So who is out there today hustling those legend blue 11 tickets while we got teens making 72 mil?

and it's something personal to me, that a kid is looking to make as much money they can just to obtain money, despite how much harm it causes people on an everyday basis. Enough of the thought that people should accumulate what they want and continue to withhold for personal use rather then trying to improve on things to make the world better.

The Koch brothers practices have done more harm for the world than good, i'm tired of people charging it to do whatever they want with their money.
You sound like a crabby behind hater right now. When get money like these cats and show people what your talking then you'll have a more believable platform to talk this stuff. Otherwise most going to look at you skeptical IMO.

I never understand why people on here always throw out the "stop telling other people what to do with their money" line. You're acting like Mr Islam is on here reading these comments and gonna take them to heart. Also, it seems to me that tyisny just doesn't want to see another "rich kid on ig" pouring bottles of expensive water down the toilet and wants to see how this kid is gonna influence his surroundings in a positive way. I don't see anything wrong with that
In the trading world, is this kid known? I would think that there would have been more press on Islam much sooner than this nYP article.
i've never heard of him or this story before. people banking like that always try to make a name for themselves, hence why i'm skeptical. you're doing that well, why aren't you on twitter building a base? why don't you have a blog outlining your story, progression, etc. where's the p&l with time stamped trades that i can go back and review and see what you did so i can learn and improve as a trader? very shady the omission of a p&l.

it's not farfetched for a kid to make bank. i've seen18-20 year olds go from 2k to 100k in a year. i know a 23 year old high school drop out making 10-20k on average. they show p&ls they outline their journey on a blog.

crazy thing is i know big pros that don't even make this much money as this kid claims. lx21 has made like 15 mill over the past few years and he's phenomenal. modern rock made a million a day in a FNMA crash and he's a genius but his networkth isn't near this claim. it's tough as hell to make 72 mill unless you're doing something shady. the more size you sling the tougher it gets.
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johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm , are there any trading forums? I would think that someone would have made a thread on this guy by now...

I'm just skeptical due to the lack of details in the articles I've read on him, and also (how it seems) how Islam just came out of nowhere.
johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm , are there any trading forums? I would think that someone would have made a thread on this guy by now...

I'm just skeptical due to the lack of details in the articles I've read on him, and also (how it seems) how Islam just came out of nowhere.
honestly, i'm not sure a lot of forums are trash :lol: like investorshub. i'm in 2 chatrooms one with a former market maker (KeeneOnTheMarket) and another with some really great day traders/nice people (InvestorsUnderground) and I guarantee no one from there has heard of him. I follow a bunch of traders on Twitter, not once has this story or this character been posted by any of them.

Lack of details is exactly why I'm weary as well. I'm not being envious or anything, I just wanna see a p&l that's how it works in the community. you show the p&l i see what you did and i go back and review the charts to spot what you saw potentially so i can get better. futures are big money but they margin requirements are hefty as well and for this kid to be making what he's claiming to make, he must be using crazy leverage which requires an enormous account size. either his parents are rich or this kid is a paper trader. i hope this story is real cause honestly it's inspirational but bs like this gives the industry a bad name/poor expectations for prospective traders.

like i said in a different post, Oil has been slammed, why isn't there a mention of him being short oil? or any other positions for that matter.
and it's something personal to me, that a kid is looking to make as much money they can just to obtain money, despite how much harm it causes people on an everyday basis. Enough of the thought that people should accumulate what they want and continue to withhold for personal use rather then trying to improve on things to make the world better.

The Koch brothers practices have done more harm for the world than good, i'm tired of people charging it to do whatever they want with their money.

The hell up with that nonsense.
My man's name is really Mohammed Islam though. :lol:

You can't get more Muslim than that.
CNBC just said they spoke to the kid and he denied the 72 mill figure has no clue where it came from. Said this was supposed to be what they want to do not as much where he is. So like I said, kid might be doing well for himself, but nowhere near as well as they made it seem. Ducktales proved here.

Tim Sykes (world renown penny stock douche) said Islam emailed him two years ago saying he only had $1,000.
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CNBC just said they spoke to the kid and he denied the 72 mill figure has no clue where it came from. Said this was supposed to be what they want to do not as much where he is. So like I said, kid might be doing well for himself, but nowhere near as well as they made it seem. Ducktales proved here.

Tim Sykes (world renown penny stock douche) said Islam emailed him two years ago saying he only had $1,000.

Sykes is a douche, but not a liar. I'm mostly shocked no reporter once called ducktales on this story. Seems very obviously fake to me.
for sure Sykes is usually transparent. but he's a lunchbox :lol: you should watch him on Below Deck if you haven't
You could make some serious bank on futures no denying that but im still weary. Someone making that much dough wouldn't be this quiet. And you can't go in there out of nowhere on your lunch break and make crazy bank. Let's say he sets a bracket order in that short time period he's likely to risk 2-4 points to make that same amount. He's either trading stupid size w insane leverage or this isn't a very legitimate story.
Article doesn't say much but who's to say he doesn't have investors. He does go to Stuy some rich kids do go to that school so maybe he networked. I don't think he is doing it on his lunch break either. Even if he didn't make 72 mil I'm sure he is doing well.
stuy alum here, i dont think the wealth distribution for stuy is that different from any other schools. A lot of students have immigrant parents, there's a small % rich, but i'd say most are more in the middle/lower middle class range. 

That said, no one is handing out money for a classmate to invest. 
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Why is this kid trying to play innocent and claim he doesn't know where the 72 mill number came from? He seeked attention and now he's got it. He could've been more conservative and said 5 million and it would've been more plausible and he could keep up with his scam for a while longer.
and it's something personal to me, that a kid is looking to make as much money they can just to obtain money, despite how much harm it causes people on an everyday basis. Enough of the thought that people should accumulate what they want and continue to withhold for personal use rather then trying to improve on things to make the world better.

The Koch brothers practices have done more harm for the world than good, i'm tired of people charging it to do whatever they want with their money.
You sound like a crabby behind hater right now. When get money like these cats and show people what your talking then you'll have a more believable platform to talk this stuff. Otherwise most going to look at you skeptical IMO.

I never understand why people on here always throw out the "stop telling other people what to do with their money" line. You're acting like Mr Islam is on here reading these comments and gonna take them to heart. Also, it seems to me that tyisny just doesn't want to see another "rich kid on ig" pouring bottles of expensive water down the toilet and wants to see how this kid is gonna influence his surroundings in a positive way. I don't see anything wrong with that
Show me where I said or implied that dude was reading the dang forum? You could also just ask me and not act cowardly since right now your talking about me. I told you why I feel this way already. I don't care what people do with their money and wonder why you or anybody else do too if they aren't messing up your ability to do so. What does some dude stunting have to do with your or my life? I said originally its nothing personal just something I don't do because it comes of regardless of how you take it as the "uniform" of a hater period lol.
and it's something personal to me, that a kid is looking to make as much money they can just to obtain money, despite how much harm it causes people on an everyday basis. Enough of the thought that people should accumulate what they want and continue to withhold for personal use rather then trying to improve on things to make the world better.

The Koch brothers practices have done more harm for the world than good, i'm tired of people charging it to do whatever they want with their money.
You sound like a crabby behind hater right now. When get money like these cats and show people what your talking then you'll have a more believable platform to talk this stuff. Otherwise most going to look at you skeptical IMO.

I never understand why people on here always throw out the "stop telling other people what to do with their money" line. You're acting like Mr Islam is on here reading these comments and gonna take them to heart. Also, it seems to me that tyisny just doesn't want to see another "rich kid on ig" pouring bottles of expensive water down the toilet and wants to see how this kid is gonna influence his surroundings in a positive way. I don't see anything wrong with that
Show me where I said or implied that dude was reading the dang forum? You could also just ask me and not act cowardly since right now your talking about me. I told you why I feel this way already. I don't care what people do with their money and wonder why you or anybody else do too if they aren't messing up your ability to do so. What does some dude stunting have to do with your or my life? I said originally its nothing personal just something I don't do because it comes of regardless of how you take it as the "uniform" of a hater period lol.

But how does it affect you whether someone in general voices an opinion on what he would like to see someone do with their money? I did not get a hater vibe from what the guy said
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