So I'm getting sued for $65k

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I post enough on NT and I can honestly say I only recognize 3 names at most...
That probably has something to do with how self-absorbed you seem to be.
...just sayin...
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I post enough on NT and I can honestly say I only recognize 3 names at most...
That probably has something to do with how self-absorbed you seem to be.
...just sayin...
I know that I recognized at least 20-30 NTers names in this post without goin back and lookin over em
No it has to do with the fact that there is thousands of dudes with all sorts of different usernames and I just don't have it in me to remember besides a few of the people in the dress better thread...I don't bother to even look at the name of posters...nothing to do with being did you get to that conclusion?...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

nothing to do with being did you get to that conclusion?...
ksteezy wrote:
That is insane...very hard to believe that you can possibly support a whole family on a minimum wage part time stupid are you to bring not one but two children into this +**+$* up equation....
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Sorry homie, but u came from a single parent household, of a mother struggling to make ends meet...I've struggled to make a life for myself, so is hard to sympathize with you, I just read that your wife was the one bringing in the money, that right there is a big mistake on it's own....why wouldn't you as a man take pride in being the one they depend on?...sure now they do, but not by choice....had you made the right moves in life, gotten a carreer, a good paying job, instead of believing your wife can hold you down, your situation would have been different...or not?...

Btw how come your wife is not collecting a dissability check??...of she had a good job paying her good money most likely she should be collecting something...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I'm not trying to argue with you bro, if you were better prepared a minimum wage part time job wouldn't be the only option, keep your head up, I think you have bigger issues than bickering with me or getting your spirit uplifted by a bunch of meaningless "positive" comments.

Someone definitely
on his sunshine.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by ksteezy

nothing to do with being did you get to that conclusion?...
ksteezy wrote:
That is insane...very hard to believe that you can possibly support a whole family on a minimum wage part time stupid are you to bring not one but two children into this +**+$* up equation....
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Sorry homie, but u came from a single parent household, of a mother struggling to make ends meet...I've struggled to make a life for myself, so is hard to sympathize with you, I just read that your wife was the one bringing in the money, that right there is a big mistake on it's own....why wouldn't you as a man take pride in being the one they depend on?...sure now they do, but not by choice....had you made the right moves in life, gotten a carreer, a good paying job, instead of believing your wife can hold you down, your situation would have been different...or not?...

Btw how come your wife is not collecting a dissability check??...of she had a good job paying her good money most likely she should be collecting something...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I'm not trying to argue with you bro, if you were better prepared a minimum wage part time job wouldn't be the only option, keep your head up, I think you have bigger issues than bickering with me or getting your spirit uplifted by a bunch of meaningless "positive" comments.


Oh I get it, I can't have an opinion unless is one accepted by the majority here.
My point stands, he could have been better prepared for this.

I'll take the "L" though.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh I get it, I can't have an opinion unless is one accepted by the majority here.
I hate postwhoring, but I was going to say this.
I do not agree with Ksteezy but he's entitled to his own opinion

if he doesn't relate, o well
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh I get it, I can't have an opinion unless is one accepted by the majority here.
My point stands, he could have been better prepared for this.

I'll take the "L" though.
Originally Posted by truthmain

Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Long story short got in a car wreck two years ago. Wife lied said she paid car ins and did not. So today I get a phone call from the person I hit insurance company and they are taking me to court for $65k. 
I have two kids and my wife who is mentally ill does not work and I'm only making $10hr and working 30 hours a week. What to do now? I already stay in the hood in a 2 bedroom with four people and live off food stamps and have nothing. What can they do to me?
This is a subrogation claim if the insurance company is in fact attempting to collect from you.  Are you sure an insurance representative called you?  Essentially they are seeking reimbursement for payments, whether medical and/or property damage they paid to their insured.  Looks like at some point they realized you were at fault (were you?) and now want to get paid back. 

I'm a bit surprised since insurance companies rarely go after parties who don't have insurance themselves - they have a ridiculously hard time collecting even if they get a judgment in their favor.  If you had insurance then subro claims are very common.  Couple things:

1. When was the accident?  Statute of limitations is 2 years - you need to know the exact date.  If they are one day late - they do not have a case.
2. Were you served?  Meaning, did you receive a summons and complaint?  Someone else mentioned it, but if you haven't received the papers from a process server, you aren't being sued.
3. Contact your insurance company anyway, even if you think you didn't have coverage at the time.  You'd be surprised at what they can do some time.
4. If, in fact, you were sued, contact the Court or their website for free legal aid services. 

Good luck holmes.

OP, have you followed some of the legitimate suggestions posed in this thread?
Jehul wrote
OP, have you followed some of the legitimate suggestions posed in this thread?

Actually I have. Been looking around and calling some lawyers. Does not look like I will be able to get a lawyer for free. Best thing I have found are lawyers who you pay basically per month for legal help. They will not represent you but can give you legal advice to help. 
It's not ideal but it's all I can afford 
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Jehul wrote
OP, have you followed some of the legitimate suggestions posed in this thread?

Actually I have. Been looking around and calling some lawyers. Does not look like I will be able to get a lawyer for free. Best thing I have found are lawyers who you pay basically per month for legal help. They will not represent you but can give you legal advice to help. 
It's not ideal but it's all I can afford 

I think it's been asked multiple times now, did you receive an official summons?
If you just got a call from a goon at the insurance company they are probably trying to intimidate you.
Also you might want to look into the statute of limitations rule someone mentioned earlier.
Of course you can have an opinion, and he can have his about you coming across as self absorbed. Sometimes *!@! happens to good people and all the preparing in the world isn't going to help. I've been there and it efin SUCKS. Now I'm not so quick to pass judgement.
i dont care what anyone says, you're never fully prepared financially to have kids. my bro just had a baby and they have plenty of money. guess what, she has a birth defect, so tons of doctor visits, breathing disorder, pretty much gonna spend rest of her life seeing doctors. what city did you say you live in again OP?
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh I get it, I can't have an opinion unless is one accepted by the majority here.
My point stands, he could have been better prepared for this.

I'll take the "L" though.
I thought you guys were beard friends though.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh I get it, I can't have an opinion unless is one accepted by the majority here.
I hate postwhoring, but I was going to say this.
I do not agree with Ksteezy but he's entitled to his own opinion

if he doesn't relate, o well
He is entitled to his own opinion, but we're also allowed to have our own opinions that he's coming off like a major d-bag.

Seriously, who are you to judge OP? You don't know %@@@ about him other than what he posted, and it just seems like a real messed up situation.

OP, I hope things work out for you.
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