She really thought she was doing it.... PIC

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

to be honest...after years of PYPs and matching up people's pics with their comments about women.... she's just like you guys and your overinflated egos.

ya'll think you're doing it too... but really... for a bunch of you, you're not.
Co sign, never really understood the whole posting pics of random people and then allowing everyone to insult them.
Uh, I'm with Dirty on this one...some of you guys think you're God's gift to women. By percentage most of you guys are 4-6's like most of thepopulation of this world.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by SpecialEd88

Go back to work
Just did.
banned - backup names not allowed
I kid you not, i expected this exact response from dirty. If i were in his shoes I would've responded with a ban.
note....if you're gonna try to come back during a suspension with a backup name.
dont' use the same Avatar..or one with your original SN on it...that's just idiotic
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