So I'm getting sued for $65k

Originally Posted by melofan15

I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week.

how the hell do you survive?
food stamps help obviously. hes using the money he gets paid to pay off bills.

OP you need to see advice from a lawyer or something, if you get sued they will get their money not matter what.
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

If you dont think theres people out there making that kind of money in similar situations then your living in a fantasy world.

priveleged NTers show themselves again 
Thanks to everyone with all the positive comments. I really do not expect many people to fully understand my situation. As far as my wife and her illness you really cant understand until you have dealt with someone who suffers. I was one who always thought depression was for weak people and I was very wrong. I was working part time while my wife held down a full time well paying job. We could not both work full time due to the kids. After she lost her job I tried very hard to find new work and have been unsuccessful. I'm just grateful for my 30 hours a week I do get. After working 30 hours a week, taking care of a sick wife and two kids I already feel like I work two jobs!
I have no doubt my family will make it through this. After all we have been through this is nothing new. I just wonder if it will ever get better for us? 
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

If you dont think theres people out there making that kind of money in similar situations then your living in a fantasy world.

priveleged NTers show themselves again 

What exactly do you mean by that?...BTW just read the above post, I misjudged a man you should always be the one bringing in the money or at least be up toPar with your wife, you should never ever depend on the woman to sustain the household.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

That is insane...very hard to believe that you can possibly support a whole family on a minimum wage part time stupid are you to bring not one but two children into this +**+$* up equation....

I did not bring kids into THIS situation. You obviously have not read the whole post. Yeah I support a family on $10 hour. I know people who are much worse off then me. I had my wife fall sick and our lives spiraled out of control. I'm not sure how this is so hard for some of you to understand? 
I wish this was ducktales. Some days I really think I'm living a nightmare and wonder how things got this bad. 

Not everyone out here is lining up to buy $185 shoes. I think instead of criticizing my situation I would rather you guys just realize how nice of a life you really have.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wait the most obvious sign of this being a **!%*$@! story, is how on earth cN you even afford to be driving?...

Did u read the story? The car wreck was 2 years ago...I'm assuming his wife still had her 65K job at the time, and money wasn't a big issue.
Hey man, good luck dealing with all these issues. Only read the first page, but seems like you are handling the whole situation including the car and your wife like a man. keep your head up and I honestly hope you get some help here, but knowing the American justice system you might be in trouble.
Sorry homie, but I came from a single parent household with a mother struggling to make ends meet...I've struggled to make a life for myself, so is hard to sympathize with you, I just read that your wife was the one bringing in the money, that right there is a big mistake on it's own....why wouldn't you as a man take pride in being the one they depend on?...sure now they do, but not by choice....had you made the right moves in life, gotten a carreer, a good paying job, instead of believing your wife can hold you down, your situation would have been different...or not?...

Btw how come your wife is not collecting a dissability check??...of she had a good job paying her good money most likely she should be collecting something...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Sorry homie, but u came from a single parent household, of a mother struggling to make ends meet...I've struggled to make a life for myself, so is hard to sympathize with you, I just read that your wife was the one bringing in the money, that right there is a big mistake on it's own....why wouldn't you as a man take pride in being the one they depend on?...sure now they do, but not by choice....had you made the right moves in life, gotten a carreer, a good paying job, instead of believing your wife can hold you down, your situation would have been different...or not?...

Btw how come your wife is not collecting a dissability check??...of she had a good job paying her good money most likely she should be collecting something...

Spoken like a true young man. Instead of bringing in the money I chose to be a good father and husband which to me is much more important then anything money can buy. If my wife had a great job making good money I'm suppose to tell her to quit so I can make more money then her? What if I could not find a job making more money then what? As far as getting disability it's very very hard. We are still trying but it's not easy at all. 
Bottome line being a good father and husband imo is more important then making money. 
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Sorry homie, but I came from a single parent household with a mother struggling to make ends meet...I've struggled to make a life for myself, so is hard to sympathize with you, I just read that your wife was the one bringing in the money, that right there is a big mistake on it's own....why wouldn't you as a man take pride in being the one they depend on?...sure now they do, but not by choice....had you made the right moves in life, gotten a carreer, a good paying job, instead of believing your wife can hold you down, your situation would have been different...or not?...

Btw how come your wife is not collecting a dissability check??...of she had a good job paying her good money most likely she should be collecting something...
Man, just stop.

You don't even know this dude. NT is supposed to have positive energy. Posts like this bring this place down.

Every man's situation is different. 
All of us on this board just one circumstance away from facing the same type of situation as OP.

To OP,
As long as you have your health and time, you can turn things around.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

That is insane...very hard to believe that you can possibly support a whole family on a minimum wage part time stupid are you to bring not one but two children into this +**+$* up equation....


One day some terrible stuff will happen to you.  Hopefully there won't be some
hole like you kicking you while you're down.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Sorry homie, but I came from a single parent household with a mother struggling to make ends meet...I've struggled to make a life for myself, so is hard to sympathize with you, I just read that your wife was the one bringing in the money, that right there is a big mistake on it's own....why wouldn't you as a man take pride in being the one they depend on?...sure now they do, but not by choice....had you made the right moves in life, gotten a carreer, a good paying job, instead of believing your wife can hold you down, your situation would have been different...or not?...
STOP. Why are you so mad, though? The guy was just looking to vent about a tough situation. I could understand calling ducktales on a story about someone smoking a blunt with Pharrell or something to actually brag about, but why would someone make up a story like this? This dude is trying to hold his fam together by strings and provide for his kids against all odds and you're mad about it? You sound so weak
, going hard on a guy who is just looking for someone to vent to. It's not like he is going to tell this stuff to his kids, he needs some sort of outlet.
I just dont see how you could go so hard on someone (like ksteezy is) without KNOWING theyre making it up, or brought the hard times upon themselves etc.

Its one thing to have doubts, but calling dude out so harshly because you have a 'hunch' that his story is made up, is ridiculous. The mere thought of the possibility that the tragic story im about to call ducktales on COULD possibly be true, would stop me in my tracks.

...ol no-conscious havin dudes on NT these days...smh
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Sorry homie, but I came from a single parent household with a mother struggling to make ends meet...I've struggled to make a life for myself, so is hard to sympathize with you, I just read that your wife was the one bringing in the money, that right there is a big mistake on it's own....why wouldn't you as a man take pride in being the one they depend on?...sure now they do, but not by choice....had you made the right moves in life, gotten a carreer, a good paying job, instead of believing your wife can hold you down, your situation would have been different...or not?...

Btw how come your wife is not collecting a dissability check??...of she had a good job paying her good money most likely she should be collecting something...

Just stop while you are behind.
I'm not %*+%!+# on him, if anything I at least I'm keeping this %$+# real, how exactly are a bunch of positive comers from people whondont know him or care for his situation any better than my critique?...yes I looked down upon any dude that would sit at home raising the kids while he sends his woman to collect the paycheck...I stand behind that! a man.

Now that he has no choice, he's stuck in a situation that he would have been better prepared for if he was up to par with his wife, she couldn't handle the family no longer, it's fine I could hold us down just as good.

I wonder how many of you that are jumping on me for what I'm telling OP are actually fully independent....smh!

Btw I know things can turn for the worst, I could lose my job tomorrow, but you should always have a plan B...always....I don't think OP was too concern with his plan B.

If it makes NT'ers feel better, good luck OP, hope everything works out, I really mean that.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Sorry homie, but I came from a single parent household with a mother struggling to make ends meet...I've struggled to make a life for myself, so is hard to sympathize with you, I just read that your wife was the one bringing in the money, that right there is a big mistake on it's own....why wouldn't you as a man take pride in being the one they depend on?...sure now they do, but not by choice....had you made the right moves in life, gotten a carreer, a good paying job, instead of believing your wife can hold you down, your situation would have been different...or not?...

Btw how come your wife is not collecting a dissability check??...of she had a good job paying her good money most likely she should be collecting something...
you sound sub-human. you display a complete inability to empathize, which is astounding given your supposed tough upbringing.

OP, good luck with everything. you will pull through, just be sure to try contacting a lawyer, because you can't handle this on your own.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I'm not %*+%!+# on him, if anything I at least I'm keeping this %$+# real, how exactly are a bunch of positive comers from people whondont know him or care for his situation any better than my critique?...yes I looked down upon any dude that would sit at home raising the kids while he sends his woman to collect the paycheck...I stand behind that! a man.

Now that he has no choice, he's stuck in a situation that he would have been better prepared for if he was up to par with his wife, she couldn't handle the family no longer, it's fine I could hold us down just as good.

I wonder how many of you that are jumping on me for what I'm telling OP are actually fully independent....smh!

Btw I know things can turn for the worst, I could lose my job tomorrow, but you should always have a plan B...always....I don't think OP was too concern with his plan B.

If it makes NT'ers feel better, good luck OP, hope everything works out, I really mean that.
if you dont make anything then who cares? they cant go after your assets if you have none

go to court look them in the face and take the judgment with low income they shouldn't expect to get anything
this man op must be trolling. there can not be no way someone is living like that. no efn way.
Originally Posted by nyckone

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Sorry homie, but I came from a single parent household with a mother struggling to make ends meet...I've struggled to make a life for myself, so is hard to sympathize with you, I just read that your wife was the one bringing in the money, that right there is a big mistake on it's own....why wouldn't you as a man take pride in being the one they depend on?...sure now they do, but not by choice....had you made the right moves in life, gotten a carreer, a good paying job, instead of believing your wife can hold you down, your situation would have been different...or not?...

Btw how come your wife is not collecting a dissability check??...of she had a good job paying her good money most likely she should be collecting something...
you sound sub-human. you display a complete inability to empathize, which is astounding given your supposed tough upbringing.

OP, good luck with everything. you will pull through, just be sure to try contacting a lawyer, because you can't handle this on your own.

The last thing I want to do is sound like an !%@@*!$, but analyzing his situation from his post, all I see is this-man with no carreer or real goals-man meets woman with carreer and goals-man knocks her up twice.-man thinks he has it made and wants to play housewife.-unfortunately woman is incapacitated (OP has yet to answer why she is not collecting a disability check)-man is now in a hole working a @*+$@* job, all because he wasn't prepared...-although I want to believe someone wouldn't makethis up for attention, I still think OPIs a troll, how I'm I supposed to show simpathy for someone whoI believe is lying?...And to you guys I come off as an !%@@*!$...smh...I've seen worst from NT'ers...I'm simply being real with OP...nothing we can say can alleviate or worsen his situation...that's the bottom line....but I'll apologize if I came off wrong.
I see where ksteezy is coming from. Im curious to know why you started a family with no income of your own. Part of providing for a family is establishing a a decent economic situation, and it seems you never had thaf from jump. However I know certain things happen that aren't in your control and having a mentally disabled wife is quite a hardship. What skills do you have? Im trying to see what you can do to get a better job or get additional income
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I'm not %*+%!+# on him, if anything I at least I'm keeping this %$+# real, how exactly are a bunch of positive comers from people whondont know him or care for his situation any better than my critique?...yes I looked down upon any dude that would sit at home raising the kids while he sends his woman to collect the paycheck...I stand behind that! a man.

Now that he has no choice, he's stuck in a situation that he would have been better prepared for if he was up to par with his wife, she couldn't handle the family no longer, it's fine I could hold us down just as good.

I wonder how many of you that are jumping on me for what I'm telling OP are actually fully independent....smh!

Btw I know things can turn for the worst, I could lose my job tomorrow, but you should always have a plan B...always....I don't think OP was too concern with his plan B.

If it makes NT'ers feel better, good luck OP, hope everything works out, I really mean that.

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