Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I just watched the video of the Michael Jackson illuminati stuff. Does anyone else agree with me that all of it makes sense? His death was always a mystery and that video did clear up a lot of questions. He himself seemed paranoid.
We really don't know what the hell is down there. 

We didn't have LIVE video of giant squid. Thats very rare. 
Giant Squid lives in depths that we can't possibly fathom G ..

I think thats why they die coming to the surface .. the pressure change kills them ..

I agree tho .. Why are we so concerned with space , when we don't diddly about our own ocean?

I believe there are behemoths down there that are bigger than Blue Whales ..

And Giant Squid have been found bigger than the one on that vid ..
Neither of you have said anything but a word.....SMH...the book of revelations teaches us that in the end days leviathan (the sea beast) and behemoth (the land monster) will be loosed.  That sea monster is lurking big time.  While behemoth could be lamped up in a giant unnavigable mountain somewhere.  Perhaps it resides within the earth itself, well beyond the sea.  I truly believe most of our myths are rooted in historical fact as opposed to the anxiety-ridden conscious of some pre-historic-superstitious-early-man.  you yourself can then look at all of mankind's myths and see how they all correlate with one another despite the vast amount of distance (both spacial and chronological) that would tempt to have you believe otherwise.

another thing to ponder is the origin point.  look at anything and there's an origin point.  a seed, a sun, a thought to be more precise.  now you (an atheist perhaps) could say, "well you can't have the seed without the tree.  This origin point you mention is not proof of one creator's existence.  it's all just repetitious building and re-building."


the seed, the sun, we are not old enough of a species to have first-hand knowledge of which came first the chicken or the egg.  i concur.  we are however old enough to realize that we can't have action without thought first, or words without thought.  Now you say, "Oh, but you thought that way because someone acted upon you" or whatever the case may be.  sure, but their action was preceded by a thought.  the origin.  everything spirals down while also spiraling outward.  to claim ignorance of an original thinker or rather creator is quite a rebellious act given all of the evidence to the contrary.

tony soprano (the greatest TV character of all time) once said, "what kind of god does this $%^&"

the kind of creator that has given you free reign to exercise your own power - with each man and woman governor of their own fleshy realm.  an atheists pointed rebuttal could be, "well what of the mentally handicapped?"  they are simply in a different state of consciousness, it is clear to see.....perhaps, even, mentally torn between realms.

as for the illuminati this is how i understand it to work.  in the book genesis (and in other cultures) we are told that beings came down to this planet and mated with our women.  the mayan speak of quetzalcoatl the serpent,  in sumer there is enki and so forth.  now if you follow authors such as john milton (non-believers bear with me) he explains that there was a war in a much higher dimension long before man was created.  the war centered around the revolt of lucifer against not only his but everything's Creator.  lucifer/satan lost and was cast down to a lower dimension along with his legion.  he escaped with his eyes set toward corrupting mankind.   this i believe is where the illuminati comes in.  the way i understand it, the illuminati consists of these malevonent entities bent on twisting and confusing our reality.  since time is counting down toward judgement satan and his legion are grabbing as many people as possible to fall down with them.  the humans and hybrids in highest positions of earthly power worship baphomet/lucifer and other images as a way to satisfy the evil spiritual principalities that are higher than them.  the rituals you hear about are there to tune them into their source of strength, power and ultimately, influence.

i believe in proverbs (or is it psalms) it is stated that this world IS lucifer's world.

so when you hear illuminati and NWO don't just consider human but also demonic will as well.

but we will rise, by virtue of the Almighty.  Good is not only better than evil, it precedes it chronologically, hence heaven before hell, paradise before the fall, childhood before lost innocence, again, think origin point....

silly putty, you have just been served.
X - The 'Son Of God', Horus

"Chi or X is often used to abbreviate the name Christ, as in the holiday Christmas(Xmas)."

Mind blown from Patrick Bateman's post.

LOL or.... xpleto ls Christ ln greek and "x" is the abbreviation...
Wait Whut?
We've had plenty of physical evidence of Giant Squid existence for years
Actual proof being dead squid washing ashore ..
but only one incident that I know of where they caught the squid actually still alive on vid .. died shortly after
This was in 06 so your math is off

I think it was Animal Planet or National Geographic that had footage of the giant squid alive in it's habitat no computer animation no made up situations this was the real thing.
I agree tho .. Why are we so concerned with space , when we don't diddly about our own ocean?
While I do agree that the study of oceans is important, there are many threats that originate from space. 

Asteroids, comets, solar flares, and the threat posed by hostile extraterrestrial life forms all pose great issues. We should learn to harness the oceans power and such but space research is more to watch our backs.
Neither of you have said anything but a word.....SMH...the book of revelations teaches us that in the end days leviathan (the sea beast) and behemoth (the land monster) will be loosed.  That sea monster is lurking big time.  While behemoth could be lamped up in a giant unnavigable mountain somewhere.  Perhaps it resides within the earth itself, well beyond the sea.  I truly believe most of our myths are rooted in historical fact as opposed to the anxiety-ridden conscious of some pre-historic-superstitious-early-man.  you yourself can then look at all of mankind's myths and see how they all correlate with one another despite the vast amount of distance (both spacial and chronological) that would tempt to have you believe otherwise.

another thing to ponder is the origin point.  look at anything and there's an origin point.  a seed, a sun, a thought to be more precise.  now you (an atheist perhaps) could say, "well you can't have the seed without the tree.  This origin point you mention is not proof of one creator's existence.  it's all just repetitious building and re-building."


the seed, the sun, we are not old enough of a species to have first-hand knowledge of which came first the chicken or the egg.  i concur.  we are however old enough to realize that we can't have action without thought first, or words without thought.  Now you say, "Oh, but you thought that way because someone acted upon you" or whatever the case may be.  sure, but their action was preceded by a thought.  the origin.  everything spirals down while also spiraling outward.  to claim ignorance of an original thinker or rather creator is quite a rebellious act given all of the evidence to the contrary.

tony soprano (the greatest TV character of all time) once said, "what kind of god does this $%^&"

the kind of creator that has given you free reign to exercise your own power - with each man and woman governor of their own fleshy realm.  an atheists pointed rebuttal could be, "well what of the mentally handicapped?"  they are simply in a different state of consciousness, it is clear to see.....perhaps, even, mentally torn between realms.

as for the illuminati this is how i understand it to work.  in the book genesis (and in other cultures) we are told that beings came down to this planet and mated with our women.  the mayan speak of quetzalcoatl the serpent,  in sumer there is enki and so forth.  now if you follow authors such as john milton (non-believers bear with me) he explains that there was a war in a much higher dimension long before man was created.  the war centered around the revolt of lucifer against not only his but everything's Creator.  lucifer/satan lost and was cast down to a lower dimension along with his legion.  he escaped with his eyes set toward corrupting mankind.   this i believe is where the illuminati comes in.  the way i understand it, the illuminati consists of these malevonent entities bent on twisting and confusing our reality.  since time is counting down toward judgement satan and his legion are grabbing as many people as possible to fall down with them.  the humans and hybrids in highest positions of earthly power worship baphomet/lucifer and other images as a way to satisfy the evil spiritual principalities that are higher than them.  the rituals you hear about are there to tune them into their source of strength, power and ultimately, influence.

i believe in proverbs (or is it psalms) it is stated that this world IS lucifer's world.

so when you hear illuminati and NWO don't just consider human but also demonic will as well.

but we will rise, by virtue of the Almighty.  Good is not only better than evil, it precedes it chronologically, hence heaven before hell, paradise before the fall, childhood before lost innocence, again, think origin point....

silly putty, you have just been served.

None of the above... this idea doesn't happen until the new testament...
I opened that site up and just read the titles of the books. Is it "safe" to open those on my cpu?

l wouldn't open any of those boocs...
New Nessie Proof?

After questing for decades, Nessie hunter George Edwards claims to have photographic evidence to prove the elusive Loch Ness Monster exists. The newly published image shows what appears to be a dark hump breaking the surface of the lake. According to Edwards, the photo has been verified by a Nessie sighting specialist as well as US military monster experts. More at Mail Online.
Neither of you have said anything but a word.....SMH...the book of revelations teaches us that in the end days leviathan (the sea beast) and behemoth (the land monster) will be loosed.  That sea monster is lurking big time.  While behemoth could be lamped up in a giant unnavigable mountain somewhere.  Perhaps it resides within the earth itself, well beyond the sea.  I truly believe most of our myths are rooted in historical fact as opposed to the anxiety-ridden conscious of some pre-historic-superstitious-early-man.  you yourself can then look at all of mankind's myths and see how they all correlate with one another despite the vast amount of distance (both spacial and chronological) that would tempt to have you believe otherwise.

another thing to ponder is the origin point.  look at anything and there's an origin point.  a seed, a sun, a thought to be more precise.  now you (an atheist perhaps) could say, "well you can't have the seed without the tree.  This origin point you mention is not proof of one creator's existence.  it's all just repetitious building and re-building."


the seed, the sun, we are not old enough of a species to have first-hand knowledge of which came first the chicken or the egg.  i concur.  we are however old enough to realize that we can't have action without thought first, or words without thought.  Now you say, "Oh, but you thought that way because someone acted upon you" or whatever the case may be.  sure, but their action was preceded by a thought.  the origin.  everything spirals down while also spiraling outward.  to claim ignorance of an original thinker or rather creator is quite a rebellious act given all of the evidence to the contrary.

tony soprano (the greatest TV character of all time) once said, "what kind of god does this $%^&"

the kind of creator that has given you free reign to exercise your own power - with each man and woman governor of their own fleshy realm.  an atheists pointed rebuttal could be, "well what of the mentally handicapped?"  they are simply in a different state of consciousness, it is clear to see.....perhaps, even, mentally torn between realms.

as for the illuminati this is how i understand it to work.  in the book genesis (and in other cultures) we are told that beings came down to this planet and mated with our women.  the mayan speak of quetzalcoatl the serpent,  in sumer there is enki and so forth.  now if you follow authors such as john milton (non-believers bear with me) he explains that there was a war in a much higher dimension long before man was created.  the war centered around the revolt of lucifer against not only his but everything's Creator.  lucifer/satan lost and was cast down to a lower dimension along with his legion.  he escaped with his eyes set toward corrupting mankind.   this i believe is where the illuminati comes in.  the way i understand it, the illuminati consists of these malevonent entities bent on twisting and confusing our reality.  since time is counting down toward judgement satan and his legion are grabbing as many people as possible to fall down with them.  the humans and hybrids in highest positions of earthly power worship baphomet/lucifer and other images as a way to satisfy the evil spiritual principalities that are higher than them.  the rituals you hear about are there to tune them into their source of strength, power and ultimately, influence.

i believe in proverbs (or is it psalms) it is stated that this world IS lucifer's world.

so when you hear illuminati and NWO don't just consider human but also demonic will as well.

but we will rise, by virtue of the Almighty.  Good is not only better than evil, it precedes it chronologically, hence heaven before hell, paradise before the fall, childhood before lost innocence, again, think origin point....

silly putty, you have just been served.

As a mind is blown.

One of the greatest post i've read on NT...No troll.
As a mind is blown.

One of the greatest post i've read on NT...No troll.
ok, good looks

None of the above... this idea doesn't happen until the new testament...
good day and i hope this afternoon find you well, sir.  i would prefer  to differ on this matter with you, actually. the difference is that the 'idea' does in fact happen before the new testament.  ancient greek mythology speaks of the warring heavens and their ideas stemmed from egyptian and so on.  moreover,please, if you would, show me wherein did i state that my ideas were formulated by exclusively using a christian context or approach?  no, i would like to have it known that i visualize these images and feelings as an amalgamation, a conglomerate if you will, of all i've experienced and, moreover,  what others needed to experience in order for me know and feel all that i do regarding the matter.  

you see, if you try and visualize everything as a filter with it's own steady center of hold you will realize that the currents overlap, and that no two ripples are exactly alike - in turn, take advantage of the unique qualities bestowed upon you.
MUFON (update) - National Release of two 'Blockbuster' UFO discoveries.

August 5, 2012 - The Mutual UFO Network 2012 Symposium is now hitting complete stride. The annual occasion is a main MUFON fundraiser, consisting of three days of speakers, vendors and different meetings. It is getting held this year in Covington, Kentucky, August 3-5. A especially intriguing item – potentially, anyway – happens to be on the schedule. At 4:30 p.m., Sunday, August 5, the “National Release of 'Blockbuster' UFO discovery” (sic) is scheduled to take spot. MUFON International Director David 'The Captain' MacDonald stated in the July issue of the 'MUFON Journal': It is our intent to release not one but two Major announcements which will resonate all through the UFO community for years to come.

Roswell UFO Crash: There Were 2 Crashes, Not 1, Says Ex-Air Force Official

"There were actually two crashes at Roswell, which most people don't know," French told HuffPost. "The first one was shot down by an experimental U.S. airplane that was flying out of White Sands, N.M., and it shot what was effectively an electronic pulse-type weapon that disabled and took away all the controls of the UFO, and that's why it crashed."

"It was within a few miles of where the original crash was," French said. "We think that the reason they were in there at that time was to try and recover parts and any survivors of the first crash. I'm [referring to] the people from outer space -- the guys whose UFO it was."
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