So I'm getting sued for $65k

For some reason I think this is a bs story
...If it is true my apologies ahead of time for giggling at you but it seems like you lack two handfuls of common sense boy
In reality what are all these "wish you wells" and "prayers" going to do for OP?  Might as well tell him to **** off.

The only one that has actually stepped to the plate is 206.

Look, we can all wish OP well, but the bottom line is that he needs help himself.  Not just a lawyer, he needs help.  He needs to overhaul his entire life.  That is truly helping someone out, not just saying "wish you well" or "you are in my prayers".

a lot of you guys bashing this dude must not have kids. do you know how much daycare is nowadays? there are a lot of stay at home dads who take care of their kids that could be out making a good amount of money. this is a rare situation that you can't really prepare for unless you are in 100% control of the family finances. some men chose and trust their wife to handle the money aspects. this is an instance where it went terribly wrong. dont detroy this guy because he really didnt do anything wrong other than trust his wife
I have the sense not to have one.  I'm 28, been with my girl for 10 years (on and off in college), we both have jobs that pay above 50k+, she's getting her Masters, and I'm about to start on mine.  We still don't feel like we have a solid financial foundation (+ we still want to travel a couple more years
), to have a family.  I was making $10 an hour in college, and I was barely scraping by with only my mouth to feed.

OP, do you have any family members that can help you? 

Have you looked into community programs or assistance for daycare?

This is (*if true) the saddest story on NT, not for OP, but for those kids.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

In reality what are all these "wish you wells" and "prayers" going to do for OP?  Might as well tell him to **** off.

The only one that has actually stepped to the plate is 206.

Look, we can all wish OP well, but the bottom line is that he needs help himself.  Not just a lawyer, he needs help.  He needs to overhaul his entire life.  That is truly helping someone out, not just saying "wish you well" or "you are in my prayers".

a lot of you guys bashing this dude must not have kids. do you know how much daycare is nowadays? there are a lot of stay at home dads who take care of their kids that could be out making a good amount of money. this is a rare situation that you can't really prepare for unless you are in 100% control of the family finances. some men chose and trust their wife to handle the money aspects. this is an instance where it went terribly wrong. dont detroy this guy because he really didnt do anything wrong other than trust his wife
I have the sense not to have one.  I'm 28, been with my girl for 10 years (on and off in college), we both have jobs that pay above 50k+, she's getting her Masters, and I'm about to start on mine.  We still don't feel like we have a solid financial foundation (+ we still want to travel a couple more years
), to have a family.  I was making $10 an hour in college, and I was barely scraping by with only my mouth to feed.

OP, do you have any family members that can help you? 

Have you looked into community programs or assistance for daycare?

This is (*if true) the saddest story on NT, not for OP, but for those kids.

Even if this guy had lets say a nice six figure salary he would still be in this same position due to his wife being mentally ill and not paying the insurance bill. not many people can afford a 65k lawsuit even if they have great incomes. this is one of those situations where you question the "til death do you part" aspects of marriage.
did this yuku @%@+ really delete my 10 minute post?? GRRR

anyways, I feel for you OP. Before I was born my grandparents lost everything, and they were taking care of their kids and my grandpas parents too. My Grandpas bipolar and that *@!##% everything up. Over 30 years later he still isnt straight but their living and doing alright. Things will work themselves out for strong-minded people like yourself.
post your story on reddit under ask reddit section. maybe somebody can lend you more then advice.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

That is insane...very hard to believe that you can possibly support a whole family on a minimum wage part time stupid are you to bring not one but two children into this +**+$* up equation....
Welcome to the world of poverty
Unfortunately a lot of people do this and this is  one of the reason people struggle financially 

They end up smashing with no condom then get a kid they can't pay for  

Most people that i see that struggles with finical problems all did the same thing i got two cousins who is going though this right now

And whats so sad is those kids are going to suffer because of their parents foolish decisions 

For all those out there with no kids learn from  this don't have kids until your in a good finical situation 

And i seriously wish the best for OP 
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by ksteezy

That is insane...very hard to believe that you can possibly support a whole family on a minimum wage part time stupid are you to bring not one but two children into this +**+$* up equation....
Welcome to the world of poverty
Unfortunately a lot of people do this and this is  one of the reason people struggle financially 

They end up smashing with no condom then get a kid they can't pay for  

Most people that i see that struggles with finical problems all did the same thing i got two cousins who is going though this right now

And whats so sad is those kids are going to suffer because of their parents foolish decisions 

For all those out there with no kids learn from  this don't have kids until your in a good finical situation 

And i seriously wish the best for OP 
Did you even read this thread?
So what is reddit? I went there and it is confusing as hell!
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by ksteezy

That is insane...very hard to believe that you can possibly support a whole family on a minimum wage part time stupid are you to bring not one but two children into this +**+$* up equation....
Welcome to the world of poverty
Unfortunately a lot of people do this and this is  one of the reason people struggle financially 

They end up smashing with no condom then get a kid they can't pay for  

Most people that i see that struggles with finical problems all did the same thing i got two cousins who is going though this right now

And whats so sad is those kids are going to suffer because of their parents foolish decisions 

For all those out there with no kids learn from  this don't have kids until your in a good finical situation 

And i seriously wish the best for OP 
He's said multiple times that when he first had kids, both he AND his wife had high paying jobs and COULD afford to take care of kids. 
The issue is that he stopped working to take care of the kids, probably because she was more passionate about her job than he was about his, so he didn't want to tear her away from that; and then her mental illness became prominent at a very inconvenient time and everything went down hill from there.

I'm surprised at how little NTers can relate. I guess everyone here manages to maintain upper middle class (or better) lifestyles, but in REAL LIFE, the majority of the country is in a position like this.
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Long story short got in a car wreck two years ago. Wife lied said she paid car ins and did not. So today I get a phone call from the person I hit insurance company and they are taking me to court for $65k. 
I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week. What to do now? I already stay in the hood in a 2 bedroom with four people and live off food stamps and have nothing. What can they do to me?
This is a subrogation claim if the insurance company is in fact attempting to collect from you.  Are you sure an insurance representative called you?  Essentially they are seeking reimbursement for payments, whether medical and/or property damage they paid to their insured.  Looks like at some point they realized you were at fault (were you?) and now want to get paid back. 

I'm a bit surprised since insurance companies rarely go after parties who don't have insurance themselves - they have a ridiculously hard time collecting even if they get a judgment in their favor.  If you had insurance then subro claims are very common.  Couple things:

1. When was the accident?  Statute of limitations is 2 years - you need to know the exact date.  If they are one day late - they do not have a case.
2. Were you served?  Meaning, did you receive a summons and complaint?  Someone else mentioned it, but if you haven't received the papers from a process server, you aren't being sued.
3. Contact your insurance company anyway, even if you think you didn't have coverage at the time.  You'd be surprised at what they can do some time.
4. If, in fact, you were sued, contact the Court or their website for free legal aid services. 

Good luck holmes.
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week. What to do now? I already stay in the hood in a 2 bedroom with four people and live off food stamps and have nothing. What can they do to me?
damn son your lifestyle scares da @##! outta me....i hope i dont end up like that, no offense duke.

i hope you at least pursuing a degree someone to get some more cake.
everybody situation aint the same
everybody's opportunities are different
nothin in life is guaranteed, not even plan b
best of luck to you OP if this story is true....i've seen it before, so it's not too farfetched
hold it down 4 your kids, be that rock
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

In reality what are all these "wish you wells" and "prayers" going to do for OP?  Might as well tell him to **** off.

The only one that has actually stepped to the plate is 206.

Look, we can all wish OP well, but the bottom line is that he needs help himself.  Not just a lawyer, he needs help.  He needs to overhaul his entire life.  That is truly helping someone out, not just saying "wish you well" or "you are in my prayers".

a lot of you guys bashing this dude must not have kids. do you know how much daycare is nowadays? there are a lot of stay at home dads who take care of their kids that could be out making a good amount of money. this is a rare situation that you can't really prepare for unless you are in 100% control of the family finances. some men chose and trust their wife to handle the money aspects. this is an instance where it went terribly wrong. dont detroy this guy because he really didnt do anything wrong other than trust his wife
I have the sense not to have one.  I'm 28, been with my girl for 10 years (on and off in college), we both have jobs that pay above 50k+, she's getting her Masters, and I'm about to start on mine.  We still don't feel like we have a solid financial foundation (+ we still want to travel a couple more years
), to have a family.  I was making $10 an hour in college, and I was barely scraping by with only my mouth to feed.

OP, do you have any family members that can help you? 

Have you looked into community programs or assistance for daycare?

This is (*if true) the saddest story on NT, not for OP, but for those kids.

I feel that.  We ain't helpin' anyone with these little words of encouragement.

But you CAN affect him by kicking when he's down.  Anyone in the OP's situation has got to be going through it already, so what's the point of bashing him for the situation?

Beyond that, he's been with his wife for 9 years.  He posted in here like 6 times.  What do we really know about his situation anyways?  Definitely not enough to tell him his life should be lived according to the expectations of a total stranger (eg ksteezy)

Yeah, there's better things to be said than "hope it works out", but don't lose your point because you're defending a dbag's intentions.  No one cares about a dbag's intentions cuz at the end of the day he's still a dbag.
Originally Posted by ciph4

ksteezy, you're a clown. stick to your j crew photo shoots.

I find it funny that some of you dudes actually follow what I post enough to throw it in look silly bro.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

In reality what are all these "wish you wells" and "prayers" going to do for OP?  Might as well tell him to **** off.

The only one that has actually stepped to the plate is 206.

Look, we can all wish OP well, but the bottom line is that he needs help himself.  Not just a lawyer, he needs help.  He needs to overhaul his entire life.  That is truly helping someone out, not just saying "wish you well" or "you are in my prayers".

a lot of you guys bashing this dude must not have kids. do you know how much daycare is nowadays? there are a lot of stay at home dads who take care of their kids that could be out making a good amount of money. this is a rare situation that you can't really prepare for unless you are in 100% control of the family finances. some men chose and trust their wife to handle the money aspects. this is an instance where it went terribly wrong. dont detroy this guy because he really didnt do anything wrong other than trust his wife
I have the sense not to have one.  I'm 28, been with my girl for 10 years (on and off in college), we both have jobs that pay above 50k+, she's getting her Masters, and I'm about to start on mine.  We still don't feel like we have a solid financial foundation (+ we still want to travel a couple more years
), to have a family.  I was making $10 an hour in college, and I was barely scraping by with only my mouth to feed.

OP, do you have any family members that can help you? 

Have you looked into community programs or assistance for daycare?

This is (*if true) the saddest story on NT, not for OP, but for those kids.

Moral support jack.#!@

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by ciph4

ksteezy, you're a clown. stick to your j crew photo shoots.

I find it funny that some of you dudes actually follow what I post enough to throw it in look silly bro.
Oh, it's THAT rebuttal again. You post enough on NT and people will know your name. You're the one that looks like a fool in here, bro.

But you wouldn't see that, you lack perspective.
I post enough on NT and I can honestly say I only recognize 3 names at really not that serious, dudes use my participation in other threads as ammo, how petty is that?

And tell me how I look like a fool?...because I didn't tell dude what he wanted to hear?...because I was blunt?? are another fool who thinks "best wishes" will save this dudes life....If anything I have more perspective than the majority of the people in this thread, because I'm looking at this guys situation from a POV where he is responsible for how bad this has turned out.
I'm with 206, PM me if you need some $ to get started with the process...

I'm sure anything will help right now...

Keep your head up and stay strong for your kids...

You never know what life will throw at you...

It sounds kinda corny but what doesnt kill you really makes you stronger... I know from personal experience...

Good luck...
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