as was your "hidden" forum. Did I know the exact ages of everyone who took you up on that "cool offer" to intern on the bluesole site? No, but you've certainly shown no scruples with regard to exploiting child labor in the past.

To say ISS isn't a business is a JOKE. What the heck is Why are there ads for your magazine and, now, for your store ALL OVER IT?

That forum is as cheap a form of mass advertising as you could POSSIBLY find. If you were to PAY to reach that many people via legitimate advertising, it would cost you far, far more than $2,000 a month - and you're USING those kids to push YOUR products.

That's the truth, and you can't duck it. If it didn't exist for YOUR ultimate benefit, you wouldn't use it as a staging area to recruit children for your street team, you wouldn't use it to promote your products and events, and you wouldn't use it to sell kids your smutty little posters and t-shirt designs lifted from UTA.

Game over.

Why leave out the other e-mails talking about the NT servers? And why ask about the costs if you didnt care? You admitted yourself that you wanted to know the details. And what kind of olive branch is that to help you get your site on new servers? Damn dude you are really in a sad position.
You said I "reached out to you for help." That was your statement, and it's a selfish mischaracterization of what actually happened. You flipped it around to make it seem like I reached out to your for help with the site - and that never happened.

Face it, you were caught in a lie - big time.

Now, you're trying to say that I was interested by asking what your costs were? Please, YOU offered. Why wouldn't I want to know what you were paying? Point is, I didn't "reach out to you" as you claimed. You made that up because you thought it was flattering. Denied.

Ive helped many, many people attain their dreams. What have you done?

This community helped YOU attain YOUR dream - and you know that's true.

For every person you've exploited, NT has helped two dozen without asking or receiving anything in return.

YOU are the one that said I was taking advantage of employees and not paying them.
And you are - see the ISS mods, see all the people you used and left behind with that failed bluesole site.

I found RK through not NT. And how do you know where the connections were made? Again you are talking about things like you know but you dont.

Please. We all know you read NT on the regular, and where are you going to claim you found Billy Hoyle, or eyezofhazel? You've BEEN poaching NT - no need to lie.

As for the connects, I put RK in touch with Jordan brand's marketing manager. They offered to put me in the magazine and I recommended him instead. I have IM conversations that confirm this, but just as RK for yourself. I'm not gonna put his business in the open because you're throwing a temper tantrum.

Yes but that doesnt mean I knew before.

Oh really? What kind of business are you running that you don't know that people are trying to get in touch with you because they were ripped off half a year ago?

Damn, talk about a credibility problem.

You are kidding me right? You dont remember ProfessorKs last post? The war of words between you two? Blinders baby blinders or selective memory whichever you choose.

His last post came AFTER you offered him a job and made him an admin on your forum.

Why is it that just a few months before he was asking me to contribute to his site's farewell? I'd post those emails too, I still have them, but I don't need to drag his business out there for your benefit. Ask him about it.

He was still quite friendly with me as of that summer. What happened? I don't recall saying anything negative to or about him personally, the only thing I can think of is that I dissed one of his "friends" designs and so what? I'm entitled to my opinion about sneakers. I didn't like the V.5. If that's reason to flip out and straight disrespect someone, again, that's more of a statement about his character than mine.

Again things you dont know about.

You wonder why the first Boston SC event failed utterly? Why it was a ghost town? That's when NT blacked you out.

Before that, you had sticky topics on here to boost awareness.

They're tired of you. Don't you know? They're not gonna feed you as many exclusives - and the second a real publisher decides your niche is large enough to merit their effort, you'll just be floating in the bowl. Blinders, baby. Blinders.

I said YOU dont know where I got the shoes from you said you did. Another lie and long tale yarned.

I never said I KNEW. I guessed and I'm willing to admit it. Prove me wrong, prove to me that you didn't get them through a Nike connect, that you bought them legit for fair market value, and I'll admit that I was mistaken. Otherwise, seems to me that you just parlayed a gift into a big promotion for your business.

The Marketplace is a cost center not a profit center.

Yeah, and Schick sends you a free razor because they care about you, not because they want you to buy the blades.

Come on, you can't be that clueless as a businessman. You and I both know it's an INVESTMENT. The more traffic on that site, the more people view your ads. If you weren't making money in the shoe world, you'd be selling hubcaps at the side of the road or peddling snake oil to seniors. ISS is a business.

I have never plugged it on NT.
You just tried to, sport. You even worked the opening date in. Smoooooth....

Many MANY times the info posted on NT is from Sole Collector. But I guess you wouldnt know that.

And how many times has it gone in the other direction? Ok then.

I said I offered payment to everyone. I guess you just dont get the concept of trying to create something from nothing for the experience and if it does take off it could be a dream job.
up funds, you don't have a business. If you want to build something from nothing, do what millions of LEGITIMATE entrepreneurs have done and take out a small business loan.

Slimy tactics... promising people that they'll be paid only AFTER it turns a profit. They risk everything, you kick in a couple hundred bucks for the hosting.... they probably spent hundreds of hours building that failed business and got nothing out of it but hey, no hair off your back right?

Sorry this whole smear campaign didn't work out for you.

I'm glad we had a chance to clear the air.
Good stuff, Meth. Steve is acting like a moron...he isn't even defending his statements properly. Like somebody else said, he's resorting to insults rather than talking about the false allegations he made.

By the way, Steve, since you're banning every NikeTalker that you can...if you read this, have fun banning me on your site. Good luck with finding out my username...
Araujo - Boozer - Brewer - Brown - Collins - Fisher - Giricek - Harpring - Kirilenko - Miles - Millsap - Okur - Williams
Sig check
Team Method Man​

Yeah! Yeah! He's our man, if he can't ban you, Steve sure can't.​
Steve, you want to kiss and make up?

We want a SC dedicated to Niketalk.

Full page articles of key members of the staff and influential members of the community.

Statements of the numerous celebrities that have admittedly used Niketalk as a resource.

A full historical account of how it developed and CHANGED the hobby.

And lastly, naked pictures of your mom.


: Team Sea Monster :

Dude, please. Tell your girl to shut up.
so, we have ONE official d-rider....
TEAM Black & Mild​
the founder:: Mr. Black, lungs that is..
TEAM corNhuskers​
I knew Bastitch was a fool from the NT chats years ago but the naked pics part is hilarious. :lol:
*enoehtmai * Sefone512 * DJ MAC * Ronpanico1 *AJFREAK954 * OnlySomeJordans* kingofny04 * *NachoBroadway * KayGeeDaGr8 * lawless2387 * HuddyHoliday * KayGeeDaGr8 * AkademiksStyle * DominicanCabeza * *14dayPolicy * BabyIverson03 * goldenarmz97 * Its FokiS * DRJordanFreak88 * NAPONAPO * hnydlr *​
They in love like the 14th of February. Play em like April 1st right before they slide off. It could be March 2nd sound like July 4th.​
Damn! Meth man you should be proud of what you've set up here. You should be even more proud at the way you keep ethering his @#%$ though!
Random cat on ISS:
all i know is that NT is full of people who based their opinions on kicks on the person who endorses it, and then jump on the bandwagon when they are hot...ahem full of hypebeasts.

The 2007 Super Bowl Champion Indianapolis Colts & The Indiana Pacers
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