SMH at dude not standing up for his girl

after the beer was poured,

that's when you walk away,
buy a beer,
dump it out,
take a piss in it,
go back,
tell the guy who poured it on your girl, "hey, we don't want no trouble so I bought you a beer"
then walk away...
ALmost had a situation like this saturday. Shorty I was with walked by this dude with painted on's jeanss (outside the local college bar) and she said"Nice Spandex!" Dude really took that #$+$ to heart started following us on some drunk, belligerent #$+$. At first he was screaming "dumb*@%%$" and #$+$ to her and I was like she kind of deserves that for mouthing off to someone she don't know, but then dude opened his mouth about me.Needless to say, I approached dude with the quickness and his testicles shrunk back down to size and said sorry for saying anything about me. I was sooo tightat the *@%%$ though, especially cause it was pouring rain during the whole thing. Let her walk her @+% home alone.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Dude should have did something, but you guys aren't thinking... maybe they were on their first date so dude wasn't trying to go all out like that for the first date.

Let me explain the strategy I would have did though...

If the odds are against you then you have to think rationally... I usually don't though and I would have swung and got it popping and probably beat up.

But, he should have got up higher than the fat dude and then kicked him down the steps and then wailed on homie with the blue hate who poured the beer.

Then I would have waited outside to see were they go and if not get it popping in the parking lot I would have followed them home and then found out where they, or at least one of them, lived and catch him on the creep tip with a baseball bat and did serious damage.

That would then lead to the other one somehow or someday coming over to the one I caught house and then that's when I plot on him and catch him on the sneak tip.

this is how stupid people get shot and/or killed. Pay attention.

This is how you confess to NikeTalk that you're a coward that let people walk all over you.

Yeah you're right... they do... not me.

I have the jump on them... trust I've been down the path I've explained before and I'm still here.

They're in L.A. and it's just like NY where the gun rules are strict... maybe you live somewhere that it isn't then things would change.

Tell me how you figure I would take an L when I have the jump on them and where they live?

What you think that I'm not going with the hammer just in case when I do go try and get at them?

So you would let that crap happen to your girl right?

By the way when you go to a Yankees game dudes be acting up when you got a banging girl because they be liquored up and have beer muscles.

ok. I didnt say i would let it happen to my girl, but i wouldnt go to extremes such as waiting outside of the parking lot, following them home, etc, etc.Sometimes you gotta let it go. And now you want to escalade it with guns? and im the coward
I have yankee season tix and i see these things occur way too often. It is often time women running their mouth off the beer who end up getting their dudesbeat down/thrown out. The one thing I will say about that vid though, is security is lacking at Dodger stadium. At Yankee they would've seen her smack himthe 1st time and that woulda been it, she'd be tossed and everyone would give her the A-Hole!!!!! chant on the way out, end of story.
defending your lady's honor FTW

I wish a had a lady to fight viciously for

Originally Posted by Meangene4

What does it prove if you get beat up and hurt what did you win nothing. Yea you might got some shots in but at the end of the day you and her are both in the ER paying medical bills maybe you go to the free clinic and catch the flu.


fighting multiple people is easier that fighting one as long as you dont fall

and even if you do lose, bruises heal
Looked like she deserve it. You can see her attempting to hit him more then once. She asked for it.
@ you thinking he pushed her.

One of the homies in the Dodger thread was right there and said ol' dude didn't touch her, she was too drunk and looked like a dumb %#$ broad and losther balance.
You guys talking smack like you would it seems to be about 2 dudes on the same side one being about 300lbs...and you're about 80 stories in theair with the (cheap ticket seats)....I wouldn't risk getting tossed over IMO.

and I here some of you dudes talking bout you 6'2" and 150 lbs ...
realtalk just be quiet
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by Lrrr


what in the +$$@ are you talking about?

i embeded the video wrong
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Lrrr

fighting multiple people is easier that fighting one as long as you dont fall
theres more concentration and planning going into fighting one person...when your getting rushed by 3,4,5, or 10 dudes you can just throw wildhaymakers and swing your elbows until they realize what a bad idea trying to jump you is or until you drop 2 or 3...either way you're gonna get might as well say !##+ a black eye and go all in
He made sure he got every last drop of beer on her!

Both incidents not be fully shown. I wanted to see her fall down the stairs
Another thing, how do yall know that she was HIS girl?

Just say if this was a first date, should he still put his life on the line for her?
woooooooooooooooooooooow... thats outta line... i hate drunk tough guys i woulda caught a case that day and dude and his homie woulda had to get rushed to theer:.
Originally Posted by gueser

i woulda caught a case that day

i've always said that i wouldnt mind using my first offense on someone special...she doesnt event have to be my girl for me to get an assault charge..ijust have to leik her
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