Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Cassell as a coach...hmm

e.t as a coach?!
...i think its gonna work out because hes a smart pLayerbut just seeing him on the bench as a coach is gonna be FUNNY!
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^ Hell no to the girl in the middle
looking @ the computer 2nd from left, 3rd and 5th.

Sean May what a waste of a pick....

what he want? a chance at 1st dibs at the front of the buffet line?
I am slightly worried about my Nuggets, please allow me to vent.

Anthony Carter and Chucky Atkins are still our PG's, unless they play AI at the point and put JR starting at 2 and move Kleiza over as his backup, withBalkman becoming Melo's backup. But, AI at PG doesn't work at all, he doesn't like to give the ball up. Then you've got Nene and Kmart startingbigs (both great players potentially, but injury-proned), backed up by the Dopeman, i mean, the Birdman (who hasn't played in 2 years), and Steven Hunter(who is really a third string player in my opinion, not a backup). They did good clearing cap when they dumped Camby, but they didn't really fortify theroles on the team as well as they should have. Atkins was a huge waste of time in my opinion. AC cannot play effectively for more than 25 minutes. When AIplays point, we have no semblence of an offense whatsoever. If Nene goes down again, we're left with Hunter at C. If Kmart goes down, Birdman starting PF,and nobody to back those guys up at all.

Maybe I'm just being pessimistic, but I'm worried baout this team. I hope they either make another move before the season starts, or that they justprove me wrong and come out playing actual NBA basketball where they use pick and roll and other actual offensive strategies as well as team defense instead ofjust running down the court hoping for a steal or an outlet pass.

Another thing I just noticed, on, under roster, nobody on our team is a Captain anymore. It used to be Melo and Camby, but it looks like theytook that designation away from Melo, lol.

Any Nuggets fans care to add their thoughts? Was this the wrong place for this post? My bad if so......
Sean May has been injured virtually his entire career. He's played in 58/184 games. He wasn't horrible when he DID play, he scored about 10-5 whileshooting well. He just needs to stay healthy, word to Morrison.

DAF, The Nuggets are in a transition period right now, the past two years they were trying to go for it all, they've backed off of that now. There seems tonot be a long future for AI/Melo as teammates IMO. Unless Melo and AI both play like MVPs this year, this is probably it for them. They might not make theplayoffs, but they have good players, and despite what some people say, Karl isn't a bad coach. It's just a rough patch right now for the Nuggets.

Don't worry about posting it here, people might actually respond to it instead of flaming or clowning on you if you had made a new thread.
I really want to know how much the deal is worth, and moreso, how long the deal is.

Is Delonte going to start in the BC with Mo?
Is Adam Morrison expected to be healthy by the time the season starts? For some reason, I really want to see this guy succeed in the league.
DL, I believe so, but I could be wrong.

Cavs re-sign guard Delonte West

By Brian Windhorst
Beacon Journal sports writer

POSTED: 02:33 p.m. EDT, Sep 12, 2008

With just more than two weeks left until training camp, the Cavaliers appear to have completed theirroster.

After a summer of intense negotiations, the team came to terms with restricted free agent guard Delonte West today.

West has agreed to a two-year contract with ateam option for the 2011-12 season. According to league sources, the deal is worth between $4 million and $5 million per season.

The combo guard is heading into his fifth season and averaged 10.3 points per game and 4.5 assists per game last season. He scored 10.8 points per game andhad 4.2 assists per game in the playoffs.

The Cavs acquired West at the trading deadline last year as part of a 10-player, three-team deal.

He was the starting point guard for last part of the season and during the playoffs, but is expected to back up newly acquired point guard Mo Williams.

The Cavs have scheduled a conference call later today to announce the news.

With just more than two weeks left until training camp, the Cavaliers appear to have completed their roster.

After a summer of intense negotiations, the team came to terms with restricted free agent guard Delonte West today.

West has agreed to a two-year contract with a team option for the 2011-12 season. According to league sources, the deal is worth between$4 million and $5 million per season.

The combo guard is heading into his fifth season and averaged 10.3 points per game and 4.5 assists per game last season. He scored 10.8points per game and had 4.2 assists per game in the playoffs.

The Cavs acquired West at the trading deadline last year as part of a 10-player, three-team deal.

He was the starting point guard for last part of the season and during the playoffs, but is expected to back up newly acquired point guardMo Williams.

The Cavs have scheduled a conference call later today to announce the news.

I'm confused, they say it's a 2 yr deal, with an option for 2011-2012? This upcoming yr is 2008-2009, then 2009-2010. I wonder if they meant 2010-2011.Either way, looks like it's 9-10 million deal for 2 yrs.
By the wording, it looks like 2 years are guaranteed but the 3rd is an option, so therefore no guaranteed, hence a 2 yr contract...
looks like the cavs are going to start a lineup of

mo williams
delonte west
lebron james
ben wallace
big z

wally and boobie will compete for the 6th man role....
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

looks like the cavs are going to start a lineup of

mo williams
delonte west
lebron james
ben wallace
big z

wally and boobie will compete for the 6th man role....
I think mo will play more of the combo guard while delonte is strictly a pg on offense.

That backcourt will create a mismatch for whoever has to guard the SG though (probably delonte.) Good SGs with size are gunna kill them.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Sean May has been injured virtually his entire career. He's played in 58/184 games. He wasn't horrible when he DID play, he scored about 10-5 while shooting well. He just needs to stay healthy, word to Morrison.

DAF, The Nuggets are in a transition period right now, the past two years they were trying to go for it all, they've backed off of that now. There seems to not be a long future for AI/Melo as teammates IMO. Unless Melo and AI both play like MVPs this year, this is probably it for them. They might not make the playoffs, but they have good players, and despite what some people say, Karl isn't a bad coach. It's just a rough patch right now for the Nuggets.

Don't worry about posting it here, people might actually respond to it instead of flaming or clowning on you if you had made a new thread.

LOL @ rough patch. The Nuggets' last 12 years have been a rough patch.

As much as I love AI, he's not good for this team. I'm a pretty firm believer in a system. Teams that use systems and strategy are the teams that winchampionships, usually. The Nuggets will never get out of the first round playing the style they play now. I don't see how they've addressed ANY ofthe issues leftover from last year aside from salary cap problems. We lost role players and signed new role players. We lost our best help defender. Westill have ball hogs who refuse to play defense. We still don't have a legit point guard. We still have a coach who won't make his stars play betterteam basketball. We are going to be relying on 2 starters who have career histories of injuries. We have mediocre to poor backups for those guys. Ugh. Theonly way I can consider this a "transition year" is if they make a move with AI, dump Atkins, and score a real point guard. Otherwise, it's justanother year where we'll score a bunch of points and get our @+%es handed to us in the playoffs.

I am just praying that Nene finally has a full season without injury. He could easily be one of the top big men in the league. At the end of the season 2years ago, he was looking like a stud. He was slim and fit, his post game was unstopable. Then he got injured playing for Brazil over the summer, came backfat, got hurt again, sat out half the year, came back, then got the tumor 2 weeks later, was out the rest of the year. Nothing is more frustrating than hopingfor this guy to come through and play up to his potential.

Kmart looked good last year. If he stayed in shape over the summer and Karl gives him more minutes, he can average 15/8 this year or better. Or not... Or aknee could give out...

Melo needs to bring some of that USAB spirit back to Denver and lead the team better. He needs to set a precedent for playing defense. He needs to continuecontirbuting with rebounds and assists. This guy is an incredible passer, if only he'd do it more. Before we got AI, Melo's passing game wasridiculous. Now the two of them just fight to hold on to the ball to see who can score the most points.

JR Smith is probably the most promising player on the team right now. I'm really curious to see if they use him as a starter or keep him as the spark offthe bench. Right now, I imagine the starting five to be one of these:




OK, sorry for all that. I haven't talked NBA with anybody for a while so I had to get that off my chest, haha.
Originally Posted by denverairforce

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Sean May has been injured virtually his entire career. He's played in 58/184 games. He wasn't horrible when he DID play, he scored about 10-5 while shooting well. He just needs to stay healthy, word to Morrison.

DAF, The Nuggets are in a transition period right now, the past two years they were trying to go for it all, they've backed off of that now. There seems to not be a long future for AI/Melo as teammates IMO. Unless Melo and AI both play like MVPs this year, this is probably it for them. They might not make the playoffs, but they have good players, and despite what some people say, Karl isn't a bad coach. It's just a rough patch right now for the Nuggets.

Don't worry about posting it here, people might actually respond to it instead of flaming or clowning on you if you had made a new thread.

LOL @ rough patch. The Nuggets' last 12 years have been a rough patch.

As much as I love AI, he's not good for this team. I'm a pretty firm believer in a system. Teams that use systems and strategy are the teams that win championships, usually. The Nuggets will never get out of the first round playing the style they play now. I don't see how they've addressed ANY of the issues leftover from last year aside from salary cap problems. We lost role players and signed new role players. We lost our best help defender. We still have ball hogs who refuse to play defense. We still don't have a legit point guard. We still have a coach who won't make his stars play better team basketball. We are going to be relying on 2 starters who have career histories of injuries. We have mediocre to poor backups for those guys. Ugh. The only way I can consider this a "transition year" is if they make a move with AI, dump Atkins, and score a real point guard. Otherwise, it's just another year where we'll score a bunch of points and get our @+%es handed to us in the playoffs.

I am just praying that Nene finally has a full season without injury. He could easily be one of the top big men in the league. At the end of the season 2 years ago, he was looking like a stud. He was slim and fit, his post game was unstopable. Then he got injured playing for Brazil over the summer, came back fat, got hurt again, sat out half the year, came back, then got the tumor 2 weeks later, was out the rest of the year. Nothing is more frustrating than hoping for this guy to come through and play up to his potential.

Kmart looked good last year. If he stayed in shape over the summer and Karl gives him more minutes, he can average 15/8 this year or better. Or not... Or a knee could give out...

Melo needs to bring some of that USAB spirit back to Denver and lead the team better. He needs to set a precedent for playing defense. He needs to continue contirbuting with rebounds and assists. This guy is an incredible passer, if only he'd do it more. Before we got AI, Melo's passing game was ridiculous. Now the two of them just fight to hold on to the ball to see who can score the most points.

JR Smith is probably the most promising player on the team right now. I'm really curious to see if they use him as a starter or keep him as the spark off the bench. Right now, I imagine the starting five to be one of these:




OK, sorry for all that. I haven't talked NBA with anybody for a while so I had to get that off my chest, haha.
It's all good man. I go off and rant and make long posts all the time.

As for AI, it's either AI or Melo, you can't have both, their chemistry just isn't that good together. Yeah they've both been playing atextremely high levels the past two years, and they've been scoring well, but the Nuggets haven't been doing terribly well. Cutting salary is always anice way to rebuild for the future. I'd much rather cut salary than sign some player that I'm not sure can help my team, and more times than notit's hard to find players who will perfectly fit a team. Najera+Camby are heavy losses, probably the two best defenders, but under this currentconstruction, I don't know what's the point of having good defensive players when the rest of your team plays garbage defense. Johnson/Atkinsaren't good, you're right. I thought the deal breaker when AI was traded to the Nuggets was Andre Miller. Everyone balked at me and laughed when I saidAndre Miller will shine in Philly, and the Nuggets will miss him. They aren't THAT much better with AI than they were with Miller, and now Miller is theone laughing. AI and Melo are both independent scorers, they don't rely on anyone else other than themselves to score, it's hard to get them to playteam basketball when they do much better on their own. I think Nene and Kenyon will be good this year, I think they will do damage this year, and Steven Hunteris a question mark in my eyes. I always rooted for the dude, so I can't really say how he'll do. Me and other Mavericks fans have suggested anAI<->Kidd swap, both have contracts up at the end of this year, both can help the other team succeed. Kidd+Melo would change the environment of Denver,while AI+Dirk would get rid of any scoring problems we ever had.

When Nene was healthy, he was one of my favorite big men. I only wish him the best, he really deserves better.

Kenyon needs a good PG to succeed IMO, and not a shoot-first PG like AI who doesn't pass as much as he should. I think he'll stay healthy this year,unless he lands on someone's foot or something. Just as long as he stays fit I think he'll do just fine.

Melo is way too immature to be a team-leader, and AI is more of a "I'll do things my own way, get on my back, I'll carry you," kind ofplayer. That doesn't mesh well with Melo. There needs to be a veteran PG who will help out Melo. Nash+Melo or Kidd+Melo would do wonders for Carmelo'scareer. Rebounding has always been a bad part for Melo, he tried in USA Basketball, but we'll see, I don't think he can hold that up throughout aseason. And the only way I see him going out and being a good defender is if he sees the REST of his team playing good defense, or else he's not going tobe motivated to play good D.

As for JR, I don't really know about him, he has the potential, but I think he is best off the bench, nailing three's or scoring around the basket.He's a great athlete, but he just doesn't seem to have all the fundamentals he needs.

Balkman is a question mark from me, I just really don't know what to expect from the guy, it's hard to evaluate a NYK,
.. And Birdman I won'thave any confidence in until he shows me something.

Starting line-up should be,

Carter (Atkins)
AI (Smith)
Melo (Kleiza)
K-Mart (Balkman)
Nene (Hunter)
[h2]Cavs Sign Delonte WestTo Multi-Year Deal[/h2]

Sep 12, 2008 2:13 PM EST

ClevelandCavaliers guard Delonte West has signed a multi-year contract with the team, Cavaliers General Manager Danny Ferry announced today. Per team and league policy,terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Acquired from the Seattle SuperSonics on Feb. 21 as part of a three-team, 11-player trade, West played in 61 games (31 starts) forSeattle and Cleveland and averaged 8.3 points on .413 shooting, 3.2 rebounds and 3.8 assists in 25.1 minutes per game during the 2007-08 season. In 26 games(all starts) with the Cavaliers, the 6-foot-3 guard averaged 10.3 points on .440 shooting, 3.7 rebounds and 4.5 assists in 31.0 minutes per game.

"This is the first time since I was offered a scholarship at St. Joes that I feel like I am valued as a person and a player. DanGilbert and the Cavaliers have shown me that they value me as a person and a player and that was the most important thing to me," said West. "In thatsense, this was not about a specific dollar amount. You can't really put a dollar value on a person, their skills you can, but not their heart and whatkind of person they are. My family is blessed and I feel a great relief to be able to concentrate on basketball now."

RealGM Note: West was 180th in season FIC, but saw his minutes go up dramatically after being traded from Seattle to Cleveland. He'deserved' to make $3.63 million during the 2007-08 season. West had been threatening to take the $2.7 million qualifying offer while asking for $5million annually.

Via Press Release

Cleveland Cavaliers

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[h2]Jay-Z Finally TalksAbout Stevenson Dis[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 4:21 PM EST

Rapper Jay-Zhas finally discussed his involvement in the feud between LeBron James and DeShawn Stevenson when the Cavaliers and Wizards battled in the playoffs thisspring, according to Washington Post.

"I had no intention to talk about the DeShawn Stevenson thing," Jay-Z said in an interview with Vibe. "I seen himbeatin' the [expletive] out of LeBron, and he really couldn't do nothing. I really wanted to inspire [LeBron]. I sent him the ["Blow The Whistle(freestyle)"]. The song wasn't to be released."

"I sent him the song to get him amped up. I do [expletive] like that. I hit him on the BlackBerry all the way through theplayoffs. There's a big trail of e-mails that we have where I'm almost like a coach on the sidelines for him 'cause...that's my little brother!I'm giving him advice, even outside of 'Take the ball to the elbow and shoot.' The psychology of what's going on: That's my role in hislife."

Via Washington Post

Cleveland Cavaliers,Washington Wizards, New Jersey Nets

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[h2]Lakers Sign C.J. Giles[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 9:43 PM EST

The Lakerssigned forward C.J. Giles on Friday. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, as reported by


Los Angeles Lakers

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[h2]Blazers' LaFrentzTo Have Shoulder Surgery[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 9:37 PM EST

Trail Blazerscenter Raef LaFrentz will have shoulder surgery later this month, according to an Associated Press report on Friday.

The surgery to repair a tear in the labrum of his right shoulder will be performed September 26 at Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic inLos Angeles.

A timetable for his return to the team will be determined after the surgery.

Via AP

Portland Trail Blazers

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[h2]Warriors Waive KostaPerović[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 6:11 PM EST

The GoldenState Warriors have waived center Kosta Perović, Executive Vice President of Basketball Operations Chris Mullin announced today. Perović, 23, was selected bythe Warriors in the second round (#38 overall) of the 2006 NBA Draft. In seven games with Golden State this season, he averaged 1.4 points and 1.9 rebounds in5.4 minutes per contest. Additionally, the 7-2 center appeared in 21 games with the Bakersfield Jam of the NBA Development League, averaging 9.5 points, 7.2rebounds, and 1.55 blocks in 23.3 minutes.

Via Press Release

Golden State Warriors

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[h2]Mo Excited To Get To KnowCleveland[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 4:15 PM EST

NewCavaliers' point guard Maurice Williams is excited to get to know the city that he will now call home, according to Cleveland Plain Dealer.

He took part in a twenty minute chat with fans on the team's website on Thursday, where nearly 450 questions weresubmitted.

"It's just what I do," said Williams. "That's just me. I do things not looking for recognition or praise orapplause. I do it because I feel like it's a good thing to do. I'm a good-natured person. I like to be involved. I'm a hands-on-typeguy."

It's been a busy month for Williams, who was traded from Milwaukee to Cleveland on Aug. 13 and got married on Aug. 30.

"It has been great," he said. "I've been welcomed. It always takes time to get acclimated to an area. [Dashboard]navigation is the best thing invented. But when the people around you are helpful, it always makes the transition easier."

Via Cleveland Plain Dealer

Cleveland Cavaliers

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[h2]Jefferson: I WasFrustrated After Trade[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 4:11 PM EST

Bucks'forward Richard Jefferson admitted recently that he was in fact frustrated by the trade that sent him from New Jersey to Milwaukee, according to SportsIllustrated.

"You know, I was frustrated," said Jefferson. "But now I'm excited. People misconstrued that I was unhappygoing to Milwaukee. Man, I was unhappy about leaving the only team I had been a part of. I was the last one standing from the team that went to the Finals, theguys that won three straight division championships, the guys that made the Nets respectable -- and respectable for a long time. I didn't want to go. Butit wasn't about Milwaukee."

Jefferson also claims that he understands why the Nets decided to trade him.

"The organization is trying to cut costs," said Jefferson. "When you are a part of an organization for seven years, youhear about things on the business side. You hear that they might want to go in a different direction."

Via Sports Illustrated

Milwaukee Bucks, New Jersey Nets

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[h2]Tau Looking At FourNBA Players To Fill Void[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 4:05 PM EST

Theadministration of the Spanish basketball club Tau is reportedly looking at four different NBA players to fill the void left by Goran Dragic, according to TheHoop

Dragic, who was drafted by the Suns, signed with the team earlier this season.

Smush Parker is reportedly one of the candidates to help fill the void at point guard for Tau.

Via The Hoop


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[h2]Fratello Re-Joins MarvIn Broadcast Booth[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 3:56 PM EST

The Nets havereportedly filled the vacancy left by Mark Jackson in the broadcast booth with none other than Mike Fratello, according to Star-Ledger.

That means that Fratello will be reunited with Marv Albert on air often when calling Nets' games this coming season.

The formal announcement isn't expected to be made for quite some time.

Via Star-Ledger

New Jersey Nets

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[h2]Bird Hates Using ThePhone?[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 3:49 PM EST

Many people arestill wondering whether or not the Pacers' Larry Bird will be able to handle complete control of basketball operations because he despises using the phone,according to Indianapolis Star.

Bird has swung a few moves this summer with both Toronto and Portland despite his distaste for talking on the phone.

"You're right, I'm pretty short on the phone," Bird said back in late March.

David Morway, Indiana's general manager, has helped fill some of the void left by Bird's shortness by being veryaccessible.

Via Indianapolis Star

Indiana Pacers

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[h2]Hill Excited To Learn InSan Antonio[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 10:04 AM EST

Spurs rookieGeorge Hill is excited to learn from the veterans he'll share the court with in San Antonio, according to

"It is a great opportunity to play for the Spurs. You can't be in a better situation than I am in right now," Hill said."Also, it will be great learning from talented players. They have great vets in Tim Duncan, Jacque Vaughn, Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili and Bruce Bowen. Iam ready to come in and take my little war wounds that they are going to give and learn from my whole team, because the bench is good too. I am just ready tolearn from everybody."

Hill also admitted that he has always looked up to Tony Parker.

"I looked up to him," Hill said of the point guard. "I always watched him play. I just love his game. I am ready to getbehind him and let him teach me the things he does to be successful."


San Antonio Spurs

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Originally Posted by tupac003

[h2]Tau Looking At Four NBA Players To Fill Void[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 4:05 PM EST

The administration of the Spanish basketball club Tau is reportedly looking at four different NBA players to fill the void left by Goran Dragic, according to The Hoop

Dragic, who was drafted by the Suns, signed with the team earlier this season.

Smush Parker is reportedly one of the candidates to help fill the void at point guard for Tau.

Via The Hoop


SRead the Full Story Discuss Send FeedbackSmuth
Smush Parker?! Ok I guess

Originally Posted by tupac003

[h2]Bird Hates Using The Phone?[/h2]
Sep 12, 2008 3:49 PM EST

Many people are still wondering whether or not the Pacers' Larry Bird will be able to handle complete control of basketball operations because he despises using the phone, according to Indianapolis Star.

Bird has swung a few moves this summer with both Toronto and Portland despite his distaste for talking on the phone.

"You're right, I'm pretty short on the phone," Bird said back in late March.

David Morway, Indiana's general manager, has helped fill some of the void left by Bird's shortness by being very accessible.

Via Indianapolis Star

Indiana Pacers

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I though that was funny
"You know, I was frustrated," said Jefferson. "But now I'm excited. People misconstrued that I was unhappy going to Milwaukee. Man, I was unhappy about leaving the only team I had been a part of. I was the last one standing from the team that went to the Finals, the guys that won three straight division championships, the guys that made the Nets respectable -- and respectable for a long time. I didn't want to go. But it wasn't about Milwaukee."

Damn, Im gonna miss ya RJ...good luck in Milw.

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

"You know, I was frustrated," said Jefferson. "But now I'm excited. People misconstrued that I was unhappy going to Milwaukee. Man, I was unhappy about leaving the only team I had been a part of. I was the last one standing from the team that went to the Finals, the guys that won three straight division championships, the guys that made the Nets respectable -- and respectable for a long time. I didn't want to go. But it wasn't about Milwaukee."

Damn, Im gonna miss ya RJ...good luck in Milw.


I will too, but I'm excited about the new group we have. I think this team now will be very good in the long run, if we develop right.

Brook and Yi has me excited and hopefully CDR learn hi offense from VC and his defense from Trenton.

Bye RJ
Jay-Z Finally Talks About Stevenson Dis

Sep 12, 2008 4:21 PM EST

imageRapper Jay-Z has finally discussed his involvement in the feud between LeBron James and DeShawn Stevenson when the Cavaliers and Wizards battled in the playoffs this spring, according to Washington Post.

"I had no intention to talk about the DeShawn Stevenson thing," Jay-Z said in an interview with Vibe. "I seen him beatin' the [expletive] out of LeBron, and he really couldn't do nothing. I really wanted to inspire [LeBron]. I sent him the ["Blow The Whistle (freestyle)"]. The song wasn't to be released."

"I sent him the song to get him amped up. I do [expletive] like that. I hit him on the BlackBerry all the way through the playoffs. There's a big trail of e-mails that we have where I'm almost like a coach on the sidelines for him 'cause...that's my little brother! I'm giving him advice, even outside of 'Take the ball to the elbow and shoot.' The psychology of what's going on: That's my role in his life."
And people really believe Lebron is not on his way to Brooklyn

Originally Posted by WILLINC

Jay-Z Finally Talks About Stevenson Dis

Sep 12, 2008 4:21 PM EST

imageRapper Jay-Z has finally discussed his involvement in the feud between LeBron James and DeShawn Stevenson when the Cavaliers and Wizards battled in the playoffs this spring, according to Washington Post.

"I had no intention to talk about the DeShawn Stevenson thing," Jay-Z said in an interview with Vibe. "I seen him beatin' the [expletive] out of LeBron, and he really couldn't do nothing. I really wanted to inspire [LeBron]. I sent him the ["Blow The Whistle (freestyle)"]. The song wasn't to be released."

"I sent him the song to get him amped up. I do [expletive] like that. I hit him on the BlackBerry all the way through the playoffs. There's a big trail of e-mails that we have where I'm almost like a coach on the sidelines for him 'cause...that's my little brother! I'm giving him advice, even outside of 'Take the ball to the elbow and shoot.' The psychology of what's going on: That's my role in his life."
And people really believe Lebron is not on his way to Brooklyn


Cosign. Morons.
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