Shaq trade offical like referree with a whistle (Planet Orange in SHOCK)

This may or may not be a really stupid question.....but how does this trade affect Marion's Western Conference All Star status? Or does it?
I don't think Marion was named to the All-Star team this year
My a complete idiot. Was looking at last years squad. Still and awful trade!!!!
nash isnt a good half court pg? have you seen him run the pick and roll? have you seen him penetrate and set up wide open 3s? Hes just as good in a full courtvs a half court

at the suns
Damn, that Shaq you have defending J-Rich is the Shaq from LSU, homie.

And that ****** looking Shaq you have with Nene...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Damn, that Shaq you have defending J-Rich is the Shaq from LSU, homie.

And that ****** looking Shaq you have with Nene...

I only had Skinner pics to work with.
Originally Posted by recognizAZ

This is just going to make the Feb 20th game against the lakers and the possible playoff series against them also so much better..

what a rivalry us suns fans have on our hands if this goes in the books..

shaq/nash/bell vs kobe
suns vs lakers
dantoni vs jackson


you mean shaq/nash/bell vs. Gasol/Kobe/Odom/Fisher (being that Bynum may not be back for this game)

No I mean shaq/nash/bell dont get along to well with kobe
I know everyone is ready to bash this trade, but I say give it a chance.

I think Amare's defense will be much improved with him sliding back down the PF position.
My reaction is the same as everyone elses - STEVE KERR GO BACK TO TNT.

I mean, here's the bad:

-Shaq is slow, and it takes him a while to catch up with the Heat, who play slow and actually wait for him.
-This means either: a.) Shaq plays uptempo and fast, which will not happen, or b.) the Suns will slow down and run a halfcourt game, which would be COMPLETELYswitching gears from what they've done to succeed over the past few years.
-A lot of how Nash makes other players better involves: a.) Nash moving and b.) Other players moving, which leads to c.) Nash finding that Other player in theexact right spot. The problem here is, when have you seen Shaq be active at all without the ball? Moving from one block to the other doesn't really helpNash find you in an open spot.
-Shaq doesn't defend. It's not like they're giving up a lot to get a low-post defender. In fact, they're giving up arguably their bestperimeter defender - one of the only defenders on their team actually - for a liablilty on defense (when Bynum comes to dunk on him, he'll move out of theway). Now Raja guards Kobe, T-Mac, Melo, Manu, etc. which is still OK, but IMO Marion's simple presence would distract the opposition due to his length.
-They are practically GIVING UP on defense (throw in Raja for Ricky Davis or Smush Parker!!!!), while HURTING their running game. Loss, loss.
-They are hurt financially. Even if Shaq shows some stuff this year, he'll be next to worthless come next year.

-This is Shaq. He was once the most dominant ever. A trade could rejuvinate him.
-If he plays Kobe, Yao, or any of his supposed "rivals" in the playoffs, he could get fired up.
-Nash could actually find a way to get Shaq the ball without Shaq having to do anything differently.

I still think this is a horrible trade. April isn't even close yet. IDK. The Heat have a suddenly bright future too, should they get a high draft pick andone of the FA's shows some interest in completing a Wade-Marion-???? trio. Elton Brand??????? Wow. The Heat looked like they were in store for a long fewyears before this news.
Originally Posted by Respect21

I know everyone is ready to bash this trade, but I say give it a chance.

I think Amare's defense will be much improved with him sliding back down the PF position.

it ain't even about amare. their defense is nowhere going to be as good. marion was their MVP on defense. there will be no one to get those toughrebounds (we all know amare is a rebounder right?
). no one to getthose offensive boards. no one to do the dirty work and yet still contribute like a star.

also, u guys can still run, but u will play much more half-court with shaq. nash' strengths are not utilized properly if u play a lot of half-court.

again, if shaq comes out motivated, lose 20-30 lbs, then yea, it could turn out to be a good trade for THIS year.
This is a stupid trade, Miami is getting the better deal. Shaq is near retirement.....he's running out of gas.
Stupid trade. Who are the suns gonna have to guard Tony Parker and Manu, Monta Ellis and Stephen Jackson, Kobe, etc. 6 fouls can only get Raja Bell so far.Helluva lot of rebounds missing too. This is the equivalent of the Pistons trading Tashaun. He's the glue of your team what the .....
Man, I really don't see this as a positive for the Suns at all. Sure you pick up size but Marion was able to guard just about everyone on the floor. Plus,Shaq is just as foul prone as Amare or even worse, which means you'll be seeing him on the bench a lot regardless...I just don't get how the Sunshonestly think that Marion can be replaced by Boris Diaw!?!? No way that can happen. I just don't see a lot of positives in this trade for Phoenix, maybeif they were like the Lakers and pulled this trade off for Sean Marks, Brian Skinner's Beard, and Marcus Banks instead of giving Marion away, then it wouldbe a lot better but Marion does so much for them night in and night out and just getting rid of him, chemistry problems or not, wasn't the right choice...

Obviously if they win a title this year or in the next two years, then obviously their goal has been accomplished..but yeahh.... I hope it works out the waythe Suns are envisioning it but I just don't see that happening...
you guys are definately overrating the phoenix run and gun style. they dont run on every single play, the cant run like that every time down. there arestoppages in the game and other things that stop them from running like that. i think shaq will actually help them out a lot, he can still score in the postand with all those 3 point shooters the suns have, watch out!!
BEST case scenario, Shaq plays well and the Suns at least get to the WCF... but this lasts for only one year. Slim as the chances of him playing that well -especially to fill the void of Marion - the chances of him having any positive effects next year are nonexistent.

The Heat benefit so much for this trade. Don't know if Riley and Shaq reached an agreement or if Riley just kicked him out the door, but the Heat - beyondthis year's last game - have good times ahead. As it has been said - draft pick, possible FA signing, plus if they can pull off keeping Marion, they'llbe back in the playoff picture.
I'm very interested to see how this works out. They should have shipped Amare to Minny for KG when they had the chance. It's basically what they aredoing now- making one last run with the squad they got. If PHX fails, they will quickly turn into the Mavericks.......underachieving every year.
The thing with Marion is, simply put, he's good.

He does it all. He rebounds, defends multiple positions, hits 3's, etc. all really with no set plays for him. And he spaces the floor.

He doesn't need the ball in his hands to be effective.

Phoenix is going to miss what he brought to the table.

Shaq is old and busted. Damaged goods.
Chris Broussard's take on this trade:

Why?'' I cried. "I can't see one benefit to adding Shaq.''

Here's what I was told:

First, the Suns don't think they can win it all as currently constructed. Their lack of big, physical players scares the daylights out of them when they look at a Lakers frontline that features Andrew Bynum, Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom (not to mention Ronny Turiaf).

I was told the Suns got word that Dallas was trying to trade for Shaq (in large part to combat the new-look Lakers' behemoth front line) and that that is what set this Phoenix-Miami deal in motion.

Afraid of what a Dallas team that featured Shaq, Dirk and Josh Howard would look like, the Suns have swept in and attempted to steal Shaq from the Mavericks.

Here are some other reactions that I've read:
-As McHale gave to Ainge, Kerr gave back to his old mentor Phil Jackson

-Riley is evil; he used Shaq until he was used up, disregarding the "understood" loyalty that Shaq has had with his other teams
-From "If i were Kerr I'd get a test for STDs because Riles violated him."

One last thought from me:

I feel like this is similar to Nique or Shawn Kemp on the Magic...
Also, this whole Marion would have opted out anyway thing is stupid, too.

When's the last time you've seen a team just let a big time player opt out and leave without getting anything in return?

Sign and trades are there for a reason.

Plus, the Suns are playing good ball like they usually do, and, Marion hasn't been acting up or anything.

Hopefully this screws up the team's chemistry, Shaq continues to suck, and the Suns run and gun free flowing offense slows down a bit.
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