So my Ex decides to text me out of the blue after not hearing from her in almost a year. *CLOSURE*

Originally Posted by FullTech

Sir Simp-alot wrote:
Im back everyone, so I found out that her grandfather past away and I am assuming that she wants to apologize for all of the things she felt that hurt me. I don't know about you guys, but I have learned a lesson that regardless of how bitter and hurt you are from someone that you should always forgive and forget. Holding s grudge is just a waste of time and energy. In this instance, despite how things ended between her and I, I feel bad about her grandfather passing away. Its very tragic that happen. I don't see myself getting back with her, but I can see myself still being friends with her and hanging out with her [1]. I just got to be the bigger person and just move on [2]...

Work Cited:

[1]: Don't do this.

[2]: Do this.
Originally Posted by FullTech

Sir Simp-alot wrote:
Im back everyone, so I found out that her grandfather past away and I am assuming that she wants to apologize for all of the things she felt that hurt me. I don't know about you guys, but I have learned a lesson that regardless of how bitter and hurt you are from someone that you should always forgive and forget. Holding s grudge is just a waste of time and energy. In this instance, despite how things ended between her and I, I feel bad about her grandfather passing away. Its very tragic that happen. I don't see myself getting back with her, but I can see myself still being friends with her and hanging out with her [1]. I just got to be the bigger person and just move on [2]...

Work Cited:

[1]: Don't do this.

[2]: Do this.
*@*# all that. A year without speaking to you, and just off your post I can tell you were hurting that whole time. Now that she's hurting you gonna be there for her? Really though? I mean you don't gotta be a ****, it isn't about revenge or sounding cool or any of that bs. Just accept her apology and move on, move on doesn't mean be there for her until she %%$!! on you again bro. It means MOVE ON, you let her back in and it's just gonna hurt even more cause after what she did for you, you were still there for her thinking your being the bigger man and it still wont matter in the end. But I'm wasting my breath, cause you aint gonna listen to what anyone telling you right now, she got you open. Don't worry though, one day she'll forget about you completely and not need you anymore, maybe then you'll really move on.
*@*# all that. A year without speaking to you, and just off your post I can tell you were hurting that whole time. Now that she's hurting you gonna be there for her? Really though? I mean you don't gotta be a ****, it isn't about revenge or sounding cool or any of that bs. Just accept her apology and move on, move on doesn't mean be there for her until she %%$!! on you again bro. It means MOVE ON, you let her back in and it's just gonna hurt even more cause after what she did for you, you were still there for her thinking your being the bigger man and it still wont matter in the end. But I'm wasting my breath, cause you aint gonna listen to what anyone telling you right now, she got you open. Don't worry though, one day she'll forget about you completely and not need you anymore, maybe then you'll really move on.
OP she aint learn $#@@. Trust me I know. As soon as you guys hang out and all of that some part of you is gonna wanna be more. You have to dead all types of communication. She is just vulnerable right now and she knew that you were a good dude so she hit you up. We know that her grandfather passed, but don't let that cloud your judgment on how you should handle this. She didn't give a damn when she let them boys test them backs. So don't give a damn when @#$% aint going her way. Dead her @#$ asap.
OP she aint learn $#@@. Trust me I know. As soon as you guys hang out and all of that some part of you is gonna wanna be more. You have to dead all types of communication. She is just vulnerable right now and she knew that you were a good dude so she hit you up. We know that her grandfather passed, but don't let that cloud your judgment on how you should handle this. She didn't give a damn when she let them boys test them backs. So don't give a damn when @#$% aint going her way. Dead her @#$ asap.
son you shouldn't have even bothered to text her.
she's hitting you with the pity story so you can feel bad for her and your falling for it smh. yea her grandpa died (RIP) but she does not have to tell you that. you havent spoken to her in over a year, why the hell should you care? what does that even have to do with you? this chick is manipulating you so hard and so easily.

you're trying to be a bigger person but 9 times out of 10, being the bigger person is not worth the effort in a situation like this.
yes its good to forgive and not hold grudges, but you shouldn't just throw away the fact that she did you dirty.
son you shouldn't have even bothered to text her.
she's hitting you with the pity story so you can feel bad for her and your falling for it smh. yea her grandpa died (RIP) but she does not have to tell you that. you havent spoken to her in over a year, why the hell should you care? what does that even have to do with you? this chick is manipulating you so hard and so easily.

you're trying to be a bigger person but 9 times out of 10, being the bigger person is not worth the effort in a situation like this.
yes its good to forgive and not hold grudges, but you shouldn't just throw away the fact that she did you dirty.
ricerocket1 wrote:

you gotta remember is this if one of your boys played you, would you still hang out with this person? im guessing your answer is no, so why would a person with a damn vagina would be different.

x2. Giving a b/s excuse about not holding grudges. Friend of mine pulled the same exact thing with his ex. Come on man wake up, and be strong.
 A womans hold is deadly
ricerocket1 wrote:

you gotta remember is this if one of your boys played you, would you still hang out with this person? im guessing your answer is no, so why would a person with a damn vagina would be different.

x2. Giving a b/s excuse about not holding grudges. Friend of mine pulled the same exact thing with his ex. Come on man wake up, and be strong.
 A womans hold is deadly
Trust me, I don't have feelings for the chick.. it is not like I want to speak to her everyday.. I understand what you guys are saying though.. 
Originally Posted by FDUB

Im back everyone, so I found out that her grandfather past away and I am assuming that she wants to apologize for all of the things she felt that hurt me. I don't know about you guys, but I have learned a lesson that regardless of how bitter and hurt you are from someone that you should always forgive and forget. Holding s grudge is just a waste of time and energy. In this instance, despite how things ended between her and I, I feel bad about her grandfather passing away. Its very tragic that happen. I don't see myself getting back with her, but I can see myself still being friends with her and hanging out with her. I just got to be the bigger person and just move on...

November33rd wrote:
You NT'ers have some creative imaginations. Y'all need to grow up.

You have no clue what she wants. She could be inviting you to  be a guest at her wedding for all these clowns on NT know.

Don't make such a big deal out of it. Just go and hear her out. Then take it from there. You don't need some plan or elaborate plot devised by some NT'ers who have had little to no female interaction in their lives.

Trust me, I don't have feelings for the chick.. it is not like I want to speak to her everyday.. I understand what you guys are saying though.. 
Originally Posted by FDUB

Im back everyone, so I found out that her grandfather past away and I am assuming that she wants to apologize for all of the things she felt that hurt me. I don't know about you guys, but I have learned a lesson that regardless of how bitter and hurt you are from someone that you should always forgive and forget. Holding s grudge is just a waste of time and energy. In this instance, despite how things ended between her and I, I feel bad about her grandfather passing away. Its very tragic that happen. I don't see myself getting back with her, but I can see myself still being friends with her and hanging out with her. I just got to be the bigger person and just move on...

November33rd wrote:
You NT'ers have some creative imaginations. Y'all need to grow up.

You have no clue what she wants. She could be inviting you to  be a guest at her wedding for all these clowns on NT know.

Don't make such a big deal out of it. Just go and hear her out. Then take it from there. You don't need some plan or elaborate plot devised by some NT'ers who have had little to no female interaction in their lives.

Originally Posted by FullTech

Originally Posted by FDUB

Her:Well I just want to thank you for being a good boyfriend to me and apologize if I hurt you in any way
Me: What made you think about this all of a sudden after a year????
Her: Just been reflecting, that's all.
Me:Yeah, that was all I was trying to do was be a good BF, but obviously I wasn't good enough..smh

forreals man op choked worse than any sports team ever did.... smh

all of his responses were what you should NOT say if your ex is kissin *%%.

going all emo at the end was just pathetic man...
Originally Posted by FullTech

Originally Posted by FDUB

Her:Well I just want to thank you for being a good boyfriend to me and apologize if I hurt you in any way
Me: What made you think about this all of a sudden after a year????
Her: Just been reflecting, that's all.
Me:Yeah, that was all I was trying to do was be a good BF, but obviously I wasn't good enough..smh

forreals man op choked worse than any sports team ever did.... smh

all of his responses were what you should NOT say if your ex is kissin *%%.

going all emo at the end was just pathetic man...
Originally Posted by k3stacks

Originally Posted by FDUB

**Update people**

To sum up everything, Here is what she said:

Her:Well I just want to thank you for being a good boyfriend to me and apologize if I hurt you in any way
Me: What made you think about this all of a sudden after a year????
Her: Just been reflecting, that's all.
Me:Yeah, that was all I was trying to do was be a good BF, but obviously I wasn't good enough..smh

That's all for now.. If anymore comes I will indeed let you guys know and thank you all..


Originally Posted by k3stacks

Originally Posted by FDUB

**Update people**

To sum up everything, Here is what she said:

Her:Well I just want to thank you for being a good boyfriend to me and apologize if I hurt you in any way
Me: What made you think about this all of a sudden after a year????
Her: Just been reflecting, that's all.
Me:Yeah, that was all I was trying to do was be a good BF, but obviously I wasn't good enough..smh

That's all for now.. If anymore comes I will indeed let you guys know and thank you all..


whatever. op, you spoke your heart. nothing wrong with that. im a lot more cold blooded.

may this be a lesson to all NT'ers.
whatever. op, you spoke your heart. nothing wrong with that. im a lot more cold blooded.

may this be a lesson to all NT'ers.
Mannnn what kind of Jelly Bean Gaint ending is that OP.

You had me geeked for a epic ending and you come back with some Charlie Brown ending.
Mannnn what kind of Jelly Bean Gaint ending is that OP.

You had me geeked for a epic ending and you come back with some Charlie Brown ending.
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

son you shouldn't have even bothered to text her.
she's hitting you with the pity story so you can feel bad for her and your falling for it smh. yea her grandpa died (RIP) but she does not have to tell you that. you havent spoken to her in over a year, why the hell should you care? what does that even have to do with you? this chick is manipulating you so hard and so easily.

you're trying to be a bigger person but 9 times out of 10, being the bigger person is not worth the effort in a situation like this.
yes its good to forgive and not hold grudges, but you shouldn't just throw away the fact that she did you dirty.

@ yall lettin that november guy have it
 gave him the back to back to back greasy naked man triple slap

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