SMH at dude not standing up for his girl

Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Nike Star Jay wrote:

RustyShackleford wrote:

%@% is wrong with you guys. I agree with the boyfriend. The girl got up and started waving her hand sin dudes face, got a beer thrown on her, came back for
more several times, and got what she was asking for. Why the hell would I as the BF start swinging and take a beat down for this

did you think about this as you typed it? there's a difference between a jump and a GIRLFRIEND. if you don't wanna defend your jump, fine,
she's just a jump that you're not supposed to have any emotional attachment to anyway. a GIRLFRIEND on the other hand is someone your supposed to
love, care for, and protect and defend - that's your role as a man and as her boyfriend. it's a shame how some of you guys are trying to act as if
it's cool and sensible to just standby and let a woman get her butt whooped. granted none of us really know the backstory, but still, if you really feel
comfortable letting your girlfriend get touched by a dude without you taking action - i hope you never get a girl.

some of your dad's should've taught y'all to man up.
First off cut that dad +!%$ out. You don't know anyone's backsyory so @$*$ about that. Next, the girl was acting reckless too. What kind
of GF puts her BF is situations like that. Look there are two dudes there both bigger than the BF, figting in a close space. I don't know if you have never
been in a fight but the odds where defiantley heavily against the BF. These are all things alot of men think about before they starting swinging. It is not
just "Oh my GF is in problem, let me defend her honor". And she did not get whooped, she got a beer poured on her and shoved down some stairs. If one
of the dudes swung on her then it would be a different story.

no excuses bro. Doesn't matter how the girl talks or act. You don't touch the female or pour beer because as another NT'er has mentioned WOMEN do that. All dude had to do was just ignore the bird.

you think clyde would have let that mess slide?
That's one of those situations where you defend her no matter what but when you get behind closed doors you let her know she @@$#++ up.
i don't think son shoulda fought the dudes he shoulda just scooped his shorty

obviously it ain't in him to fight but you gotta know when to step in and just stop the situation from progressing
y'all really gonna catch an **! whoopin in a close space by 2 dudes and potentially arrested for throwing hands first all to show you're manly?c'mon son
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

1. I'll start off with a disclaimer since I don't know the full story.
2. girl tried to slap his hat off...she smacked him in the face twice.
3. we don't see exactly how she fell...she could have went after him and he pushed back.

Who knows how the argument started but looks like the girl was the one going hard the whole time....

women cant expect to be all in mens faces, invading their space, putting their hands on them, and not accept whatever consequences come along with that whetherwrong or not

I do agree with all yall cats tho....whether the girl was in the wrong or not.....if a dude pours beer on your girl and pushes her down the stairs you gottastep up and put some kinda work in.

handle the dude there.......then have a serious talk with your girl when you get home to let her know the #+% SHE started was unacceptable
perfect enviroment for fat guy like them to fight in too, very little space so they wont have to move much

op stop actin tough you wouldn't have done anything yourself

j/k that was bogus though but the main people in the vid look like losers anyway
Originally Posted by imajaywalker

smh @ every male in the crowd for letting that go down anyways.

u'd think someone would have said something about him disrespecting a woman like that (not going to call her a lady lol)

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

At the end of the day its just beer

relax be happy she still alive
so basically, you would've been ok with dude pouring beer on your chick and talking crap to her? and i guess you missed the part when homie pushed her down the @@*@$@$ stairs. she could've gotten really hurt, and your attitude is "as long as it wasn't me"

man, some of you dudes
. i'm not saying i'm a huge tough guy at all, or that i would've even won the fight, but to just stand there and WATCH your girl get bullied by another man - i can't do that without feeling like a little garden tool. i'd rather have gotten my tail whooped than watch that happen to my girl. call me a captain, so be it.

i agree @ nike star jay. but forget than captain mess, you just have integrity which is respectable. imma big dude myself but even if i werent, id swing onthat fat booyah tribe lookin herb forget all that outnumbered jazz. you dont disrespect my FRIENDS in front of me like that. people can argue and talk all theywant but once they open that door of violence i gotta stand up for myself and what i believe in. male or female if you're my FRIEND im not gonna let anyoneharm you unconcequentially when faced against odds. ill take a whooping and call it a day and move on man, it happens. you will still have respect at the endof the day, and not live with the insecurities on not forgiving yourself. meow[/phil jackson]
you dudes are crazy....

remember this is at a Playoff Dodger game and the guy and girl are Cardinal fans at the edge of the balcony surrounded by drunk Dodger fans...

if dude would have stood up for his girl it would not end well, plus dude is like the size of my 10 year old son. He should have just told his girl to chilland left the game.
Originally Posted by Put em up

That crap the GF was doing was def corny(thank god my lady don't act like that), but as a man. Those things that hang between my legs call "BALLS or NUTS" won't allow me, to let another male disrespect the women I love in my face. Some of you dude in here sounding like straight Wet Wussy. If you allow this pass and you don't do anything. You should just end the relationship right there, bc how can your women respect you as a man. After you let some !!!* like that go down?
And you (and everyone else) know that this is the woman he loves/GF how?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Put em up

That crap the GF was doing was def corny(thank god my lady don't act like that), but as a man. Those things that hang between my legs call "BALLS or NUTS" won't allow me, to let another male disrespect the women I love in my face. Some of you dude in here sounding like straight Wet Wussy. If you allow this pass and you don't do anything. You should just end the relationship right there, bc how can your women respect you as a man. After you let some !!!* like that go down?
And you (and everyone else) know that this is the woman he loves/GF how?
real friends stand up for eachother.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

%@% is wrong with you guys. I agree with the boyfriend. The girl got up and started waving her hand sin dudes face, got a beer thrown on her, came back for more several times, and got what she was asking for. Why the hell would I as the BF start swinging and take a beat down for this chick.

did you think about this as you typed it? there's a difference between a jump and a GIRLFRIEND. if you don't wanna defend your jump, fine, she's just a jump that you're not supposed to have any emotional attachment to anyway. a GIRLFRIEND on the other hand is someone your supposed to love, care for, and protect and defend - that's your role as a man and as her boyfriend. it's a shame how some of you guys are trying to act as if it's cool and sensible to just standby and let a woman get her butt whooped. granted none of us really know the backstory, but still, if you really feel comfortable letting your girlfriend get touched by a dude without you taking action - i hope you never get a girl.

some of your dad's should've taught y'all to man up.
First off cut that dad +!%$ out. You don't know anyone's backsyory so @$*$ about that. Next, the girl was acting reckless too. What kind of GF puts her BF is situations like that. Look there are two dudes there both bigger than the BF, figting in a close space. I don't know if you have never been in a fight but the odds where defiantley heavily against the BF. These are all things alot of men think about before they starting swinging. It is not just "Oh my GF is in problem, let me defend her honor". And she did not get whooped, she got a beer poured on her and shoved down some stairs. If one of the dudes swung on her then it would be a different story.
The fact that you're OK with another man putting his HANDS on your GF is a bit surprising....the beer was one thing, but a HUGE line wascrossed when his hands were placed on the girl. I don't care if she's in the right or wrong, you gotta step up as a man in that situation in somecapacity if hands are placed on her.

Now, if I was in that situation I would have gotten in my girls face to tell her to calm the #**+ down from the jump. Especially after she tried to tip thedudes hat off. I can't speak on everyone here on NT, but having a beer thrown on my girl would have set ME off.
This is why they need to monitor alcohol consumption @ games.

It isn't safe.

And no matter what is being said or who is acting in what manner. It should never result in violence.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

ALmost had a situation like this saturday. Shorty I was with walked by this dude with painted on's jeanss (outside the local college bar) and she said "Nice Spandex!" Dude really took that #$+$ to heart started following us on some drunk, belligerent #$+$. At first he was screaming "dumb *@%%$" and #$+$ to her and I was like she kind of deserves that for mouthing off to someone she don't know, but then dude opened his mouth about me. Needless to say, I approached dude with the quickness and his testicles shrunk back down to size and said sorry for saying anything about me. I was sooo tight at the *@%%$ though, especially cause it was pouring rain during the whole thing. Let her walk her @+% home alone.
you must've been at The Boot! Oh yea you missed agood trip yesterday too.
Originally Posted by 85wasagreatyear

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Put em up

That crap the GF was doing was def corny(thank god my lady don't act like that), but as a man. Those things that hang between my legs call "BALLS or NUTS" won't allow me, to let another male disrespect the women I love in my face. Some of you dude in here sounding like straight Wet Wussy. If you allow this pass and you don't do anything. You should just end the relationship right there, bc how can your women respect you as a man. After you let some !!!* like that go down?
And you (and everyone else) know that this is the woman he loves/GF how?
real friends stand up for eachother.

Who is to say she is his REAL friend?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by 85wasagreatyear

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Put em up

That crap the GF was doing was def corny(thank god my lady don't act like that), but as a man. Those things that hang between my legs call "BALLS or NUTS" won't allow me, to let another male disrespect the women I love in my face. Some of you dude in here sounding like straight Wet Wussy. If you allow this pass and you don't do anything. You should just end the relationship right there, bc how can your women respect you as a man. After you let some !!!* like that go down?
And you (and everyone else) know that this is the woman he loves/GF how?
real friends stand up for eachother.

Who is to say she is his REAL friend?
the fact that you're rationalizing makes me

i cant do that, its clear as day that homeboy was a wuss. ill catch you at the game with ya girl being facialized with mustard on the big screen by one of theheadshrinkers tho, ill hawla
I am not rationalizing him not doing anything. I am simply asking at what point does the dude HAVE to do something.
If it is just a "jumpoff" should he stick his nose out there?
unless it is my wife i would not get my +!$ whooped for no chick. i wouldn't be able to win against the both of them, so i would rather just take the Lthen get my +!$ beat for some broad i probably wont be with in a couple months. i can't tell how serious they were by the video but it seemed shewasn't important enough to that guy to stand up for.
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