so, Jeezy finally dissed Ross. vol. how you blowin' money fast and you don't know the crew?

Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

Like I said if u think Ross fakin or anything like that read my long post on this page about the whole lil Wayne situation them come at me and tell me Ross ain't thuggin down here

And to think he is a paper gangster is dumb Ross don't pay none of the Zoe's or anything he just been down with them since Trick n Trina was doin Nann
how you got a reminder like 3 posts down from your og post .......for dudes to read to your og post?

listen the key word in that whole novel of yours is E-CLASS - Ross is the cash cow that is making the legal money and has the ability to get street dudes access, spotlight etc- so while everything you said could have happened exactly as you fail to see that it was E-Class and his pull that could get it squashed....and just as you said now Wayne is heavy down there and reppin the same dudes that had a "problem" with him before...why? b/c now they are seeing some of that $, fame etc

this is all silly - the main problem alot of people have with ross is the denial of the fact and not the actual fact itself-

Anybody with the paper can have Zoe.
Anybody with the paper can have Zoe.

Spoiler [+]

Kingtre said the only thing that matters out your whole post was E Class..... which is exactly the truth.
E-Class is the one people fear, NOT Ross... thats damn laughable.
I dont have to be in Miami to see a fake N.
Thats why what 50 was doing to him was so hilarious.... cuz it was all true.

and furthermore

Lil Wayne should never be mention in a thread about real anything... im dissapointed in today's youth and hood folk in general for co-signing one of the most fraudulant human beings to ever walk.... but ill save that for later.
Wayne has been G Checked SOOOOOOOO many times its not even funny. Somebody's books lookin real hefty in Rikers.

Anybody with the paper can have Zoe.
Anybody with the paper can have Zoe.

Spoiler [+]

Kingtre said the only thing that matters out your whole post was E Class..... which is exactly the truth.
E-Class is the one people fear, NOT Ross... thats damn laughable.
I dont have to be in Miami to see a fake N.
Thats why what 50 was doing to him was so hilarious.... cuz it was all true.

and furthermore

Lil Wayne should never be mention in a thread about real anything... im dissapointed in today's youth and hood folk in general for co-signing one of the most fraudulant human beings to ever walk.... but ill save that for later.
Wayne has been G Checked SOOOOOOOO many times its not even funny. Somebody's books lookin real hefty in Rikers.
And btw, since ya'll so thirsty for that money since I guess you and Nay gonna split it where the other dude that made the bet? Did ya'll get his 20? Ya'll better go over there and get his because you're not getting nothing over here unless you see me in person.

I aint talking about the other person right now....................right now I'm talking about you champ cause as it stands you still have a debt to pay to someone here in the Music Forum.  You agreed to the bet, you clearly lost the bet, and now you refuse to pay.  Not exactly the principles that a man of character would do, but if you can live with yourself knowing this then so be it. 

Lil Wayne should never be mention in a thread about real anything... im dissapointed in today's youth and hood folk in general for co-signing one of the most fraudulant human beings to ever walk....

100% Truth.
And btw, since ya'll so thirsty for that money since I guess you and Nay gonna split it where the other dude that made the bet? Did ya'll get his 20? Ya'll better go over there and get his because you're not getting nothing over here unless you see me in person.

I aint talking about the other person right now....................right now I'm talking about you champ cause as it stands you still have a debt to pay to someone here in the Music Forum.  You agreed to the bet, you clearly lost the bet, and now you refuse to pay.  Not exactly the principles that a man of character would do, but if you can live with yourself knowing this then so be it. 

Lil Wayne should never be mention in a thread about real anything... im dissapointed in today's youth and hood folk in general for co-signing one of the most fraudulant human beings to ever walk....

100% Truth.
man would this !$*%% let that coke %!!@ go?

he's ODing wit the %!!@ making it look even MORE like a @%#$@% gimmick...

dude been on for 7 years still talkin bout the same exact %!!@
man would this !$*%% let that coke %!!@ go?

he's ODing wit the %!!@ making it look even MORE like a @%#$@% gimmick...

dude been on for 7 years still talkin bout the same exact %!!@
Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23
This is one of the funniest things I've read on here.  Just outta curiosity,  were exactly in Miami are you?

Wayne and Birdman been in Miami since Katrina.  Lets not act like they really out here,  cause we all know they're on the other side of that bridge.  As far as that beef,  EVERYONE knows Class handled that for them.  The same way they used to look out for Ross.

When Hustlin came out most ppl out here knew about his CO stint.  They didnt care.  They figured he's running with Class,  down with Poe Boy,  most ppl filled in they're own blanks and ran with it.  Dukes music was cool so the city embraced him.  ALOT of ppl out here started to realize his feminine ways when that vid that Nay posted came out.  That was the beginning of his downfall wit certain ppl.  How you supposed to be a G and you fall for the okie doke from some reporter and start talking *!#$ about Trick.  And unlike Ross,  Trick really is heavy on these streets and cats out here will ride for him.  Then the whole thing with 50.  You gonna start beefing with a +@@#@ because he aint say hi to you?  His true colors starting showing.

The whole thing with Ross in 2010 in mostly business.  Like I asked you in another thread,  when the last time YOU seen that man in the city? 

Its funny how his supporters keep trying to defend his CO gig when most ppl dont care about that but y'all keep dancing around his feminine behaviors.
Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23
This is one of the funniest things I've read on here.  Just outta curiosity,  were exactly in Miami are you?

Wayne and Birdman been in Miami since Katrina.  Lets not act like they really out here,  cause we all know they're on the other side of that bridge.  As far as that beef,  EVERYONE knows Class handled that for them.  The same way they used to look out for Ross.

When Hustlin came out most ppl out here knew about his CO stint.  They didnt care.  They figured he's running with Class,  down with Poe Boy,  most ppl filled in they're own blanks and ran with it.  Dukes music was cool so the city embraced him.  ALOT of ppl out here started to realize his feminine ways when that vid that Nay posted came out.  That was the beginning of his downfall wit certain ppl.  How you supposed to be a G and you fall for the okie doke from some reporter and start talking *!#$ about Trick.  And unlike Ross,  Trick really is heavy on these streets and cats out here will ride for him.  Then the whole thing with 50.  You gonna start beefing with a +@@#@ because he aint say hi to you?  His true colors starting showing.

The whole thing with Ross in 2010 in mostly business.  Like I asked you in another thread,  when the last time YOU seen that man in the city? 

Its funny how his supporters keep trying to defend his CO gig when most ppl dont care about that but y'all keep dancing around his feminine behaviors.
Originally Posted by OverGrinding

man would this !$*%% let that coke %!!@ go?

he's ODing wit the %!!@ making it look even MORE like a @%#$@% gimmick...

dude been on for 7 years still talkin bout the same exact %!!@

but he caters to the hood Ns who sell caine & diesel
Originally Posted by OverGrinding

man would this !$*%% let that coke %!!@ go?

he's ODing wit the %!!@ making it look even MORE like a @%#$@% gimmick...

dude been on for 7 years still talkin bout the same exact %!!@

but he caters to the hood Ns who sell caine & diesel
This who Jeezy is tho. This is what we've come to love him for, and if other N's can run wit it, y not him?
This who Jeezy is tho. This is what we've come to love him for, and if other N's can run wit it, y not him?
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Originally Posted by OverGrinding

man would this !$*%% let that coke %!!@ go?
he's ODing wit the %!!@ making it look even MORE like a @%#$@% gimmick...
dude been on for 7 years still talkin bout the same exact %!!@
but he caters to the hood Ns who sell caine & diesel
how'd he go plat then?
a million coke dealers bought his albums?
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Originally Posted by OverGrinding

man would this !$*%% let that coke %!!@ go?
he's ODing wit the %!!@ making it look even MORE like a @%#$@% gimmick...
dude been on for 7 years still talkin bout the same exact %!!@
but he caters to the hood Ns who sell caine & diesel
how'd he go plat then?
a million coke dealers bought his albums?
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Originally Posted by OverGrinding

man would this !$*%% let that coke %!!@ go?

he's ODing wit the %!!@ making it look even MORE like a @%#$@% gimmick...

dude been on for 7 years still talkin bout the same exact %!!@

but he caters to the hood Ns who sell caine & diesel

still.... so does gucci... and ross... they been off that +*%#... they have lines but as as dedicating ur mixtape title and cover to it im pretty sure they're past that... they both seem to be in better places than jeezy right now so maybe he should switch it up... 
all of his songs really do sound the same now... doesnt help that he has tired subject matter...
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Originally Posted by OverGrinding

man would this !$*%% let that coke %!!@ go?

he's ODing wit the %!!@ making it look even MORE like a @%#$@% gimmick...

dude been on for 7 years still talkin bout the same exact %!!@

but he caters to the hood Ns who sell caine & diesel

still.... so does gucci... and ross... they been off that +*%#... they have lines but as as dedicating ur mixtape title and cover to it im pretty sure they're past that... they both seem to be in better places than jeezy right now so maybe he should switch it up... 
all of his songs really do sound the same now... doesnt help that he has tired subject matter...
Im just sayin joe mixtapes for streets so he on that street @%#, if anything he should switch up his subject matter on his albums since he gotta sell that @%# to the general public.
Im just sayin joe mixtapes for streets so he on that street @%#, if anything he should switch up his subject matter on his albums since he gotta sell that @%# to the general public.
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Im just sayin joe mixtapes for streets so he on that street @%#, if anything he should switch up his subject matter on his albums since he gotta sell that @%# to the general public.

his music dont have to not be street... coke aint the only thing in the damn streets... like i said all those other artists make mixtapes and get love in the streets but dont reference coke nearly as much... its so dumb... dude will b rappin about some normal !%@# then just throw somethin about coke or cookin or a plate... !%@# is wack...
every artist has to grow or they will follow's 50 path... which jeezy is already doing... 
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Im just sayin joe mixtapes for streets so he on that street @%#, if anything he should switch up his subject matter on his albums since he gotta sell that @%# to the general public.

his music dont have to not be street... coke aint the only thing in the damn streets... like i said all those other artists make mixtapes and get love in the streets but dont reference coke nearly as much... its so dumb... dude will b rappin about some normal !%@# then just throw somethin about coke or cookin or a plate... !%@# is wack...
every artist has to grow or they will follow's 50 path... which jeezy is already doing... 
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