So who is out there today hustling those legend blue 11 tickets while we got teens making 72 mil?

damn my alma mater taking L's. First there was those idiots who got caught cheating a year or two ago now dudes on making things up on some superb steeze

wont be good for dude when he applies for positions a few years down the line and when employers google his name, this comes up
Still wish we could see his paper account though, why do I have a feeling he still has actual money despite saying he never traded?
Lol its funny as hell to see people still arguing about stories thaat are completely false even after links are posted.
Guess what they say when it's too good to be true it usually is. Would've been a great story if it was true. How the Post gonna publish a story without any fact checking :smh::smh::smh:
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They ran this on the news yesterday and now today theyre running a story saying he changed his story
Gullible nters.
No wonder gold St capital had dudes fooled for so long.

"Help I got scammed" type *****
Stuy Alum as well. The high school was always full of overachievers and braggarts. Not surprised this was a hoax. But there are plenty of alums from Stuy that make good money eventually. It's the people who look for get rich quick plots that usually fall for stuff like this. Gold St. Capital type scum.
Fontaine - he's been outted. Whole thing was a crock of ****.


The reporter should be taken to task, though. Not sure how this story even made it to the press. You would think that the reporter would at least fact check.
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and it's something personal to me, that a kid is looking to make as much money they can just to obtain money, despite how much harm it causes people on an everyday basis. Enough of the thought that people should accumulate what they want and continue to withhold for personal use rather then trying to improve on things to make the world better.

The Koch brothers practices have done more harm for the world than good, i'm tired of people charging it to do whatever they want with their money.
You sound like a crabby behind hater right now. When get money like these cats and show people what your talking then you'll have a more believable platform to talk this stuff. Otherwise most going to look at you skeptical IMO.

I never understand why people on here always throw out the "stop telling other people what to do with their money" line. You're acting like Mr Islam is on here reading these comments and gonna take them to heart. Also, it seems to me that tyisny just doesn't want to see another "rich kid on ig" pouring bottles of expensive water down the toilet and wants to see how this kid is gonna influence his surroundings in a positive way. I don't see anything wrong with that
Show me where I said or implied that dude was reading the dang forum? You could also just ask me and not act cowardly since right now your talking about me. I told you why I feel this way already. I don't care what people do with their money and wonder why you or anybody else do too if they aren't messing up your ability to do so. What does some dude stunting have to do with your or my life? I said originally its nothing personal just something I don't do because it comes of regardless of how you take it as the "uniform" of a hater period lol.

But how does it affect you whether someone in general voices an opinion on what he would like to see someone do with their money? I did not get a hater vibe from what the guy said
I guess it affects me the same way it affects you to speak on something that wasn't addressed to you. The hater vibe is my opinion not yours and if you don't get that same vibe that's ok we aren't the same person. Its something I don't like and I said so. I also told boy it wasn't nothing personal just something I don't like seeing people do online and IRL so I mentioned it. Nothing more nothing less.
how is it a hater vibe if you think someone should be using their money to change the world for the better instead of just being selfish with it on material goods? it's logical notion.
how is it a hater vibe if you think someone should be using their money to change the world for the better instead of just being selfish with it on material goods? it's logical notion.

You shouldnt tell someone what to do with there money just because you know they got it, if you wanna change the world start with yourself
how is it a hater vibe if you think someone should be using their money to change the world for the better instead of just being selfish with it on material goods? it's logical notion.

You shouldnt tell someone what to do with there money just because you know they got it, if you wanna change the world start with yourself
thanks but there's only so much someone making 30 grand a year could do with their time and money in comparison to someone worth 10 times that.
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