Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Has anyone heard of this:  ?

it was a project created in 1997  that included the following principles (among others):

  • we need to increase defense spending significantly if we are to carry out our global responsibilities today and modernize our armed forces for the future;
  • we need to strengthen our ties to democratic allies and to challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values;
  • we need to promote the cause of political and economic freedom abroad; [and]
  • we need to accept responsibility for America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.

These are some of the members of this project:
-Jeb Bush (George Bush's brother)
-Elliott Abrams (deputy national security advisor for global democracy strategy under George w. bush)

-**** Cheney (vice president to George w bush)

-Paula Dobriansky (under secretary of state for George w. bush)

-Aaron Friedberg (deputy assistant for national security affairs under george w. bush)

-Zalmay Khalizad (US ambassador to United Nations under george w bush)
-Scooter Libby (chief of staff to vp **** cheney, under george w bush)

-Dan Quayle (george bush senior's vice president)
-Donald Rumsfeld (US Secretary of defense under george w bush)
-Paul Wolfowitz (US Deputy secretary of defense under george w bush)

The PNAC is a long document, i dont expect anyone to read it in its entirety.. but the bulleted points above are what their goals were (increase defense spending, promote political ideals abroad, challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values) etc..

In the document, it says that it will be difficult to reach these goals,


"Further, the process of transformation,

even if it brings revolutionary change, is

likely to be a long one, absent some

catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a

new Pearl Harbor.   "
source: ( page 51)

What does this mean?

Remember, this project was set out in 1997... and in it, it says that the process of transforming the country into one with increased military spending, promoting political ideas abroad, challenging regimes etc will be long and difficult


there is a CATASTROPHIC AND CATALYZING EVENT LIKE A NEW PEARL HARBOR, that would make the transformation easier. 

what "catastrophic & catalyzing" event like a "new pearl harbor" has happened in this country since 1997...

here is a graph illustrating US Military spending from 1997 to 2008, with projections thru 2017:  (im sure theres more recent data available online). the other goals have also been accomplished since then.

that catastrophic/catalyzing, pearl harbor like event pretty much allowed many if not all of those goals set out in 1997 to happen. 

(the new american link above is the projects official website)

TL;DR:  9/11 related post guys. 
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How come "UFO'S" always have lights? What if the beings come from a solar system of constant daylight? Their eyes (if they even have them) process light differently, like see in inverted colors? Therefore no use for lights on their vehicle (if they even use vehicles).
Maybe those lights are actually the fuel source they use to power their ship. Maybe they're like mini suns and thats why they can travel at outstanding speeds and they just go back to a sun to refuel when needed. 
coasttocoast a.m

Tuesday August 7, 2012

Authors Aaron Judkins & Michael McDaniel will talk about their new book, Alien Agenda, and how it relates to forbidden archaeology and the Nephilim, as well as address the human fossil footprint phenomenon.
coasttocoast a.m
Tuesday August 7, 2012
Authors Aaron Judkins & Michael McDaniel will talk about their new book, Alien Agenda, and how it relates to forbidden archaeology and the Nephilim, as well as address the human fossil footprint phenomenon.

when is this going down.. where can i hear it. thanks
i dont get it.. helppp >D

Notice the difference in difficulty. Sort of like how running the 100 in 10 seconds used to be the peak time back in the day and nowadays top runners are expected to have sub 10 second times each sprint. Athletes are becoming faster,stronger and much more impressive which means that feats that used to be considered impossible at one time are now being completed easily.

Kinda scary to think about how good the next couple generations of athletes are going to be :x
Notice the difference in difficulty. Sort of like how running the 100 in 10 seconds used to be the peak time back in the day and nowadays top runners are expected to have sub 10 second times each sprint. Athletes are becoming faster,stronger and much more impressive which means that feats that used to be considered impossible at one time are now being completed easily.
Kinda scary to think about how good the next couple generations of athletes are going to be :x

got it.. thanks nt bro :smokin
UFO 'battle' over Nuremberg, Germany in 1561


Hans Glaser woodcut from 1566 of the 1561 event over Nuremberg. (Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library)

At sunrise on the 14th April 1561, the citizens of Nuremberg beheld "A very frightful spectacle." The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes emerged. Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared whereupon the objects promptly "began to fight one another." This event is depicted in a famous 16th century woodcut by Hans Glaser.

Read more here -
The 13 Most Evil U.S. Government Experiments on Humans

i've slept on this thread, so i'm just starting to skim through it from the back to the front and i felt compelled to comment on this post. i read through the link and a lot of the info in it, i've already read or heard before so i wasn't shocked while reading the new info in it. it made me think about a comment an NTer made in the "drones flying over the us" thread. dude wrote something along the lines that he isn't concerned with the government's surveillance of civilians through drones, but that he is more concerned with sleeper cells here in the states.

the older i get, the more i believe that our biggest threats are ourselves and our government.
"- Upon Savannah, GA and Avon Park, FL, the army released millions of mosquitoes in the hopes they would spread yellow fever and dengue fever. The swarm left Americans struggling with fevers, typhoid, respiratory problems, and the worst, stillborn children.

Even worse was that after the swarm, the Army came in disguised as public health workers. Their secret intention the entire time they were giving aid to the victims was to study and chart-out the long term effects of all the illnesses they were suffering."



:invest in more bug repellent:
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