Shameless official thread Vol. Don't even know what season they are on.

Good. Gives you an opportunity to catch up on Wentworth, Bojack horseman, veep, masters of sex, and rectify.

Haven't seen or heard of these shows. Still trying to finish narcos season 2 and start stranger things.
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It's da exploration of two researchers (one actually respected in da medical community prior to this new journey, one who has to put in da work to become respected) set in da 1950's that undergo da hardship of exploring human sexuality and bring awareness to da masses during that time period. It touches upon prostitution, sexual dysfunctions, da role of a woman, race relations, homesexuality, beastiality, and other subjects that would be seen as taboo for that time period or shorty after it.

Are there boobs?
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I'm all caught up. Debbie is an annoying little idiot. All of this is exactly why Fiona didn't want her to have the baby. Baby that plays Franny is so adorable.

I hope Carl makes it out.

Glad Fiona finally put her foot down and is doing something for her self.

Hopefully Lip pulls it together before he goes full Frank. He's still young enough.

Svet is easily my favorite character. Carl is a very close second.
A chunk of this so painted Monica as a drain on her kids life. Like ******* kryptonite :lol: Then they give us that ending to make you feel sorry for her. I can see them all giving in for a sad sob farewell.

Ian's complaint was weak as **** though. They argued more off of each other's sensitivity.

Svet buggin. Straight power tripping just owning the bar now :lol: She needs to be checked.

Forget becoming Frank, Lip is on his way to becoming that heroin addict Fiona almost married. There's a pathetic darkness to his story that I do not enjoy watching him go down. Just all bad.
Lip can't help himself. Dude is destined to always get in his own way -- I don't think he really wants to succeed / go "legit".

They gonna just bring Mickie like that, huh? 
They just had to bring Monica back :smh:

Fiona said you can't trust svetlana, tried to tell Kev n V

N Master Zik Master Zik right bout lip, just terrible to watch when he's in self destruction mode ...wish he could focus for a bit n come up with something to get money ...thought he had that when he n his mans hacked into that company
Yeah and to me this is worse than after Katie. At least then he had his simping reasons. Now he did it to himself and cat get right.

Passing up on paid hedge fund internships.

Forgot the Mickey reveal at the end :rofl:

One thing I was expecting was for child services to do a surprise visit and discover a bunch of drugs and guns in Monica's duffle bag that Debbie brought home :lol:
@ when Frank was  telling Liam about Monica on their way to school, opening with "Your mom's a hot piece of ***, but she's crazy."

i lost it
Kill Debbie already.
Kill her off like karen.

:x Tha finesse :smh:

Lil angel needs more screen time to shine :smh:
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Lip is the main reason this show thrives for me. I just need him to win. Just once.

Ive also always been team monica...i have no grudge against her what so ever. Kinda felt bad for her throught out the seasons. This ep just made me like dang.

Micky Byke.
Meaning svet about to get put in place also (that is his son)

Jimmy coming too :nerd:????
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Lip is the main reason this show thrives for me. I just need him to win. Just once.

Ive also always been team monica...i have no grudge against her what so ever. Kinda felt bad for her throught out the seasons. This ep just made me like dang.

Micky Byke.
Meaning svet about to get put in place also (that is his son)

Jimmy coming too
Lip is just another entitled *******.  He always gets away with his ******** because he is smart or "has what it takes to get out of the ghetto", I was glad to see someone not fall for his ********. 
Lip's always been the one that took after Frank the most with Ian taking after Monica the most
Lips always been the drinker/marijuana user. More stress has been on him trying to be the winner of the fam. I can see where it spread
It was more subtle in earlier seasons but if it's an ep with Lip in it go see if he's not drinking or smoking at least once in it.

They been leading up to this.

Its just now his Ls are hitting harder and he's reacting worse. A lot which stems from his mommy and daddy issues.
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