Shaq trade offical like referree with a whistle (Planet Orange in SHOCK)

Snaq's a has been. He's fat, lazy and carries a self-entitled attitude that would corrupt the Phoenix Buns. He would bring the wrong chemistry to theScums and cause them to lose games or at least not win as many as they have this year. Marion to the Heat would be ok, but not the solution to their problems.
@#% are they doing?

The Matrix is more adapted to PHX run and gun style.. but then Shaq would help out more offensively/defensively..

50/50 is what I say!
the lakers got the rest of the west shook. The west playoffs is gonna be a war
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

I think Marion is likely to flop in Miami.

He'll definitely help them, but I don't think he's going to be great like he was with the Suns.

Marion is a run and gun guy - The Heat aren't a run and gun team.

1..Marion slashes, cuts, and rolls off picks to get most of his baskets off dimes from Nash.

2..Who's going to give him all those assists he thrives on? Wade? No.

3..Marion scores a lot off offensive boards he steals coming under after someone takes an outside shot. Who takes more outside shots than the Suns? The Heat certainly don't.

4..Wade drives to the basket and clogs the lane up. Making offensive rebounding impossible.

5...Marion also scores a good bit off no thought-quick release 3's.

6...Is Riley going to let him shoot his ugly #*$ outside shot like he does in Phoenix? I doubt it.

Possessions are precious for the Heat, they don't have 100 to spare like the run and gun Suns.

I don't agree with almost all of your points..
( I numbered ur pts in your quote to make it easier)

1) Marion has success even before Nash got there and they switched to the run and gun style they have now..and yea the heat play more of a slow tempo game..butwith Shaq..and Marions ability to run and finish I'm pretty sure Riley is going to have the Heat play more uptempo..and with wade that wont be a problem

2)Yes wade can give him assists...Wade can get in the lane ne time he wants and when he does he'll draw an extra defender and if it happens to be Marionsman he'll dish to him and finish...sure he won't be dishing out as many as Nash but who does??

3)This is similar to 2...When your a guard and you penatrate usually your draw a big helping...and when that big helps and wade shoots thats one less big tohelp get boards...which will help Marion get o boards..

4)read 3

5)Wade drives dishes to marion for a wide open 3...and sure his shot is ugly but he shoots 35%...thats not good..but it isn't as horrible as you thinkit'd be

6) You must not have watched the Heat when Walker was on their team cuz he stayed pulling every chance he got..and riley will let him shoot 3's cuz ofpoint #5 above...

Marion is averaging 15 & 10...Your telling me he can't get that in Miami??...please...I honestly think once he gets to Miami more people he will getabout 18 & 12....

He could be like Josh Smith on the Hawks...get boards..steals..points..blocks..all that...If Josh Smith played on the Suns youd probably be saying the samestuff...Josh Smith is better than Marion yes...but they have the same type of game..
If Phoenix acquires Shaq they are absolutely stupid! They take an aging center, who is old, injury prone, overweight (most of the time) and shows no desire tobe anything close to what he was his first 10 years in the league. How is Phoenix going to play their style of basketball running up and down the court with afat and lazy over-the-hill center who cares very little to nothing to win an NBA Championship again. He might want another one, but he's got plenty, andprobably only plays still to collect a paycheck. Remember this guy is STILL owned $40 million in his contract for the next 2 years.

On the other hand, I think the Heat will be better off with a younger squad. Shawn Marion can play. He's got life still in his career, and I believe willthrive playing next to Dwayne Wade. I think it's a great situation for the Heat because they pick up Marion and Marcus Banks as well as ditching hisinsanely high contract. Miami will definitely be better off in the long run with a younger team. I can see Wade benefitting from this and maybe this will helprejuvenate the rest of the season for them...because we all know they absolutely stink right now!
A lot of people are morons. The same people saying "Shaq doesn't compliment Phoenix' run and gun style" are the same idiots that say"Phoenix' run and gun style of basketball won't win them a championship."
Love Steve Kerr as a player, but man...he's definitely not going to win an Executive of the Year Award anytime soon if this trade goes through.

This trade has desperation written all over it. Yes Shaq is a great defender still because of his size, but he is a dismal pick and roll defender, back in theLakers championship days.
Expect teams to pick the Suns apart with the pick and roll/pop.

I can see where Kerr's going, trying to add size and pack the middle to combat SA and LAL, but this is not the way to do it.

Marion was the real defender for the Suns, not raja flop. With this trade, it leaves the Suns with one perimeter defender. And we all no Shaq aint coming outthe paint nor is he defending the roll. So, liability on D for the Suns just got worst.

Do I smell sabotage?
And yes, I was thinking the same thing as anotherperson had mention. Since when does a division/conference leading team trade away a key component of its system for size?.....Really got me scratching myhead, I guess along with the rest of Suns fans...
Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

A lot of people are morons. The same people saying "Shaq doesn't compliment Phoenix' run and gun style" are the same idiots that say "Phoenix' run and gun style of basketball won't win them a championship."
Yeah right buddy.
Let's just say, sometimes a team's system is only as good as the players who play in it. Phoenix hasn't wona championship yet in that style of offense with the players they've had for awhile so what makes "old wobbly too out of shape to play" ShaquilleO'Neal appealing to "run and gun"?
man..... if this works out the way I think it will.................... I got PHX possibly as NBA Champs...... that is if Shaq starts playing more motivatedagain on a contending team and opens up the floor for 3 pt shooters and is some kind of force..... at least we know he'll play better D than Amare......

otherwise if they keep running
....... but that would be funny to see PHX & GS inthe playoffs.... they'd be paying 4-4 with C-Webb and Shaq trailing the play
I really don't know what to say about this deal....

but I'm real interested to see how this works out.
I cant imagine what the ++%$ Phoenix was thinking here. what a dumb trade, Shaq cant run with them.

at this move only being made probably so they can guard Gasol in the post inthe playoffs.
[Jada] WHY?! [/Jada]

It makes no sense for PHX.

This Miami/Atlanta replay becomes even more ridiculous now.

I checked the schedule. The replay is on March 8th. The Suns are off that night (Saturday), but they play the Spurs in the Sunday afternoon game. I'd dielaughing if they force Shaq to fly in for the 51 seconds. That, or Miami just has to drop this thing.
if shaq can't stay healthy with the heat's offense, imagine him tryna keep up with the suns.

The only thing I can imagine is that to suns change there offense once shaq is in the game, actually try to slow the game and bring a different tempo. Maybe,they've realized the run&gun game isn't going to win them a championship?

Seeing plenty of MIA games, I'll honestly say shaq is done - any heat fans wanna put some comments in? Dude has just turned into a horrible defender,he's strictly just throwing up little hook shots that have no chance of going in, and his free throws still suck (hack a shaq in the west again?).

I just don't know why the suns would do this? If they were so woried about re-signing marion, but then taking on shaqs inflated contract? Steve Kerr,that's not a good look.

All signs are pointing that this is going to be a lose/lose, the west is full of young athletic centers (tyson chandler, bynum, tim duncan) - lets see how thisworks out.

And for someone not to think this move was made partly cause of the Gasol trade, you're fooling yourself. The west is quiverring.
The only way this trade is ever going to work for Phoenix is if Shaq becomes more defensive minded than ever and saves his energy for defense. And rebounding,the Suns are already the worst rebounding team in the NBA and they just lost their best rebounder. All this providing he stays injury-free, which is far fromcertain.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

The only way this trade is ever going to work for Phoenix is if Shaq becomes more defensive minded than ever and saves his energy for defense. And rebounding, the Suns are already the worst rebounding team in the NBA and they just lost their best rebounder. All this providing he stays injury-free, which is far from certain.
The only thing Shaq saves his energy for anymore is sitting on the bench and giggling.
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