So I Went to See 'Good Hair' Last Night

I would say something but this post is a hot mess.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Hair is like one of my top 5 things about females as far as physical.

I personally hate weaves. Especially when they're extra longer than your real hair.

I don't wanna see you without a weave in and you got the samurai topknot pony tail.

And if you got short hair, why are girls just lazy and gel it up or try to rock the Rihanna or Keri Hilson. That @$#% aint for everybody.
other 4 things?


lol, so if shes batting a 4/5 you pass?


(lol, i was gonna comment about the black girl raised w/ whites earlier, but i thought i'd get flamed for, seriously, that's the only time i judge a chick off her hair....)

Nope, majority of females i talk to have the same body type. so that's not really a deciding factor. Personality yes, if you don't have one iwouldn't +!!% with you. Clothes can be changed overtime. I point blank won't talk to a girl with #%#!%# up or too short hair.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Hair is like one of my top 5 things about females as far as physical.

I personally hate weaves. Especially when they're extra longer than your real hair.

I don't wanna see you without a weave in and you got the samurai topknot pony tail.

And if you got short hair, why are girls just lazy and gel it up or try to rock the Rihanna or Keri Hilson. That @$#% aint for everybody.
other 4 things?


lol, so if shes batting a 4/5 you pass?


(lol, i was gonna comment about the black girl raised w/ whites earlier, but i thought i'd get flamed for, seriously, that's the only time i judge a chick off her hair....)

Nope, majority of females i talk to have the same body type. so that's not really a deciding factor. Personality yes, if you don't have one i wouldn't +!!% with you. Clothes can be changed overtime. I point blank won't talk to a girl with #%#!%# up or too short hair.

i have a hard time believing you'd pass her up...and yes, her hair is looking quite
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

People don't stay up on fashion and beauty for themselves. They do it to look presentable EXTERNALLY. But you say you do it for yourself. If that is what you believe, more power to you. It doesn't make you any less of a person to admit the truth man.

I'm too lazy to find a .gif that features clapping.

will have to suffice.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Hair is like one of my top 5 things about females as far as physical.

I personally hate weaves. Especially when they're extra longer than your real hair.

I don't wanna see you without a weave in and you got the samurai topknot pony tail.

And if you got short hair, why are girls just lazy and gel it up or try to rock the Rihanna or Keri Hilson. That @$#% aint for everybody.
other 4 things?


lol, so if shes batting a 4/5 you pass?


(lol, i was gonna comment about the black girl raised w/ whites earlier, but i thought i'd get flamed for, seriously, that's the only time i judge a chick off her hair....)

Nope, majority of females i talk to have the same body type. so that's not really a deciding factor. Personality yes, if you don't have one i wouldn't +!!% with you. Clothes can be changed overtime. I point blank won't talk to a girl with #%#!%# up or too short hair.
Back when I was in college there was this bad shorty who was on my meat.
Light skinned Puerto Rican chick with green eyes.
Body was on point too.

Only thing is she used to come into the cafeteria wearing some busted #@+ white sneakers. Not like uptowns or anything, but some white Fila looking sneakers.Couldnt even see if it had a brand.
Needless to say I never smashed simply because of the fact that I hated the fact that a girl as bad as her would really try to put an outfit together aroundthos sneakers.

I guess what Im trying to say is I wont %*%* with a girl with tore up footwear.

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Hair is like one of my top 5 things about females as far as physical.

I personally hate weaves. Especially when they're extra longer than your real hair.

I don't wanna see you without a weave in and you got the samurai topknot pony tail.

And if you got short hair, why are girls just lazy and gel it up or try to rock the Rihanna or Keri Hilson. That @$#% aint for everybody.
other 4 things?


lol, so if shes batting a 4/5 you pass?


(lol, i was gonna comment about the black girl raised w/ whites earlier, but i thought i'd get flamed for, seriously, that's the only time i judge a chick off her hair....)

Nope, majority of females i talk to have the same body type. so that's not really a deciding factor. Personality yes, if you don't have one i wouldn't +!!% with you. Clothes can be changed overtime. I point blank won't talk to a girl with #%#!%# up or too short hair.

i have a hard time believing you'd pass her up...and yes, her hair is looking quite

That @%@@ is ugly. Me not passing up Beyonce has nothing to do with my statement. C'mon dog, that's !@@@*@% Beyonce... To be fair, Keyshia Cole hadthat exact same doo like two years ago...
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Hair is like one of my top 5 things about females as far as physical.

I personally hate weaves. Especially when they're extra longer than your real hair.

I don't wanna see you without a weave in and you got the samurai topknot pony tail.

And if you got short hair, why are girls just lazy and gel it up or try to rock the Rihanna or Keri Hilson. That @$#% aint for everybody.
other 4 things?


lol, so if shes batting a 4/5 you pass?


(lol, i was gonna comment about the black girl raised w/ whites earlier, but i thought i'd get flamed for, seriously, that's the only time i judge a chick off her hair....)

Nope, majority of females i talk to have the same body type. so that's not really a deciding factor. Personality yes, if you don't have one i wouldn't +!!% with you. Clothes can be changed overtime. I point blank won't talk to a girl with #%#!%# up or too short hair.
Back when I was in college there was this bad shorty who was on my meat.
Light skinned Puerto Rican chick with green eyes.
Body was on point too.

Only thing is she used to come into the cafeteria wearing some busted #@+ white sneakers. Not like uptowns or anything, but some white Fila looking sneakers. Couldnt even see if it had a brand.
Needless to say I never smashed simply because of the fact that I hated the fact that a girl as bad as her would really try to put an outfit together around thos sneakers.

I guess what Im trying to say is I wont %*%* with a girl with tore up footwear.


, they didnt make her less attractive or not wife-able, it straight updisqualified her?

so, the busted sneakers are basically the same as having 300 extra lbs?

you're telling me your dream girl in busted filas with her short $%* hair in a doobie gets turned down?

i just don't think people are being honest here....



Yeah, Tristan, and you wouldn't pass on keisha in person, either....

their hair is LAUGHABLE, but they're still BAD.....which is why i say hair is very very minimal....

if a chick is bad, but her eyebrows arent arched....lets be real here...

if a chick is bad, and her hair is whatever....continue to be real....

i'm not saying you dream abut her and immediately simp everything in your possession for a broad...

but you gonna flirt, you gonna get that # and you gonna pursue....don't perp...

unless her dreadlocks smell like %#*+, or she's an aforementioned black girl who was raised by whites, i really don't see dudes passing on gorgeouswomen because of their eyebrows and hair....
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i just don't think people are being honest here....


they are and thats the crazy/scary part

pssssh, its lies.

don't be fooled.

if i could set up a punk'd episode featuring these cats...

and had


approach these dudes outside with a busted wig on...


unless you a closet racist, you're accepting her advances....

nobody is gonna sit here and convince me otherwise...
ePhan is thinking too hard. Dudes (well me)
am talkin bout a chick who would roll outta
bed and not even think to put a comb thru
that head.
Thats y I can understand where Diego is comin
from, kuz its like more than presentation, but if
they can come out lookin like that, just imagine
what other parts of her aint right. @@* stankin
and priorities all jacked up, and yes it can go
that deep. It might be shallow to think, but its
true in some aspects.
Now the eyebrows, I couldnt care less about, as
long as shorty aint lookin like Etherboy.
B & KC hair up there is decent, shows they still
care about how they look, not lookin like a custi.
chris rock can make some as so stupid as hair and make it hilarious. one of the all time greatest comedian.
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

ePhan is thinking too hard. Dudes (well me)
am talkin bout a chick who would roll outta
bed and not even think to put a comb thru
that head.
Thats y I can understand where Diego is comin
from, kuz its like more than presentation, but if
they can come out lookin like that, just imagine
what other parts of her aint right. @@* stankin
and priorities all jacked up, and yes it can go
that deep. It might be shallow to think, but its
true in some aspects.
Now the eyebrows, I couldnt care less about, as
long as shorty aint lookin like Etherboy.
B & KC hair up there is decent, shows they still
care about how they look, not lookin like a custi.

That's true. but I pay more attention to feet in this instance. If a girl takes care of her feet, it's safe to say she takes care of everything else
Originally Posted by Diego

The fact is that we all have an idea of what is beautiful and how people talk/act/dress like <<1*

What a woman does with her hair gives absolutely no indication of what her mindset is.<<2*

contradiction right here...

1. fact and beauty wordwise are enemies..because beauty is in da eye of dabeholder, there is no FACT other then da one people have been stimulated to believe. (in this case, kinky hair isn't pretty.)

2. also wrong, people do things not only to express themselves, but tolook for da approval of u can tell fairly easy da mindset of

a person by da way they present themselves.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn Baxter.......


and dead stoc, i'm not talkin about a dirty chick....

we're talking about chicks who perm their hair vs. chicks that don't

and im 10000000% sure none of you are passing up a bad chick just because her hair is "natural"


dirty? i don't blame you.

but to say "oh, the hair is a giant determining factor"

seriously, how many girls have approached you with "roll out the bed with no comb"?

9/10 her hair is going to have SOMETHING done to it before she leaves the crib....

and 9/10 you not even gonna notice the hair for it to be that huge of a'll notice it like "she has hair? check"

yall making it seem like you run 32 point inspection checks on the chicks doo.....

i'm much more worried about 32-point inspections of the body and face than the hair.....sorry.

hair is a pass/fail grade imo.....
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

ePhan is thinking too hard. Dudes (well me)
am talkin bout a chick who would roll outta
bed and not even think to put a comb thru
that head.
Thats y I can understand where Diego is comin
from, kuz its like more than presentation, but if
they can come out lookin like that, just imagine
what other parts of her aint right. @@* stankin
and priorities all jacked up, and yes it can go
that deep. It might be shallow to think, but its
true in some aspects.
Now the eyebrows, I couldnt care less about, as
long as shorty aint lookin like Etherboy.
B & KC hair up there is decent, shows they still
care about how they look, not lookin like a custi.

That's true. but I pay more attention to feet in this instance. If a girl takes care of her feet, it's safe to say she takes care of everything else

Anybody who knows me is aware that I have a things for girls that can take care of her feet.
I wouldnt care if she was just bummin it and purposely threw on those kicks with some sweats or something, the fact that she wold try to make an outfit aroundthose kicks was just wild questionable.

Even though when one of my boys showed me her myspace a few years ago, of course I regretted not having dug her out when I had the chance.
She will always be on my list of "Girls I regret no smashing".

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Diego

The fact is that we all have an idea of what is beautiful and how people talk/act/dress like <<1*

What a woman does with her hair gives absolutely no indication of what her mindset is.<<2*

contradiction right here...

1. fact and beauty wordwise are enemies..because beauty is in da eye of da beholder, there is no FACT other then da one people have been stimulated to believe. (in this case, kinky hair isn't pretty.)

2. also wrong, people do things not only to express themselves, but to look for da approval of u can tell fairly easy da mindset of

a person by da way they present themselves.

1. I said that it is a FACT that everyone has a different idea of what beauty is. Meaning thatit is a FACT that beauty is SUBJECTIVE. Whats really good with your interpretation of what I said?

2. Presentation is a lot. Thats not a question. Some things should be looked at closer thanothers. I just dont see what interpretation you can get from a female who wears a weave. That shes shallow? Not confident? Shes trying to be white? What"mindset" do these girls have? Im extremely interested to know what judgement can be made off of HAIR.

We all have preferences and thats cool, but I aint about to start judging like some of yall dudes.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i'm much more worried about 32-point inspections of the body and face than the hair.....sorry.

hair is a pass/fail grade imo.....

all I was tryin to say.

Now feet, I dont get at all. Only time Im lookin
at a chicks bare feet is when they in the air, and
thats just the bottom. Thats a whole other thread
tho. Dudes got some wild preferences
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i'm much more worried about 32-point inspections of the body and face than the hair.....sorry.

hair is a pass/fail grade imo.....

all I was tryin to say.

Now feet, I dont get at all. Only time Im lookin
at a chicks bare feet is when they in the air, and
thats just the bottom. Thats a whole other thread
tho. Dudes got some wild preferences

that's all i was trynna say off top.

this was originally about perms vs. natural...and i was telling the chicks "hair isn't that big of a deal...."

meaning, there are plenty of things ahead of hair...

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Baxter can wear weave and dity Filas all she wants.

Those hooters man..........goodness
, my girl got the same measurments....

but i swear shes more petite than esther...

Originally Posted by ninjahood

chicks that wear weaves aren't confident...hence da fake hair...duh

thats a damn lie. its like dudes that wear nikes got small
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by ninjahood

chicks that wear weaves aren't confident...hence da fake hair...duh

thats a damn lie. its like dudes that wear nikes got small
son, you gotta stop thinkin im talkin about confidence in general, im isolating it strictly on hair. da way society is created it, straight hair

is considered beautiful, nappy hair is deemed unattractive. a black girl in this society isn't gonna have da "right" confidence in herself untilshe gluein'

weaves and extensions in her hair....
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