Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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"Religious wars are basically people killing each other over who has the better imaginary friend" -- Napoleon Bonaparte
Hollow Earth Theory interests me. Reminds me of Avatar how the army helicopters fly down to what seems to be beneath the surface. I've been thinking for a while that mainstream media conditions us subliminally for the truth/past/future. I think a bunch of us are on that same page.

Also in The Avengers where they are all after that crystal. I've read and heard about some sort of energy crystal powering Atlantis; clean energy. I was told the crystal was the demise of the Atlanteans because they became greedy and abused its powers. If I recall correctly, the crystal ultimately destroyed the Atlanteans. Fall of Atlantis.html

What do you guys think?

I think there is something to it.

We see a recurring theme of creation cubes in movies and mythology










An esoteric analysis would point to saturn worship.


What if some kind of cosmic cube is in place powering that storm on the pole of saturn and somehow having an affect on the rest of the solar system?
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Well.. Saturn has numerical values that are explained further if you study sacred mathematics/geometry.

Reading a book on it now to gain a fuller understanding.

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I gotta check that book out.

I've come across the same stuff about Atlantis, Wiz. Something about these cubes in movies, the ark of the covenant, the way folks dismiss crystals and astrology as hokum etc.

Gonna try n watch all these hollow earth vids after breakfast.
I gotta believe thats fake. Somebody thought it would be cool to spray paint black one of those blow up stick figures that wiggle on windy days that are always at the corner of a car dealership then threw it down a building on a windy day :lol:

insert quagmire.gif

wacky wavy inflatable arm flaling tube man :lol:




Saturn's astrological symbol represents Father Time's scythe.



Not only is the "swoosh" representative of Saturn's rings, but it's the angle the rings are at, when seen from earth, when Saturn is in the constellation of Aquarius

Keep searching... You get to a point where your fear is taken over by curiosity and a want for knowledge/information and it just becomes... Information.


The more I began to search the more I wanted to know. The more I wanted to know the more I began to find. The more I found the more I began to analyse my readings then formulate my own beliefs. Sooner or later you will begin to recognize patterns of what to believe and what not to believe. At the end of the day what ever you read is a mere theory minus your own experience or proof. Just know that you have been lied to your entire life; the books you study in school, the religion you follow, the food you eat is all a tactic to control your mind. My question to myself, to you, to anyone is Do you really know yourself? Truth and Information is power, God is real(in what form he exists is the mystery), Take advantage of your time here on earth, See all evil hear all evil report all evil!

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle

Tags: Aspartame, Manganese, Monsanto, GMO, Jim Marrs, Alex Jones, prison planet, illuminati bloodline, 13 families, rothschild funded hitler, blood sacrifice, lauryn hill - I find it hard to say, chemtrails, sodium flouride, reptilians, greys, etc, etc, etc, etc
the list is unlimited everlasting gobstopper long!

heres a good start:
There are a lot of posts I want to add on and touch on. All on this iPad tho which sucks but I'll do my best.

Hitler in regards to hollow earth and Atlantis:

First, we must remember that powerful dictators or presidents are just the face. They literally are actors just so you focus all your blame towards one person and not the people who put him in that power.

With that said, it wasn't just hitler, he is just the face leading the search. Blame the Vatican for funding the nazis. What were they funding tho?

Well they truly believed they were the descendants of the lost people of Atlantis (the enlightened ones, able to do anything possible in this material world) and in order for them to become that one nation of atlanteas like it used to be, they had to get rid of everyone who wasn't. That further sheds light on why they literally had breeding camps to keep this bloodline 100% German "100% pure". Thus Th nazis also were highly involved in the search for am energy source also known as the ark of the covenant.this energy source could power all the programs they were involved in; the biggest one being time travel.
Hallywood seems to be on the right path of absolute love, the death of the ego. The understanding that we are all connected and no one is more important or special than the other. And we all must get along in order to reach our full potential.
Hallywood seems to be on the right path of absolute love, the death of the ego. The understanding that we are all connected and no one is more important or special than the other. And we all must get along in order to reach our full potential.

Good looks on the recognition.
I've been having some abstract thoughts lately, best way I can describe it is there's no such things as the individual.
The ego, is what gives the idea of this is what I like, this is what I don't like etc.

A metaphor that comes to mind is think of the soul as water. Our souls come from a vast ocean that some perceive as god. Take an illusionary cup and fill it with water from that ocean. Does that cup not have but the same properties as the ocean it came from. Are our souls not god like?

Taking it a step further. Isolate this illusionary cup of water from its origin. Give the cup communication properties and tell it that it's nothing more then a mortal piece of plastic, and to preserve this plastic you must work hard day in and out ensuring its survival. While working, you see the writings on other cups such as "herpes" "gay" "rich" "poor". The division becomes quite clear on what type of cup you should be.

Stick with me, all through out ancient history our souls are portrayed as fiery source, kundalini. Also keep in mind the concept on an inferno Armageddon. Imagine if a cup looked inside itself and realized all the properties it had. It could become gaseous, solid, or remain liquid. Apply the concept that life is nothing more then vibrations and the goal is to raise your vibrations. If you choose to lower your frequency leading to an ice like state it would be difficult for this soul to get out of the cup. Now think of increasing your frequency and generating heat. The water becomes gas, naturally leaving the cup and ascending.

Hope that made sense for everyone.
coasttocoast a.m.

Thursday December 19, 2013

Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe will discuss Bentwaters USAF Sergeant John Burroughs' denial of permanent disability from the VA because his 1979-83 medical records are "classified" for reasons unknown. She'll also talk about Edward Snowden's continued leaks to hand-picked media, and the shock that underwater photographer Neil McDaniel experienced when he dove down northeast of Vancouver and saw that more than half of once-beautiful sea stars were "melting away."
^ordered it earlier today from amazon

I was on a "trip" the other day and thought deeply about myself. I just got a new car a few days before and was questioning which part of my being likes these luxury items. Obviously, I'm conditioned by our society and the entertainment industry which I worked in for several years. What part of me actually wants these things?

Seems my question was answered by Hallywood :smokin

"The ego, is what gives the idea of this is what I like, this is what I don't like etc."

On a similar note, my homepage ->
Wizards... It's just apart of your programming. Our minds are exactly like computers. Our desires, beliefs, thoughts, actions, opinions, emotions, goals, mannerisms, behavioral patterns, etc. are all just branches of our programming. And the problem is someone has been programming all of us to the way they see fit since our births. Our doctors, parents, teachers, political leaders etc are all victims of the same programming. None of it truly makes up who you are. If you found out the truth their system would collapse. It's not as hard as you think. They rule us with fear because they know if we all became absolute love their game is over. The power structure of Platos metaphorical Atlantis is how they rule us. A giant pyramid scheme keeping the people divided and blind to the truth that they have stolen and kept hidden for thousands of years. But the people are reprogramming their minds again. We are waking up.

People are realizing exactly what hallywood said. That we are, for a better lack of a word, Gods. We've been taught to look to imaginary man made deities just to distract us from the true gods. The true "NEO". Collectively we are God. We are NEO. We are one. And the ego we have stops is from that realization.

And even if that isn't real at all and it's just our mushroom evolved monkey imaginations coming up with all this nonsense, if we treated each other like we were all one, like every person you meet was just you living another life, this place would be incredibly heavenly, like it's supposed to be.
Stoned as **** right now too, just thought I'd put that out there since I realized I was all over the place that last post lol.

Zen meditation has my 3rd eye open
There's a quote "split up an eighth of shrooms just to see the universe"

I'm thinking my next "journey" will be Tuesday since no work Wednesday

I've also been into edibles lately since I don't have to put smoke into my body to get the benefits of THC. A friend's wife makes some mean chocolate chip cookies
Dmt helped let me see a few of these realizations.

Without these substances wouldnt it make sense that our minds are capable of making these journeys on their own besides some sort of meditation maybe. I feel like its not too far fetched to believe that this is a God given possibility. Or is it absolutely not possible hence why God has provided DMT THC etc etc. Can anyone speak on this?
Without these substances wouldnt it make sense that our minds are capable of making these journeys on their own besides some sort of meditation maybe. I feel like its not too far fetched to believe that this is a God given possibility. Or is it absolutely not possible hence why God has provided DMT THC etc etc. Can anyone speak on this?

My thoughts are if we live in the matrix, there's gonna be hackers who try to provide glitches/proxies back doors etc. There's self correcting programs that try to eradicate these viruses/glitches, but much like a virus in your body it's usually dormant, and you'd have to have special circumstances that caused it to be active again. These viruses/glitches are what we call shrooms/lsd/DMT etc.

I do think achieving Christ like consciousness is possible through sobriety with a pure heart and pure mind.

But if this is just a computer simulation, look at how many of our operating systems are blemished with excessive amounts of porn, alcohol abuse, judging of orhers, the list goes on. So now you see why back door tricks to enlightenment are introduced because being honest how many of us are as pure if heart and mind as we would like to be?
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