So I'm getting sued for $65k

On a positive note, $65 over a long time period is doable.
You need to seek legal advise, and get this thing settled to as low a figure as possible.
Next, work on your career situation.  Try to work a second job, or find one that pays more; even if it means relocating.
You won't hear this from NT, but a joining faith based organization (church/GOD) can help you spiritually, emotionally, and financially.
It's the one constant outside of my family that has gotten me through the tough times in my life.

Good luck OP.
your wife is mentally ill and unable to work...
she needs to be getting a disability check every month.
your going to have to get a lawyer and a second job in my opinion. Your wife/gf screwed you over big time either bounce on the chick and your fam which is the kinda coward way out even though its not your fault or get whatever job you can and work 16 hour days. I mean unless the accident was really bad i dont see you paying over 10k for this.
I hope one of our NT lawyers would step up and help you out a bit. You could probably try to ask HOVKid for a little help to get you started. No one can guarantee he will though.

You can make it through man. There's always light at the end of the tunnel.
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

why would you knock up a mentally ill person? TWICE?
It's not that OP knowingly smashed a mentally ill person.
These types of disorders have to be diagnosed as mental illness. 
The symptoms are not as serious in the beginning of a relationship and appear to be mood swings are normal changes in attitude.
The symptoms get worse as time goes on, and that's when the person seeks medical consultation.
I've seen this happen many times.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Nothing you can do, but fight it and be honest and forthcoming. But your wifes situation is within your may want to re-evaluate staying together "until death do us part." If you lose, you'll probably be in that same apt. with even less than you have now in addition to a crazy wife.

Real talk man.

You got to balance your wins with all your losses

nip it in the source if anything she comes back normal  then y'all can be a family again ( seen it happen to my friends mom )

i wouldnt want my kids alround a suicidal mother  and when im not home i would be sweating every-time coming  to the door

but yeah she should be getting the mental checks every month you should be working on getting extra income to help around the house

but its  your free-will my dude
Bankruptcy if u lose man... or just don't pay.... it will kill your credit tho.... There is no such thing as debtors prison anymore tho so thats good thing I guess
I honestly don't believe there going to go after the 65K as there's no way you possible pay that much. It just doesn't seem economical for the insurance company to go after you for X amount of dollars that you can't and will never be able to pay. Stay positive and remember the internet is your biggest resource.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

if you sift thru the nonsense and attention seekers here who live with their parents and never seen a bill aside from their tmobile theres actually some good advice-
I am calling ducktales! On a side note if dude is serious, you have nothing, they are going to get nothing! There is no need to get a lawyer, take a PD, you are going to loose the case regardless if the wife did not pay the car insurance! The most they can do is levy your bank if you have one! They would have locate which bank you use first, obviously don't give up any info! Second they could garnish your wages, again don't give up any info! They will obtain and Civil Judgement against you for a particular amount through the lawsuit! This judgement will stay on your credit for a certain amount of years based upon the state that you will live in! In regards to what someone said earlier, they cannot take your car from you in most cases! This day in age most companies, people etc. do not have the resources or means to locate vehicles in regards to enforcing a judgment! There are to many variables for one to risk with no return, so in most cases, bank levy's, property liens and wage garnishments are the avenue for recovery!  Take the L bro bottom line!
I onlybread his first post and don't believe any o it, 10$ an hour??...30 hours a week? That's like a 450$ check every 2 weeks, 2 kids, a mentally ill wife and living In a project building 2 bedroom apt with 4 other people?...and you are getting sued for 65k?...

Obvious troll is obvious.
Wait the most obvious sign of this being a **!%*$@! story, is how on earth cN you even afford to be driving?...
If you dont think theres people out there making that kind of money in similar situations then your living in a fantasy world.
That is insane...very hard to believe that you can possibly support a whole family on a minimum wage part time stupid are you to bring not one but two children into this +**+$* up equation....
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